

Welcome back to another exciting episode of "Circles Off," where Rob Pizzola takes the helm in the absence of Johnny, who’s recovering from an unfortunate toe injury. Stepping in is the ever-entertaining Joey Knish, ensuring the episode is filled with laughter, deep sports insights, and plenty of banter. From March Madness highlights to extreme challenges and the best Twitter personalities in the gambling world, this episode is a rollercoaster of fun and information.

Joey Knish Fills In: Hilarity and Sports Deep Dive

The episode kicks off with a lighthearted discussion about unconventional baseball strategies, like using position players as pitchers during blowout games. The hosts humorously debate the effectiveness of these tactics, setting the tone for a lively and engaging episode. Transitioning to March Madness, Rob and Joey celebrate UConn's dominant run and South Carolina's impressive performance in the women's tournament. They highlight the standout moments and expert predictions that came true, making this segment a blend of hearty laughs and serious sports appreciation.

From UConn's Triumph to Spicy Challenges

One of the standout discussions revolves around Caitlin Clark's jaw-dropping skills on the court and her sometimes questionable attitude. This sparks a broader conversation on sportsmanship and the evolution of women's sports, including the rising popularity of women's hockey. The hosts give shoutouts to talents like Haley Van Lith and Paige Buckers, sharing personal takes and experiences that make this segment a must-listen for any sports enthusiast.

The episode then takes a fascinating turn as the hosts delve into the world of extreme challenges. From the infamous spicy "one chip" challenge to achieving high SAT scores, they debate the merits of intellectual versus physical endurance. This light-hearted yet competitive discussion offers a fun break from the sports talk.

Sportsmanship and Skill: The Women's Sports Revolution

Rob and Joey explore the evolution of women's sports, particularly focusing on the excitement and growing popularity of women's basketball and hockey. They discuss the impressive performances of athletes like Caitlin Clark and Paige Buckers, emphasizing the importance of positive body language and team dynamics. This segment not only celebrates women's sports but also reflects on the broader implications of sportsmanship and skill.

Twitter Titans and Betting Banter

The latter part of the episode is dedicated to evaluating the top Twitter personalities in the gambling world. The hosts provide personal recommendations and critique popular lists found through SEO-driven searches. They highlight the expertise, credibility, and quality content of figures like Adam Chernoff and Rufus Peabody. The discussion is both informative and entertaining, offering listeners valuable insights into who’s worth following in the gambling Twitter space.

Unpacking March Madness and Viral Sports Debates

The episode wouldn't be complete without diving deep into March Madness. Rob and Joey marvel at UConn's historic run, comparing their performance to past greats and analyzing the expert predictions that proved accurate. They also reflect on the impressive nature of the women's final, drawing parallels between UConn and South Carolina's commanding performances. This segment is a thorough analysis of recent sports events, packed with standout moments and surprising outcomes.

From the Mound to the Mile: A Sports Journey

The final chapters of the episode cover a range of topics, from the perks and drawbacks of being a phys ed teacher to the challenges of running a beer mile versus a burger mile. The hosts share personal anecdotes and debate the best punishments for losing bets, making this segment both humorous and relatable. They also discuss the rise of the World Putting League and its growing popularity, even catching the attention of Barstool Sports.


In this packed episode, Rob Pizzola and Joey Knish deliver a perfect blend of humor, sports insights, and engaging discussions. From celebrating UConn's triumph to evaluating the best Twitter personalities in the gambling world, this episode promises a rollercoaster of fun and valuable information. Whether you're a sports enthusiast or just looking for a good laugh, this episode of "Circles Off" has something for everyone. Tune in for a lively discussion that covers the gamut of sports, challenges, and social media banter!


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Episode Transcript

00:00 - Joey Knish (Guest)
The Aussies going head-to-head with the Aussies. That's what I drew before and I said get him Kirk, get him Kirk, I'll go there. 

00:06 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Nothing I love more than seeing those you know kangaroos back down welcome to circles off episode number 149 right here, part of the hammer betting network and presented by pinnacle sportsbook. I am Rob Pizzola flying solo this week. Johnny is out. He stubbed his toe. I hear they're're going to have to amputate. So prayers up for Johnny out there. Hopefully he's all good. We'll have him back in the saddle next week. But who can we call on? Short notice that has absolutely no life available at all times? Of course Uncle K, Uncle K, Joey Kanish, stepping up and in. 

00:42 - Joey Knish (Guest)
You know what MLB season? You need an elite guy out of the pen. When the starter gets hurt, you call him in, you bring him in. Thankfully, the pitch clock hasn't torn my UCL yet, so I'm good to go. And yeah, short notice. Any time baby Circles off, ready to go. 

01:04 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
The example you gave is the complete wrong example to give, because when the starter gets hurt, they bring in the long reliever who's usually like the worst remaining pitcher in the bullpen, like just got to eat some innings. It's not. They don't bring in like the closer to pitch. You know, fourth inning when the, when the starter gets hurt, that's not the way. 

01:23 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I mean, I'm not sure if you've kept up with baseball analytics, but uh, you know, you, you did the bullpen. Now the roles are a little bit, uh, you know no closer. No, you bring, bring in whoever you want. When you want high leverage spot, you bring. You might bring in your best guy, so you should, you should follow some of this stuff there's been some position players pitching in the past couple years as well. 

01:43 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
It's crazy stuff nowadays in baseball. Every now, like once a month, it happens position players in the game. A team's losing like eight nothing. They might as well not use a bullpen arm. Let's just have the backup shortstop, go out there and throw batting practice. That's what baseball is nowadays crazy sport. Yeah, I don't hate it. Yeah, I don't. I don't hate it either. Would make of March Madness. We're all wrapped up now. You didn't want Purdue to win because you didn't want a big Canadian guy to take it back to Canada. 

02:09 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I didn't. I didn't want a Canadian guy potentially getting rich on our land. That's what I didn't want. I know this isn't first take here, but it's like UConn being and not that I'm the biggest college basketball savant, but I think you'd put them up there with maybe the best team of the last 30 years or so, or at least in that conversation where I mean four months ago it was like hey, anybody can win this year, and then they just completely smoked everybody from the beginning. So like what kind of? I mean when's the? I mean we'd have to look back. But like in terms of cover margin and margin of victory, who has had that kind of like? Are you going back to? Like Bill Russell and like UCLA Will Chamberlain? Or like when's the last time somebody had that dominant of a tournament run? I don't even know. 

03:01 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Yeah, I have no idea and I watch the tournament every year. I remember when we had Alan Boston on, when conference tournaments were still happening, he said something and he's like, well, uconn is like clearly the best team in college basketball. And then I pulled up, you know, t-rank and Ken Palm. I saw Houston won UConn too. I'm like, what's this guy talking about? Or he was not wrong, like he's not even remotely close. I was at, uh Blue Jays home opener on Monday night, um, and I missed the first half of the game. I'm leaving the Blue Jays game just checking the box score for Purdue UConn. I'm like, looks like Purdue played like really good half year. You're losing by six, like this is not gonna end close and that's that seemed to be the case for both, like Purdue and Alabama. Uh, final four and and the finals. It's man, that yukon team is good, man, like really good yeah, yeah that's. 

03:50 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I mean that's because purdue was it wasn't your, your, you know they weren't last year. The year before, everybody was kind of them out. I, I know, guys, that I moved some best college basketball for were were pretty high on them and like second half it it was just like it was just like winning time, like now we're not going to give them like a bucket and within five minutes of the second half it's like this game's over and like you're just like this is, you know, probably the second best team in the country and they just checked them with 15 minutes to go and like game's over. So, yeah, I don't know, know, I don't know where you I unexpected too of like you're, I don't know. I just didn't see any like this kind of run coming where you know I got I was a little bit more connected to college basketball there, but it was it got into like a point where you're like am I seeing something historic here? Like when's the next, when's the next time I'm gonna see this kind of run from anybody? 

04:40 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
yep, I'm with you, man. It was just a very impressive tournament for UConn all the way through. I watched the women's final on the weekend as well. I kind of got the same vibes in that game Like Iowa, I don't remember what it was early on 10-0, 11-0, something like that. They just hit all the shots and then, once South Carolina came all the way back, it's like clearly this one team is just better than this other, and kind of felt the same way for me in the women's final as well, but like just two really impressive teams in college basketball this year. 

05:08 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I don't know if they can keep. I'm a women's. I've watched now three women's college basketball games, so now I'm a women's college basketball expert and I've had like legitimate group chats. 

Put it in your Twitter bio and it's fact, yeah, like fierce conversation of who's going to be the better pro, fierce conversation of who's going to be the better pro Paige Buckers or Kaitlyn Clark. Like we went back and forth. There was a group for like an hour and that's probably the first time I've talked like wins basketball and like I was dead set on Kaitlyn Clark being like no, no, no, no, sir, I've watched these three games and let me tell you I know the goods when I see it. So, yeah, like in all time I don't know if they can keep it going. It feels like, uh, one of those things that maybe is just lightning in a bottle, but like in all time, women's college basketball week for for the sport. 

I don't know if it maintains, but, um, just insane, insane rating. When I saw that tweet, that was like this is the most watched game in the history of like espn basketball. And then people are like no, we had to ask them three times, wasn't their NBA Finals game? They're like no, no, no, this is legit. I was like, oh man, I don't know, I don't know if it's a hashtag, it's a movement. 

06:17 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
That's the moment that Clay Travis's head separated from his body. 

06:21 - Joey Knish (Guest)
That exact moment Not only a women's sport, but on espn becomes like the most watched game of all time. Uh, I just, uh, yeah, I was. I was really like man. I can't believe. 

06:35 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Uh, I would have loved to have seen someone give him that report um, totally gonna turn heel here and make myself into into like the bad guy. Um, this is my commentary on the exact same level of of joey knish here. I think I probably watched five uh women's basketball games. Uh, over the course of this tournament, everyone rooting for caitlin clark. Obviously I just developed a dislike for caitlin clark because, oh she great player. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the player. Games were highly entertaining, but every time someone on her team would like take a shot and miss, she just like run back down the court, like get me the ball next, like like one of those where I couldn't handle it myself. I was like I don't want to root for this but, um, entertaining sport. I just I didn't. I wasn't all in on the Caitlin Clark hype. I was like I'm gonna be the guy that was like I was rooting for her to fail because I didn't like her attitude on the court. 

07:37 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Man, I don't like that stuff if you're playing pickup, he's the person who, like you don't want to be with. Like I'm not, I don't want to, even though you know they're way better than you. You're not getting any shots up. Like you're there as soon as they're getting the ball, they're jacking up a three and like go rebound, go play defense. That's all I. I hear what you're saying in terms of, like basketball purity, um I don't. 

08:00 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I don't like that. I don't like bad body language. That's that bothers me in any pro sport. I grew up playing sports Like you don't show your teammates up whatever. Someone misses a shot and it feels like you know, somebody doesn't see her open for a pass and she's going to be like I don't want to say berating, that's not the right word but clearly it irks her a lot and I get it. She's a great player running back down the court. It irks her a lot and I get it, she's a great player running back down the court. But I noticed that in the first game that I watched her and then I noticed it in the second game, then I noticed it in the third and I'm like, ah, there's something about this that I really am enjoying this game, but I don't want to see her have success and I think that makes me a piece of shit. It really does. But I'm just speaking honestly and openly here. I don't like that in sports. I like the people who, you know, support their teammates, up their teammates. 

08:49 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I like to see you know what I just liked, clark, seeing like the level of shot making that you usually like I don't know, I just had you had been. There was a level of entertainment that I'm not usually not to go folkly that I don't usually find from the women's game that, like watching her games was bringing, and some of these games you know done games down the stretch were like oh, I can actually get into this, even as just from like a sports fan standpoint of like oh, she's hitting logo threes or like going off for five threes in a row. There was kind of a I don't know almost like a curry-ish feel to it. Uh, that you were kind of like I need to see this spectacle I don't mind that at all. 

09:27 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I actually enjoy that. When, like, a player is just so amped up, like they're feeling it, it doesn't matter, they're gonna shoot from. That's not what bothers me. Like she's an excellent player and probably like her, taking those three pointers from like two steps over midcourt is better than a lot of players just shooting Right. 

09:45 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Then like, yeah, putting it into the post for a Iowa center. Yeah. 

09:48 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So I get it and I can understand the frustration, but that that was my overall opinion of it. The women's tournament was great, honestly, very entertaining, and I hope it. I hope everything succeeds. I hope women's sports succeed, not because I'm going to be the guy that's like, I'm not the woke guy or whatever, but if, if we could grow another bunch of sports, the stuff that I can bet on and watch religiously, I'm all for it. Man, we can get markets on all this stuff. I will be front row at all these games. Uh, toronto's hockey team pretty amazing right now. Women's hockey as well. Gotta throw them, throw them some love. 

10:23 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Is there a canadian women's hockey league? Oh yes, oh, a. Throw them some love. Is there a Canadian women's hockey league? Oh yes, oh. Like a pro Canadian, I didn't even know this existed Go ahead, zach, not Canadian, it's. North American. There's US teams too. I didn't even know. Boston, Minnesota, New York. Okay, what's the N or? 

10:47 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
W EWHL. Ewhl. 

10:49 - Joey Knish (Guest)
EWHL yeah. Yeah. 

10:53 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
You're not going to want to get started on the league right away, because Toronto is very good and I know that will pay you. Yeah, I'm already out. 

11:00 - Joey Knish (Guest)
So yeah, thank you for saving me, though, because that shouldn't shock me. But yeah, no, I didn't even know the PD For Zach. There was a big debate going on Haley Van Lith, paige Buckers, or even there were some Caitlin Clark fans out there. If you had to go out with one of them, who of the three you're a Bucers guy, I can already tell just on the hair, but who of the three are you taking? Hvl, it's HVL. 

Oh, me too, Me too. Well, then we'll have to go. I was HVL, even though she got absolutely booked by Clark. Yeah, I liked. She needs some consoling. I'm there. I liked I was good. She needs some consoling. I'm there, I'll let her know, I'll put. I'll put in a word here down here. 

11:51 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I need some consoling too. 

11:53 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah. Oh I know you already. You prepped me for this, and this is. If this was me, I'd be despondent. 

11:59 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
This was heartbreaking. I lost the Hammer Survivor Pool, which we did amongst full-time employees of the Hammer, in a horrible fashion. We each had to pick two teams on each day and the first Thursday of the tournament I lost both games. I took Kentucky and BYU Both lost, so I finished in dead last. It makes it so much worse because Alex Moreto won the Hammer Survivor Pool. So I had to pay him today. 

I saw him. I paid him in person. It was depressing, but whoever was the last place finisher there was a list that was constructed, I believe, by Zach, maybe by someone else. Someone constructed this list that the last place finisher in the pool has to do two things on this list of their own choice. 

12:50 - Joey Knish (Guest)
It's like a worst, like a list of things that you'd never want to do. Thank God, if I was in it, number one for me would have been paying Moreto, so I would have shot my number one box. I'm like those people who lose the fantasy league and have to like stay at a Waffle House for 24 hours. I'd rather do that before and eat 30 waffles before I paid Moreto cash in person. 

13:09 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Little does he know. I wiped my ass with that hundred before I gave it to him. So it's got a funky smell Moreto. You know why? 

13:25 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I've often thought what kind of edge would I need to have to get down a bet for Moreto to then have to pay him, like If he came to me and was like I know this game is fixed or a past post, we can win Unlimited on it. Would I still actually want to have to do this and then him walk around with the sense that he got a winner for me? Yeah, I feel for you here. 

13:39 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I think in that situation you tell him you got down a ton and if it wins you just tell them that you got stiffed on the money, or something like that yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, yeah, I'm sorry buddy. Yeah, no good if it loses is the full amount I mean that's an ultimate scumbag move, but you do that type of stuff to people you don't respect and moretto's in that. 

13:59 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, yeah, he's in that category. What's no, give me the, give me the list here that Zach. 

14:04 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Okay, so seven items. One you wear a rival team's jersey on all-hammer content for a month. That doesn't bother me all that much. 

14:13 - Joey Knish (Guest)
No, a month is I can see like doing, but a month is like I don't wear the stupid. Would it be like a Canadians for you? 

14:21 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
They can get me to do Canadians or Yankees or, um, you know, giants eagles, something like that. But I I already og stack, george, I have to dress up as a dolphin for one of the forward progress videos next year, because the dolphins beat the cowboys last year. So I don't know if I want to do like another one of these stupid types of bets. But yeah, that one's an easy one, so that's one. Uh, beat joey chestnuts hot dog eating record over the course of three days. So I believe I'd have to eat 76 hot dogs in three days that's a lot of dogs I don't want to do that, man. 

14:59 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, no, that would be no, I mean you're talking like 25 and a half dogs per day 25 and a third, but yes, You'd have to eat 77 to beat them oh 77 to beat them. 

15:16 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So 25 and two thirds hot dogs per day. That's disgusting. 

15:22 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Can you take down eight dogs a meal, three meals a day? 

15:25 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So I am ashamed to say that the Blue Jays do loony dogs on Tuesday nights and I ate 11. At a game last year that was over the course of two hours. I can do this amount of food, but I'd feel disgusted Like I ate 11 and I wanted to throw myself off the level. 

15:43 - Joey Knish (Guest)
That's a rough one. Yeah, it's tough, rough one yeah. 

15:45 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
It's tough Complete a marathon. 

15:49 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I mean, I would never try, I just I die. So there wouldn't there would never be complete. I just stroke out somewhere You'd find me. So yeah, if there's, I'm just not good there's. I mean, you're talking like months of training to even have a shot. 

16:05 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Yeah, I mean. Complete a marathon, I think, is the absolute nut low on this list, Like healthy activity for a long period of time. No, thank you. 

16:14 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I just don't, I don't know, I don't, I'm not sure. I mean, I guess it'd be, you know, physiologically possible, but yeah, that's an absolute. No, logically possible, but yeah, that's an absolute. No, I can't believe. We've already gone from having to wear another jersey to run a marathon, and it feels like these are not weighted properly. 

16:34 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
It's becoming more and more clear that the rival team jersey is definitely one of the ways to go here. Film a GRP-style video with your own picks, every day for a month on the Hammer HQ. 

16:50 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I mean that's in the conversation especially over dogs and marathon. 

16:55 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Yeah, one chip challenge. I've done that already. I'm not doing that again. Let's move that off the list it sucks. 

17:03 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I was going to say how did that? Uh, like the next, did that last for you? For, like, how are you feeling next day? 

17:10 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
honestly not too bad at all. Okay, I was. I was pretty in pretty good shape. I eat a lot of spicy food. This is obviously next level but uh, there is no more one chip in. Uh, in can. They don't sell that chip in canada anymore. I believe there was I don't know the exact story someone died. I believe there was I don't know the exact story Someone died from doing this chip. There was a few deaths. A few deaths, allergic reactions, I think. Oh. 

Yeah, they don't sell that chip anymore, but there's a new one chip. Instead of it being really spicy, it's really salty, and I've watched people do it and it looks so much worse Like I can't picture it being that much worse. Yeah, but the reactions these people are having, it's rough, man, I almost want to throw up just watching the reactions. So I'm not doing that. This one you might know more about. Take the SATs with a minimum 1,300 score requirement. 

18:10 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I mean, that's just like the marathon. You're going to give Joe a K in SAT. He's not going to get 1,300. He studied for six months Six months of training for a marathon I'm probably not finishing. Six months for the SAT. I'm not getting a 1,300. I don't even know what the scoring range is. 

18:25 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So an average. I think average score is like 1060, and the top is 1600. But we don't do SATs in Canada so I don't know how hard the test is. I know it's about two and a half hours. Do you study for this or is it just a general test of knowledge? 

18:40 - Joey Knish (Guest)
There's some material that can prep you for it. Here's what I'll say. Joey K never took the SAT. So the SAT is only if you're going to try and get into, like if you want to go to a university or an out-of-state college. If you're going to community college and you've already been set, you don't need the SAT. So I took the I don't think it's around anymore, but it was the ACT, um, back in the day, and that I think they just have the SAT now. Uh, I did take the ACT, I don't know. I think it was like a perfect was a 35. I think I got like a 18 or something. Um, you passed barely. It didn't. Uh, it got me into, uh, yeah, the community college. I don't think I needed that either, but can the? 

19:29 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
are the sats like used against you, if you like? Let's say, you take the sat test and and you get a, a bad score when you apply to university or college. Do they get that score no matter what? Or, do you like, just only send it if you got a good score? 

19:44 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I think it has to be part of the submittal package, for for some school it depends on the school too. Some school, yeah, like your lower level stuff and your feeder schools aren't going to care, but I think if you're trying to get into you know yale or something there, you're going to need your sat along with, uh, your 4.7 gpa or something like that I feel. 

20:05 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I feel like I don't know what a 1300 is Like. I feel confident. If I'm doing a general test of intelligence. It's going to be arrogant, but I've done these before Like I was accelerated one grade through all of school because I kept doing tests that put me in a certain. Testing out. Yeah exactly. So I feel like that would be a no-brainer for me, honestly. But if it requires studying, I don't want to study. I'm not studying for like three weeks for a test. 

20:35 - Joey Knish (Guest)
No it just I'd rather do the marathon, like it might be some things that are when you're regularly doing them in high school, where you know you're where you're regularly doing them in high school, uh, where you know we, you're just like whatever those. Your school system is um a score, a 1200 score is between the 71st and the 80th percentile, so a 1300 would make you more like, closer to the 80th to 90th percentile yeah but it's just like, again I don't know. 

I again I don't even remember, like I never took it. So I to the 80th to 90th percentile, yeah, but it's just like, again I don't know, again I don't even remember, like I never took it, so I don't even know the content. But like, if you're doing you know there's a bunch of calculus or something on there. It'd be like, oh, I'm in Winslet. 

21:18 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I mean, I don't do calculus every day, but I was good at math, like I'm sure I can like. Okay, so what? 

21:23 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I'm gathering here is, I would say, just I, I kind of want to know where you'd score now. Just uh, kind of wonder what I would score now, probably like a 400 uh but I might have to do like a hammer. 

21:33 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Sa sat, yeah, hammer sat challenge but like all the results, got to get everyone's signing that the results get published no matter what it's got to happen. All right, I'm gonna set that up. That's happening. 

21:43 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I think that's riveting content riveting my only yeah, my goal would be to score higher than the hitman don't. 

21:53 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I don't think that'll be a challenge personally. Um final one you know phys ed. Phys ed teacher I don't know. 

22:02 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I don't know how much of the sat's got dodgeball on it, but you have that down. 

22:07 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
There was like those who can't do, teach those who can't teach, teach Fizet. That's like the classic. 

22:16 - Joey Knish (Guest)
And then bail to become professional gamblers after a few years. 

22:20 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I will say I like to throw in the trolls, I will say I like to throw in the trolls when he sends me a couple losing bets or we have a bad run that I'm sending you back to Jersey City PPL. 

22:34 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I'll be honest with you, I think, actually being a phys ed teacher would be amazing, Like that's a job that I'd love to have Outside of the pay. Well, yeah the way we pay, that we give in this country. 

22:42 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
But even then, relative to the money, I think there's like way worse things you could be doing, like A hundred percent. 

22:49 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Right, yeah, that would be fantastic. I mean, like when I was in high school, our phys ed teacher was like we were. It was awesome. There was like I mean, he was probably like in his mid-30s. He participated in everything Like we would do. We had individual sports and team sports, two different classes, and he taught both of them. So he's like we were doing racquetball, we were going bowling in the morning, then you'd have like team sports. You're like your hockey, your dodgeball, soccer, like I agree, I'd be great for, I mean, maybe not a job that you age well into and I'm not a lot of, you know, 60 year old phys ed guys, but as like, uh, from 21 to 40, like, oh man, this is a great gig. They're paying me to do this. I'm eating up on a couple, you know, like the girls hockey I'm, you know, jumping in and scoring you know four goals there. 

I feel like about myself that I don't, I don't need it I'm with you. 

23:42 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Final item is either doing a beer mile or a burger mile, so four beers and four laps around the track, or four burgers and four laps around the track. 

23:54 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I would 100% throw up if, with the beer like where I did this in when I was doing playing basketball in high school, there was drank a couple. So like we were doing some conditioning, and it was like there was like people like a dare, like yeah, you won't drink two of these. It was like cherry seven up or something like drink two of them. Then we go do conditioning and see if and like I was like give it to me. I was like I never throw up, like give it, let me, let me do it. Drank the two cherry seven ups three laps in was on the side like hurling over, so like I think you'd be throw. I think the beer be easier because I think you would just end up puking but you're you. 

You were a bench player, so your cardio wasn't great, right, it wasn't great anyway, so I mean, right, I wasn't used to like yeah, I was like I don't use yeah, so I was normally, like you know, usually drinking the seven up I'm while I'm watching the game from the bench, but now I actually had to run, so that didn't, that didn't do well, but which one would you do there? The beer, the burger? 

24:52 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I would rather do the beer and do the laps than the burger, than four burgers and laps. When I eat. You know, when I eat a lot of food and then exercise afterwards, I get like I think it's common People get like abdominal cramps, like I can't make it around the track after eating, like that, four beers, four laps. It depends on the structure, right, like, are you doing one beer and then a lap and then another beer and then a lot? 

25:13 - Joey Knish (Guest)
if I could do that, I think I could do that no problem see, and you're more of a drinker, like if I'm, if joey k has four, like four real beers, I'm, I'm gonna be, you know, healing. I'm going to be running around, I'm going to be in about four to six lanes on that track before I throw up between one of the laps. So, yeah, that would be. I'd probably do the burger, but I think the beer would be more entertaining. 

25:41 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I think the best case scenario for me is I do rival team jersey in all hammer content for a month and I do the beer mile. I think those are personally the best options for me, because grp style video with your own picks. I think that entails that, like you know, you got to do it in a manner where it looks like you're completely losing it and, uh, you know, writing. 

26:03 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I don't want to do that like that's going to be out there. I mean I could. I could do that pretty easily. But I understand that's not your bag, but also the uh, I mean the sat. I just would be yeah but because wait does it? Do you get to cross it off if you don't get 1300? 

26:18 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
no, you got to keep, you got to basically keep doing it, so it's like two and a half hours at a time and you just and like, like, if you fail the first time with like a 1050, like. 

26:29 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, you're in like yeah. Well. I got to go to the, got to go down the list now because I'm not I'm not kicking it up 300 points here by next week. 

26:38 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Yeah, but now that we're going to do the Hammer SATs, I'm going to cross that off the list anyways. Are you fucking kidding me? All right, the theme of today's episode is Twitter. We're going to get into that in a second, but before we do, I want to remind everyone out there that if you're serious about sports betting, you have to check out Pinnacle Sportsbook. I've been betting with Pinnacle for many years. They're absolutely a great sportsbook for players Low margins, great customer service. They show you the limits on every single bet, so you don't have to worry about being limited or that spinning circle where you get referred to trader. Just a solid sportsbook that's been in business for 25 years. So check them out. If you're in Canada, and if you're going to sign up, use code HAMMER to do so, as it does support us here. On Circles Off. You must be 19 plus, not available in the US, and, as always, I can't preach this enough. Please play responsibly. 

I wanted to do this episode for a long time. Yeah, about three months ago. It was actually Johnny's idea. Not that it was his idea, but he circulated an article which we're not going to share here. People could find it this one and many ones like it very easily, which was the the top follows on gambling twitter I generally I think I know what article he's referencing and it's like absolute, it's like yeah, yeah, like where. 

28:00 - Joey Knish (Guest)
It's like uh, you're where, yes yes, I contracted hepatitis B. 

28:03 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
from just reading the list, from reading this list of people yes, yes, so I'm not here to rag on those people. 

I'm not going to cite this specific article, but what I did immediately after reading that one, and almost vomiting as I read it, I then went to Google, like I tend to do, and typed in top gambling Twitter accounts to follow. There's a lot of SEO power houses out there who are producing this content, and all these lists suck. I'm just going to call it off Now. This is my own personal opinion, but most of these lists that I've gone through for the top people to follow on gambling Twitter, I don't follow them, or I follow a very small percentage of them. In fact, I would argue that you should probably just block and mute most of these people, because they can get you nowhere in life. 

That's what I would suggest. So what we're going to do for today's episode is I'm going to give out my favorite I don't want to say my favorite the top follows on gambling Twitter, according to a set of criteria that I'm going to outline. I'm then going to ask uncle k here to review, see if there's any agreements or disagreements in these certain subjects uh, subsections and then at the end uh, because uncle k is known around gambling twitter as being a scumbag, we're going to allow him to give his worst follows People that you should probably avoid at all costs. 

29:28 - Joey Knish (Guest)
So I said I wasn't going to do the cliche. There's the ones that you could come off and rip off a couple of the touts. I'm going to go a little bit outside the box with some of the people who you wouldn't think would be on the worst follows list, because I didn't just want to do the generic like oh, don't follow the philly godfather, he's a scammer. Like, yeah, I mean, yeah, we could sit there for an hour and read one of those best follow list you're just talking about, about people you don't follow. So I got a couple of some some mutuals as well. Uh, that we know that. 

30:01 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Uh, I'm gonna gonna go hit on for, uh, poor follows yeah, that's probably a good starting point is just to do the Google search of the best accounts when you see those lists unless they have me on them, by the way. If they do have me on them, then that's fine, that's totally okay, but anyone else probably just mute all those down the list, never encounter them. Uncle K will give you some little hidden gems. I guess that are probably not worth it. I'll describe the process here. 

So this is very loaded, because you say, like top follows on gambling Twitter, what I value is what different than Kanisha is going to value. It's different than what Johnny would have valued. It's different than what Zach would have. Everyone's going to have their own things that they value. So I'm going to go through the criteria that I think are important. Now, not every single person on this list is going to meet every single piece of this criteria. In fact, I'm not sure every single one of them, a single one of them does. But for me, I'm looking for expertise and credibility, so people who have proven track records in the betting space, in the gambling industry, whatever, some sort of credibility around them, and that's based off of my own personal experiences and people that I know. So that's one thing. That's big Agreed Kanish. 

31:21 - Joey Knish (Guest)

31:21 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Okay, the quality of any content that they put out, or just the general quality of the tweets. Do they have good analysis? Do they have good tips? Do they offer up good strategies? You basically, yeah, there's just a summary of quality. Simple as that. Transparency and honesty. Simple as that. Transparency and honesty. Not necessarily that people are recapping their records every day, but people who are not misleading, or they're not, whether that's intentional or unintentional, because there's people who are just scammers, like Kanish said, like your Philly Godfather types. Then there's the people that they don't actually know that they're misleading, but they are. They just don't know anything on that. 

32:05 - Joey Knish (Guest)
There's a lot of those Like a lot People that, yes, or like, have the think they have figured it out but actually haven't, or like, yeah, a high, high volume of that type of account the gambler's fallacy account, we could call them. 

32:22 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Agreed. Next, I'm looking for engagement and interaction. Not necessarily the numbers on their tweets, not how many people view them, but do they engage with their followers? Do they respond to questions? Do they participate in discussions? Do they provide personalized advice Basically, how they interact with the community? Next, worth a little bit less, but I like a little bit of innovation and uniqueness as well. We'll get to some of those accounts afterwards, but somebody that brings something fresh to the table, something that's a little bit different than what everyone else is doing out there. Ethical standards important to me and then consistency as well In terms of well, this person's not gonna disappear and not tweet for six months after you go and follow them. Like they're maintaining some sort of consistent posting schedule, they regularly update their followers, they respond to tweets, stuff like that. So that's kind of what I'm going off of here Expertise and credibility, quality of content, transparency and honesty, engagement. Expertise and credibility, quality of content, transparency and honesty, engagement, innovation slash, uniqueness, their ethical standards and consistency Sounds like a decent enough criteria, yeah. 

33:37 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, Okay, I don't think, and you gave me a little preview of the list here and I agree with that. I think it's a list. That's not. You know, usually most of those like best follow accounts on gambling Twitter are just like content churning accounts which is your like, you know, like hashtag pics accounts or people who are like. I think you've got a criteria that people who actually like, if you want to get into like more than just the I think you've got a criteria that people who actually like, if you want to get into like more than just the surface level of sports betting. A lot of these people kind of fit that criteria. 

34:13 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
And I'm glad you brought that up because, like to me, those picks, churning accounts, the content churning accounts like, frankly, you may be able to find some diamonds in the rough there, people who actually win at betting and they update every day and they post their records and they, you know, whatever they track on betstamper or you may be able to find that, but there's it's like a needle in a haystack. Honestly, the same with the content. I'm glad people watch this content. I firmly believe in what we're doing. Honestly, 99% of the content out there you're just better off doing anything else with your life, anything else. So, like, this is not the list you're going to get. It's not the ones that are pumping out 48 videos a day with their pick of the day and the analysis on it and whatever. This is more so meeting the criteria that I have outlined. 

35:07 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Because there's a good chance, even if you don't realize it, that that list of people or those people are not helping you in any way whatsoever in terms of trying to either win at betting or get more knowledgeable in the space, exactly. 

35:21 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I'm going to lose some friends over this. I did consider it because I went through all the people that I followed and I originally started this list at like a couple hundred and then slowly narrowed it down based off of the criteria and I summed to list out the names. This is tough for people to follow if you're listening, but do your best. What we will do after the fact is we're going to tweet out this list in some format. If you're watching on YouTube, first and foremost, smash that like button down below. But secondly, we're going to include this in the episode description as well. Links to everybody that we're outlining here. You'll also see it up on screen as we go, so you'll see the names Composite. 

Follow people. Tell me I'm an idiot. Do whatever you got to do, and for those of you out there that agree, disagree, let me know down in the comments below. There's someone you think I missed. Put it down in the comments below. I'll respond to them after the fact as well. Tell you whether or not I agree or whether or not I think you're high, or something like that. The essentials. I'm calling this the essentials. Haralabob Bob Vulgaris, one of the most successful bettors around, doesn't tweet so much about sports betting now, but I think that there's actually a lot of value in following the best people at their craft who put a lot of stuff out there. Bob on the list. 

36:53 - Joey Knish (Guest)
All right, quick analysis has me blocked so I can't see his tweets anymore, but I would have agreed had he not had he been blocked. Uh, I trolled him over like a Porzingis tweet, uh, a while ago and that that got me the block hammer. I also think he thought I, I like Bob Bob's one of those people that is is around on Twitter and pretty engaged Like even he's he can get in the weeds Like even he can get in the weeds Like. I think he thought I was connected to somebody through something because he had like made a Joey Potatoes like tweet before about like getting down. 

So, yeah, I fired some shots at Bob in the years past. But, I agree, before he took the job with the Mavs, he might have been like one of the top three follows on Twitter for like betting space. He had to go quiet. Since he's kind of got back on it's still good, but it's maybe not the same but there was a time where it was like he honestly was at one point, my favorite account. So, yeah, unfortunately we've had a Twitter falling out, but I agree he is a essential follow. 

38:04 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
All right, kanish blocked by him, but still advocates for him. That's how you know. It's a good follow. That's how you know. By the way, I'm saying these in numbers, but maybe I'll just get away from that. This is not in an order. I'm not ranking people, just so you know. Abnormally dissed Still the highest listened to episode we've ever had in Circles Off history, probably because it was audio only at the time and we weren't on YouTube yet, but abnormally dissed. The challenge, if you're going to go and look at his account now, is that he constantly deletes his tweet history pretty regularly, sometimes deactivates his account. He's right in the midst of gambling Twitter. I don't know much about him. I just think he's a very alluring personality. He's really into motorsports and he tweets out a lot of stuff that could help you if you're motorsports betting Like. He does a lot of work for you that you don't have to do Practice times, qualifying times, whatever, and his own personal handicaps on things. I think he's a very solid follow. Ad, as he's known, kanish abnormally dissed fascinating persona. 

39:05 - Joey Knish (Guest)
one of the best uh would be my number two on all time circles off ranking episodes. Uh, well, I, whatever episodes I'm on, would be one, two, three, whatever. Well, he had been the number two. Uh, on the episodes that I wasn't on, um, his, his story about like going off into the woods to be able to get down at Pingdool and then also him going. 

He's one of those you don't ever want to get on his wrong side because he seems like the type of person that like has like a nonstop vengeance, the never ending bad where Miller and them started that deck prism company and he went the first night, drove to Colorado at Circa and was like arping them first to death for the first night where they like didn't have it all together and he just went there and absolutely crushed them. Just one of my favorite the story no longer exists on Twitter because, like you said, he deletes it. One of my favorite the story no longer exists on Twitter because, like you said, he deletes it. But one of my just all-time troll, retribution, psychotic episode stories I've ever seen. But, yeah, great data as well. If you're following his stuff, he puts out some of the best data. 

40:18 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
you'll get on some of the niche sports yeah and I do want to remind people, as Kanish is telling stories about people, this is not a testament to people's character out there. This is purely whether or not I think they're a good follow. I do think some of the abnormally dissed stuff with Elihu is maybe like a little bit confrontational at times, but that doesn't mean that I don't think he's a good follow altogether. We'll put the Deep Dive crew together here, both of them. 

40:47 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, follow all together. Um, we'll put the deep dive crew together here, both of them. Yeah, no, I didn't want you to. You said I was gonna say you just had andy on the sheet and I was gonna say andy, but no whale it was. 

40:55 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
It was uh. It was a clear uh mishap on uh by me here. The the list is not complete without both At whale underscore capper at Andy MSFW, andy Molitor both of them the deep dive crew, I think anyone who consumes content in the betting space, especially on the sharper side. I don't know what else to say about the guys. I just think you should give them both a follow. They're highly entertaining, really good dudes. Like I said, this isn't a testament of character. This list. These two are high-class, high-character individuals. I don't know what else to add here. Kanish. 

41:37 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, I would agree. I mean they've been around for a while. They put out some of the I remember their and I always give them credit for this their NFL alternate season win total episode one of the better podcast episodes. I think it changed the market going forward. But it was one of those edges that they literally were the originators of in discovery and put that out and just the thought process there. So, yeah, they've had some good. I know Drew, you know they don't Drew's kind of career-wise. They've done a little bit of separate stuff career-wise going forward. So it's not as connected as more, but still, uh, still, quality follows for sure and I I agree with you from a character standpoint of, um, you've really never seen them stoop to the lows of that of maybe that either of us have gone to a few times, uh, in terms of it. 

42:28 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So, yeah, good character guys there yeah, we go from high class to low class. Spanky is next on the list At Spanky on Twitter. Spanky, listen one of the most successful bettors on the planet. What I really appreciate about his account is that he does have his own product in Spank Odds, but he doesn't deal with any sponsorships or anything along those lines. He doesn't overly promote his product, which is actually very important for me in this list as well, but he doesn't deal with any sponsorships or anything along those lines. He doesn't overly promote his product, which is actually very important for me in this list as well, but he just doesn't give a shit. He'll say whatever comes to his mind, and I really appreciate that. About any better who's willing to put themselves out there regardless of what the repercussions are going to be? So Spanky, to me, has to be on the list. 

43:11 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Unfiltered. For sure We've had our couple of disagreements over the years in just like, I will say, the original. This is going to be very haralabob of like. I thought the original spanky coming onto twitter was the best um, when he was first out and posting some of the videos and really trying to turn it up. He's obviously, uh, you know it's changed a little direction over the year, but I agree in terms of essential follow um and someone who again does. You know, if you want to get into the the, the meeting people in the space obviously puts on the big you know kind of. So, um, I would agree with this list on an essential, even if we don't see eye to eye on a number of topics, yep and, by the way, I'm not telling kanish to agree with me on these is coming you. 

He will disagree if he does we've got a couple coming up that I'm gonna, yeah, be more uh disagree on. 

44:02 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I think you're top five there, I agree all right, let's get into number six on the essentials. Uh, adam churnoff at adam churnoff. So adam is now with right angle sports. His account has changed a little bit over the years. Over the years, he's been involved in different types of betting, whether that's NFL, pga and whatever. Here's one of the arguments I'll make for people who are going to be like. Adam has a subsection of gambling. Twitter. That really doesn't like him and everyone's entitled to their opinion, and Adam's been very outspoken about his past as well, which was a long time ago. Some things that would bring his name into a negative light. But overall, I think he provides a lot of value to betters in the space and, on top of that, I do think he keeps it real nowadays as pretty honest, and he's very good source at filtering info or news that I would have to dig a lot deeper into. I think that's where he provides a ton of value. So I'm going to go Adam Chernoff. I think he's an essential nowadays in the space. 

45:07 - Joey Knish (Guest)
There was a point during COVID where I said to myself, if I see one more Cheroff golf swing I'm just going to end it. I just if I see one more video of him in a Canadian field talking about his new swing, I just can't do it. I'm like cooped up in the house worried about getting the Rona. He's out in some random you know talking about uh, if I, if I hit my five iron like this and I said this this is good, this is the last straw for me. Just, lord, if you're up there, take me now please. I would agree with you that the current rev of Chernoff stuff it's been a little different since he went to RAS but it does have like legitimately good and, as you're saying, like stuff that you probably would have had to dig a lot harder for. Um, and you know he did a few things over there. I agree, I think I don't. It's not the peak of it. 

The turnoff account I thought before he joined ras was probably his, uh, you know, like when he was having the best stuff and it was just all released. But I agree, essential follow also does those he's's the face guy for the release show stuff. Say whatever you want about RAS's recent form the last few months, what you think of them as a company. If you want some picks with CLV or Steam Chaser or something, the release show is still going to get you a good number, so you can put them on there. It doesn't cost anything. So, yeah, yeah, I don't mind having him on the list, even if, um, I think his his at least his best stuff was probably right before he joined ras okay, uh, I'm feeling his worst stuff was was during, uh, when the world was shut down by I'm. 

I don't care if he you know the adp, you know didn't pay somebody 20, 20 years ago. I care that I had to watch his uh, you know, backswingwing 800 times during the worst time in world history. 

46:57 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Every morning at like 6 am, somehow I don't even know what the I didn't even know courses open as early as he's playing. It's just a picture of his bag on a course with like a Tim Hortons iced coffee on the ground, like every single day, just advocating for it. And now he's off the Tim Hortons recently. He's recently tweeted oh yeah, so I don't know what's happened. Maybe they changed the bean, the brew, I don't know what's going on Chernoff's taste buds changing, but man was once a big Tim Hortons advocate and now he's not. 

47:30 - Joey Knish (Guest)
He's joining Fez on the Duncan train. Oh, you can get out of here with that. Yeah, I was now, that's no, take them off the list. He's off. They're not no more, no longer on the essentials. But yeah, that's. Yeah, I give you a. At least it's, it's worth the file. It's not to follow for sure. 

47:45 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
All right, maybe we diverge here. Ruf body at rufus p body. Um, I'll say that he also has a lot of the golf tweets that will make an average person want to throw themselves out their own window. Um, listen, I'm I appreciate that rufus has um a brother that he loves, tom, and they do their little p body cup every year where they compete against each other in golf. That's the nut low of uh of tweets, in my opinion, from the rufus account but uh, there, I've got some nut. 

48:18 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I've got some nut lowers, uh, if you uh. But well, I want to say why he's on the list. 

48:23 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
first and foremost, he's a very successful better who occasionally not always, not rarely will actually put out a lot of good information, and, I will say, sometimes unknowingly. I think there's part of him where he likes to consume a lot of other stuff on Twitter and if he sees something that he disagrees with, he'll make it known without kind of realizing that he is putting an edge out there or should be concealing a little bit more. So I think you can learn from a lot of successful bettors who've done it for a long time. They still maintain their edge, are still winning, and maybe not everything here is going to be for everyone, but there's enough here that I think can lead you down a solid path. But Kanish looks like he's just waiting to come in here. 

49:15 - Joey Knish (Guest)
In terms of Rufus the person, I don't mind him, uh, you know at all. I agree with you from the level of success he's had, absolutely legitimate, like you know, history historical better betting group that he has going right now. Um, I don't have a problem being he's just one of those guys like I don't find unlike the first six people of their tweets, where I either sometimes find them entertaining or useful or educate. There is a rare it's a rare day that I'm like oh, that was a great Rufus tweet and I would tell you, just like the Chernoff golf, you know, when Rufus was going through his like I think, breakup or whatever with I don't know, his ex. 

50:00 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Personal issues yeah, personal issues. 

50:02 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, and he was having a lot. It got a little zen. It got a little out there for a while. I'm going to get and listen. Everybody goes through their own thing. Some people like to, you know, put it. Maybe that's a coping mechanism. 

50:15 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
You help trying to feel out there, but also sometimes him and maybe some of the BTP is carrying over into my review here. Bet the process For people that don't know. Bet the process. 

50:30 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Rufus' podcast for people that don't know about the process rufus's podcast, um, where, yeah, I had a btp breaking point, uh, at some point where I just I couldn't. I couldn't take it anymore and listen. I'm sure there's people that feel that same way. About joey k uh, I agree, like he's, you've got to be the right taste here. I don't have a problem being with on the essential. Based on his history, content of his tweets, though, um, he wouldn't be on my essentials list. 

50:55 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Okay, fair enough. We will end the essentials list with. I said I wasn't going to number the people earlier. This follow is numero uno on the list, without a doubt in my mind, at Jeffrey Benson 12,. Jeff Benson, operations manager at Circa. I don't even know where to start with how good his account is. Obviously there's a lot of promotional items for the sportsbook that he works for, totally understandable, coming straight from the heart. It's not like he's selling people, but he encompasses exactly what I am looking for in a Twitter follow Keeping it real with the audience, helping educate people out there, saying the things that need to be said that other people don't want to say. 

51:45 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Jeff Benson essential Twitter follow 100% agree and this isn't just a Kool-Aid circa everything. I agree. Like he mixed. He had a tweet the other day about some guy. When they tweeted out the they had like a UConn or Purdue to win the national title prop and he said he wanted like. In the response said he wanted 3.3 million on no and responds to the guy after the game was final that our credit department needs to pay within 30 days, like that. That's the level of like drool and he doesn't mind mixing it up. I know he always goes back and forth with that. Uh, the point sucks, guy who always drives him crazy. 

Um, so yeah, not afraid to mix it up also from a. 

If you're someone who uses the book like extremely helpful information in terms of like, here's, when we're releasing x, y and z at circa no other we're like a lot of books it just pops up on the screen or you have no idea. 

When they're releasing you know future win total, even the, the big, you know the fan duels and the don't do this like just pops up. I don't know, I don't know why people haven't thought to replicate what jeff does in terms of like, hey, we're, we're doing this on. You know we're doing regular season wind tolls on you know july 31st and then futures on july or august 2nd, like I can't believe no one else is doing that. So it's like I know circuit is only available in a few states, but uh, if you bet there or you want to use their lines to help, uh, you know, because they can the market kind of trends that way. Extremely helpful like date and time information that I I don't. I'm shocked other sports books a lot of them have not replicated all right, that's the essentials list that I have. 

53:28 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Do you think I left anyone off of the essentials list? I probably have right, like I, I'm certainly can make this longer, but like those are my go-to accounts, in my opinion should be anyone's go-to accounts I like it's a little bit more of a niche essentials list that that isn't. 

53:46 - Joey Knish (Guest)
That doesn't have to include, like your, your mass follow, your, you know, multi, multi hundred thousand follower account. I think it's a good list of um and I'm going to have I'm going to have a guy who should have been on this list at one point who now has fallen off onto the Joey K anti list. Uh, so that'll be a teaser to come up that that I would have had on the essentials for a long, long point of his career, that that has deservedly fallen off okay, um, I'm gonna move into the category of smart people. 

You will probably learn something from this number one is it's a no-brainer, no, no-brainer what the the prop? 

54:29 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I mean. I think if we pulled our user base for the best episode of Circles Off that we have ever done, I think he would win His name's Matthew Trenhale, formerly of Pinnacle, but you can follow him on Twitter at Matthew underscore Trench. Everything that Matthew tweets has a certain level of sophistication to it, but just consume what this guy puts out there and you will be a smarter, better. I don't know what else to say. It's other podcasts he's done in the past. Every single thing that Matthew Trent Hill does, he doesn't do a bad podcast. 

55:04 - Joey Knish (Guest)
He's able and there are certain people that have this specific skill set of being able to explain complicated things in a very well understood manner and he has that ability also got has kind of the accent you know good to listen to that, but like he can break down something that uh is is inherently difficult to explain and make it in a consumable fashion for someone like a 400 SAT guy like Joey K. Congrats what he's talking about, when he's talking about sophisticated gambling markets. And I agree with you that if you haven't listened to the Circles Off, I've listened to that Circles Off Trenhal episode at least a half dozen times. I go back for it every once in a while and just listen to it to kind of refresh. So I would agree with you Absolutely a must must follow. 

56:01 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Zach, are we able to? And? 

56:01 - Joey Knish (Guest)
now he's also more active now that he's no longer with Pinnacle. I think he's doing I actually talked to him the other day he's doing a little of his own consulting work, kind of niche consulting work on the side, and is more active on twitter now that he doesn't have the uh basically have. He can tweet a little bit more freely now, okay I'm, I'm. 

56:23 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I'm glad you dropped that. You're on uh. You know friend, friend basis with uh trend. Ale you just call him up whenever you want. 

56:29 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Give him a ring yeah, you know, I tried that's. That's that's why I gave him such a glowing review, because he responds to my DMs. Watch your fucking toes with those name drops. This was me trying to get into his DMs to try and start moving some stuff for him, but he told me he was doing the consulting stuff. So yeah, that was. 

56:48 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
That was a nice way of saying that you're not cut out to move his stuff. 

56:53 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, it's, oh I. That was a nice way of saying that you're not cut out to move his stuff. You just wanted to be a nice guy, yeah it's oh, I'm doing some consulting, Consulting. 

57:01 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
You could say that he had consulted for sportsbooks. I won't say that on this episode, but you could say that about Matt Trenhale. Do we have the technology, Zach, if I point up in a corner of the screen to put that video of? I've seen this on YouTube before. We must be able to do it. Yeah, All right For that video of Matt Trenhill which we recorded a long time ago. You're pointing too high, but yeah. Okay, I got to point down here, yeah, this is where I'm pointing. 

Yeah, you can just click that right up there. Yeah, all right, perfect, it's in there. Now. The beauty of post-production, number two uh, he was recently on episode number 139, mr limited. Uh, mr lii mitted on twitter. If you're gonna follow him, uh, good episode. Enjoyed recording with him really educational account, honestly. Uh, if he has an ulterior ulterior motive I haven't found it yet because just putting out information based off of his experiences and betting out there, I think that's great for anyone out there should have uh, listened to the episode before, uh, you know that before we jumped on here to comment to it. 

58:03 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Haven't gotten to that one in the queue yet, but I'm sure it's great. Um, his twitter account, I agree with you, has, uh, has some quality information. I don't know is, again, I didn't. I probably would know more if I'd actually listen to of, like, his background and that or what he does, uh, which I'm sure was covered on that episode. Um, but I agree with you from a, uh, a smart people standpoint. He does kind of do a number of threads and seems to, you know, have a good idea of of what he's talking about and kind of, you know, helping people out there with some of the process stuff. 

58:36 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Okay, maybe a controversial name coming up here. 

58:41 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Here we are. I saw this one on the list. 

58:44 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
At Plus EV Analytics, a friend of Circles Off, has appeared in studio with us a few times. Now I'll preface this by saying I think think that Plus EV Analytics opinion on the crypto space. You might as well send this guy, put him on a rocket ship, send him straight to the sun, because he has no idea what he's talking about. You see a crypto tweet from this guy. It's time to log off Twitter for the day. 

Whatever, I do think he says some things which I strongly disagree with, but he's entitled to his opinion. However, for accounts that you will learn something from from a quantitative side of things, he teaches a lot of things that are very beneficial to the average person. He does put out bets out there every now and then on weird stuff like alternate win totals and whatever, which I think are great bets for anyone who just wanted to tail those as well, but I think ultimately, there's enough here with this account where it's worth a follow, even though you're going to want to cut yourself at approximately two or three tweets a week because you disagree with them so much. Agree or disagree I'm gonna you're. 

59:53 - Joey Knish (Guest)
The first thing I'll say is the skill that trend hall has about taking the extremely complex thing and putting it into a package where people understand it. The exact opposite is true for plus cv, because I don't know what the hell he's talking about most of the time, with some linear distribution of that. I don't know how he, you know I would, and again, so you might if you're, if you're a very, you know, quantitative or willing to learn, like he is a teacher through and through. You know what I'm saying. Like he's a guy who's willing to teach people, teaches some course on that analytic like, that's no problem would be the type of person that would respond to dms with, with modeling, quite like the just a quant nerd over and over the thing that uh is yes, he does have some opinions that make me want to jump off a roof. Um, he does have that like, like he'd be that guy who's like ap clipping coupons to save a buck here, where, like, where, as someone and I remember trend hail on your pod talking about like the ruthlessness of betting. He doesn't have that. He's like the, the guy he spoke of of. Like the. Oh, I love building models and doing this thing and if I win some money betting, that's a nice plus. 

Where he doesn't have like that's where we kind of jam heads is like he, he doesn't mind throwing out an, I'll tell. Or when michigan first legalized in the state, it was when the alternate season win totals were still a big edge. He sent me some win totals. I got down for him. He absolutely crushed them. So I'll give him some credit. And so this is where you know some people you're going to come across in life who may come something you can find a way to you know, kind of shake hands there and work together in some fashion. But yes, he does say things that sometimes make me jump off a roof the things he says. I can't understand what he's talking about, um, but I think for the right type of person he is a good resource and someone who'd be willing where, um, some of the people we've mentioned are I would not be willing to. Really, he's definitely someone to be willing to help you if you want to put in the effort 100%. 

01:02:00 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
That's a great point at the end of the day as well. Very receptive to feedback from other people, will respond to other people as well. I think that's important, especially if you're trying to learn something from someone Next on the list, austin Mock at amock419 on Twitter. I'll give a little bit of background here. Austin works for the Athletic, does some sports modeling. I've worked directly with Austin on stuff before, so this is very much a biased take by me, but I think he is a banner stand-up guy with a great account to follow, deserves way more than 3,000 followers on Twitter. He is a huge sports fan through and through, but approaches everything with a unbiased lens, I would say. Puts a ton of stuff out there regularly great articles for the athletic as well, and this doesn't. I don't want to like. You know this is an athletic sales pitch, but for people who are a little bit under the radar that you probably don't know about right now, I think austin's a great follow here's the problem with. 

01:03:00 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Here's the problem with all is it? His tweets are too milk toast it's, you know it's. It's like you know paint dry. You're too vanilla he's. He's like guy, like uh, and I I've actually told you about this sometimes some days when you're firing him off of like what a touchdown throw there or something he only has 3,000 followers because he doesn't put enough his content for the athletic, especially if you're in the data and some of the analytic stuff he does. I'm shocked he still only has 3,000 followers too, especially working for the athletic, because he does some good stuff for them. I think he's a person who you would follow to then click on his links to click on his content, his actual tweet content. I got to tell you it's a little lacking for me. I mean, it's not something I'm not, you know there's really it's just too like you know, very it seems like an AI model that doesn't have enough humor built into it here. So but smart guy, good guy, and also I think his stuff for the athletic is very good. 

01:04:04 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Fair enough. I would actually agree on the vanilla-ness of the account as a whole. They are very straight to the point vanilla. I think about every tweet I write and like how can I put some comedic spin on this somehow? I don't think he does that. I don't think Austin's the type of guy that's going to do that. Final account at Professor042, professor Chuck Finley. If that rings a bell to anyone who's following Circles Off, it's got a very small amount of followers under 700 right now. 

01:04:36 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I was going to tell you. I have absolutely no idea who this is and I waited to start to just look at it until we were joining here and I, just to make sure, I've never seen this account in my entire life. 

01:04:47 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I mean less than a thousand people have. Professor Chuck Finley, we put out a request to our listeners many, many moons ago, episodes ago, about creating a closing line value flowchart. There was that guy, shane Trail, if you're familiar with him, kanish, out there who made a tweet about how CLV is the most useless thing. It's just a bunch of people wanting to tap themselves on the back. Professor Chuck Finley here put out a flow chart of when and when CLV matters and when it doesn't matter, and whether or not you should. You know, focus on stuff like that. It does a lot of stuff in the space that kind of really goes under the radar here, with a lot of visuals to accompany it, which I think is very important, especially when you're trying to explain. 

I mean, this guy's a sports analyst. He's an engineer by trade, clearly very sophisticated. You're trying to explain complicated concepts to how do I say it? More average IQ, average sports, better. It's hard sometimes. He does it with visuals, does it in a good way. I'm going to put him as the last person on my list of smart people. You'll probably learn something from. 

01:06:03 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I just followed him because you sold me with the one pictures not having to read and being able to package things to stupider people. So, yeah, I'm all in on it. I just gave him a follow. So when I first took a glance at this list, I thought you meant Professor Shine and I was like, wait a minute, like I can't believe you put him on this list. But then I was like, oh, 42. So no, yeah, I don't have a lot of comment because I didn't know who he was, but I'm in. So next time I'm on I'll have the review then. 

01:06:38 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Okay, we will shift gears to our final category that we're going to do on the show today, which is the entertainment category. Now, this doesn't mean you can't gain insight from these people's accounts. I just think that their account is elevated because of entertainment value. There's some other people that you should follow that are more sports specific, and we're going to tweet those out from the Circles Off HQ account this week. So make sure you're following at Circles Off HQ on Twitter. We will tweet out some other people that are not going to be in this episode that are more sports specific. You're looking for NBA Boom this person. You're looking for CFB, you go to Brad Powers, but maybe some other people as well. College basketball We'll do all that. But the entertainment category how can it not start with Allen Boston at Boston Red 88? For pure entertainment. I don't think you're going to find anything better in the sports betting industry. 

01:07:36 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I've never been more out on a selection than Boston as entertainment. If I wanted Alex Jones with average college basketball, that's mixed in and yes, I guess I would take some Alan Boston follow. No, it's a hard no for me on him. I understand people would like I would check his account every year during the selection show when he was having off a bender that Mount St Mary's didn't get a 13 seed or something because they had you know analytics. But no, I don't need to see the conspiracy stuff. I don't need to see why I should have, you know, never should have put a needle anywhere near me, or why that you know Alabama should be minus six and a half and it closed six and a half. So no, I'm out on Boston from entertainment standpoint. I do not follow him. I will not follow him. 

01:08:37 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
All right, joey Libs, as he likes to call himself. 

01:08:39 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Joey Libs says no, says no to Alan Boston. 

01:08:43 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
All right, he's out on him At PropDude7 on Twitter, who kind of emerged out of nowhere. I do know the backstory. I don't want to share it because he doesn't want it shared. Right now, very small following, less than a thousand people Really just tweet stuff that I would tweet myself, that I'm a little bit too scared to tweet sometimes. Listen, you don't want to just build up your entire following of people who troll other people. There is some troll element to this for sure, but there's. You know. You dig deeper through the troll job and you just you find stuff that makes a lot of sense that you probably didn't know. At prop dude seven goes on the list Kanish. 

01:09:30 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I like it. I thought, yeah, he only started this account in July of 23, and I thought he had the BetStamp link. He's in Canada. Honestly, I thought you guys knew this guy. Like I remember I asked you about this like a month ago. I thought he like either worked with BetStamp or you guys knew, like were friends with him or something, because he was always so. Yeah, I like his account though. I think it's. You know, it's a nice where it's not the same old, like sizzle and that type of trolling where it's just the same thing on repeat. Some creative trolling gets some laughs out of me. Also, some decent stuff every once in a while I like yeah, I'm a fan, I like it, I'm a follower. I just didn't know, like you said, obviously he doesn't want to share it, but I didn't know, like his background or his origin or any of that. 

01:10:21 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Your intuition is correct. So the first three or four months of this account, I knew that I knew this person, but I didn't know who it was who it was I'm like this person is tweeting stuff. That's a little bit too close to home for me. It is confirmed. I do know this person okay, okay, your intuitions make sense are correct. Your intuitions are correct. The next person I don't know. 

I suspect they may have been on gambling twitter before yes in a different account and then resurfaced with a new account at nfl. Pinnacle beat. The reason that his name is, that is. He showed up on Twitter saying that he was going to beat Pinnacle on a bunch of NFL stuff. Now he's just the retired donator, as he has changed his name to after tracking. For a little while. He didn't beat Pinnacle on the NFL, but I could have put this guy in like an nfl specific category, but he's tweeting about more sports nowadays. He has a lot of knowledge and I just find him to be. He likes to mix it up like he he's in every conversation. How's this guy in every conversation on gambling twitter? I don't understand. 

01:11:34 - Joey Knish (Guest)
He's just everywhere he is super active. I don't know why he quit. I was kind of enjoying the theatrics around him. I don't know if he maybe could like he was trying to do Circa and then he was trying to beat Pinnacle. I think it looks like he stopped tracking down about five units. I kind of wanted to see it play out. I don't know if he stopped tracking because you legitimately thought he couldn't do it or like where it came from or why the. So I was enjoying the theatrics there. But I agree he's in the mix a lot um and and worth a follow for sure. Yeah, in a lot of different conversations. Totally agree with you. That has to be kind of some connected to some past account that kind of created a new account that you know maybe uses this one as his primary now. Um, so don't know exactly who, uh, but yeah, at least, uh, I enjoyed the most of his content and at least I don't know, maybe next season he gives another another go yeah, the nfl uh bookmaker beater or something like that. 

01:12:34 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, something along those lines. All right, uh, kirk evans, who is has joined us in studio here for Circles Off a couple times. Uh, he's a member of the Hammer Betting Network over at the Board NBA channel channel, excuse me at Kirk Evans Zero on Twitter. Um, I knew nothing about Kirk Evans, even though he he's very local uh to us in Toronto. What really originally caught me by surprise with this account, and why I actually respected Kirk in the early going, is that a lot of times there's just this new guy that comes along on Gambling Twitter and he gets into it, or they get into it with long-standing members of Gambling Twitter, particularly the Seville members, the gatekeepers, and these guys in Seville just like make the new guy look like an absolute asshat, like knows nothing what they're talking about. Kirk came in and he was starting to get into it with people I respect, like Shipper Diggs, whatever but he was holding his own. 

01:13:42 - Joey Knish (Guest)
He was holding his own, he was getting into it with people, own people, aussies, going head to head with the Aussies. That's what I drew before and I said, get him Kirk, get him Kirk, I go. I had the nothing. I love more than seeing those, you know, kangaroos back down. So, uh, yeah, I, I, I, I agree with you. And he, he had some bumps along the way, he a few lumps, you know, starting out, uh, in some of the stuff there. But yeah, he wasn't afraid to mix it up. Smart, I actually know him, um, decent, well, maybe, maybe help help him out a little bit doing some stuff. So, uh, you know, but I agree, I like kirk as a follow um, and uh, yeah, he, he kind of, you know, also not afraid to. You know, a lot of these people have those like blinders on when they first get on. If someone disagrees with you and they're trying to make you look, then you get mad. He was objective about some of those things too in the learning process. 

01:14:32 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I agree. I think that's what he's very open-minded. There's some things that people firmly believe which, listen, you're just going to argue until you're blue in the face, and that happens right. You're just going to argue until you know you're blue in the face and that happens right. But I thought you know he immediately established a presence of someone that I wanted to know a little bit more and I found value in his tweets and I often find myself messaging him for a lot of NBA stuff nowadays because I think he's really well-versed in it. So Kirk Evans on the list, very random account here, could have picked one of many, but I went with at TR underscore tracker, which, remember this is the entertainment category only. 

01:15:15 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I just saw this account the other day. 

01:15:17 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Okay, I believe the story. 

01:15:18 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I just followed it the other day, probably two days ago. 

01:15:21 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I think the story from this account is that this person subscribed to a bunch of wager talk handicappers, lost a bunch of money and then said screw this, I'm actually going to pay to keep subscribing to all these handicapping services and I'm going to track them all, which he does and posts every day about. All which he does and posts every day about. And listen, I'm not an advocate for buying picks, unless in some instances it can make sense for people. And listen, if you know what you're getting into, do whatever you want to do with your money. 

01:15:56 - Joey Knish (Guest)
But I do love these accounts that literally devote hours of their day to exposing fraud and schemes in the space, which is why I think this account deserves way more attention I agree with you because a lot of the I feel like this used to be more prevalent in this, and then I don't know if it's just people got like the, just the mass, massive information. The people didn't feel like they could win the battle. There hasn't been a good tracking account like this that was doing it right at scale in a long time. So I agree with you. I love that. One of the guys I think it was like Ralph Michaels or something was down like he had lost someone's entire bankroll already in like three months in 2020, but he was down like 120 percent or something. Um, so, yeah, that, uh this, and it's actually, yeah, a very detailed, high quality tracking account. Um, so, yeah, I would agree with you and I, uh I think it's worth a follow for sure I, I, I just like that again someone's that thorough Because it reminds me of my they do have some people that are up a substantial amount on these so 

01:17:07 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
it's not like he's just highlighting the yeah he's not cherry picking, he's just laying it all out there Like. This is what happened, and I think in 2014 or 2015,. I did this exact same thing with the Philly Godfather's website, and that's why I'm very partial to this as well. 

01:17:25 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Okay, so anyways, I think you get entertainment value out of there so, yeah, I mean most of the about like, uh, you even have there's a couple people our boy, teddy covers and dave coken are up on the year like there was a couple, and so it's not highest info. It's very, uh, you know, like, as you're saying, it's legitimate, like he's giving you the real data. 

01:17:46 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So yes, all right. One of my favorite follows on Twitter is at Chuck Goldberg Just goes by Chuck Goldberg I first. I mean he's amassed not a big following on Twitter. We were early adopters of Chuck. Yeah, we got in on Chuck in the early going. Now I think he's more interested in growing his TikTok, which is completely fine. He's much bigger there. I think what naturally attracted to me in the first place was these videos he would post on Twitter exposing like TikTok frauds Detective. Chuck. 

Detective Chuck was actually really good, but from a pure entertainment value, he tweets a lot about soccer. You know you kind of got to be into soccer because he's a big epl guy or whatever, um, but on february 25th grp wins, uh bet justin fields to the colts and uh, I think my favorite tweet this year was Chuck Goldberg saying Justin Fields to the Colts. My brother, how did you develop CTE from gambling? I don't know why I laugh so hard when I see this, but it was such a great tweet that just made me laugh. Chuck is a great follow, highly entertaining individual. You don't have to agree or disagree. 

01:19:04 - Joey Knish (Guest)
You know agree with everything he says I remember following chuck before he had like a thousand followers on twitter. Uh, I'm telling you that like we should hire this guy to the hammer if he wants to. But he does definitely focus more, I think, on his tiktok. If you're a tiktok person, uh, we don't have his handle. He heavy. But um, yeah, he's a little. He's definitely more active there but, yeah, some of his, some of his first detective chuck videos were, uh, absolutely gold, absolutely okay. 

01:19:31 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Final one in the entertainment category, um goes by trav on twitter at he hate me2, underscore zero. I've been following this account for a long time. I always associated this account with a Seville account. I don't know if it is or not. Here's the difference. I could have put like any of the Seville accounts on this list right, but I feel with Seville it's all inside jokes where, like someone who's from the outside looking in, they have no idea what's going on. It's just retweeting other people as an inside joke, responding to. There's too many inside jokes that an outsider is not gonna understand. This is more of a troll account, not exclusively a troll account, but provides more context to the tweets and the situations that are going on in gambling Twitter, as he is roasting other people, which I appreciate, and for someone who is not as nuanced in the gambling Twitter space, you come in and you kind of understand what's going on. So only a couple thousand followers as well here, but at hehateme2 underscore zero, I think is a solid follow. 

01:20:49 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I think it's a little bit heavy on the you know the true like it can get a little bit tight and again, maybe it's because we've built and around on the Twitter for a long time, kind of some of that. But I agree, if you're, he's not afraid to, like you said, kind of spell it out and call people out in more of a understandable way. So, yeah, I would agree with that. And Is someone that? Yeah, if you're, if you're looking for it, I'd like a little bit more humor based trolling or like you know, like you know, if I'm one, if I want the trolling, I want to get some good laughs out of it. He's not really in that realm, um, but definitely isn't afraid to to kind of call out some of like the, the traditional crap out there. 

01:21:32 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So yeah, you don't want the straight to the point like you're a fucking goof type of thing you want. 

01:21:37 - Joey Knish (Guest)
You want like a comedy aspect associated, yeah, right, right, right, give me, give me some theatrics, give me some entertainment here. Uh, okay, you know, look all so, but I think he's a cpa. He says that in his body and it's very cpa-esque. The way he goes about the trolling is definitely, uh, you know, cpa style I see what you're saying there. 

01:21:56 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Um, last one, that's not. Couldn't put him in a category. I'll just call it like a new specific category. Last one I'll give give out on the show. Had the pleasure of meeting him in Vegas at Bet Bash 2. Alfonso, I don't know if it's Straffon or Straffon. 

01:22:12 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I don't know, sounds better, but I don't know. 

01:22:15 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Yeah, because what we got. We got three flags here, right, we got Costa Rica, us and Mexico. Straffon Straffon, I don't know. You can follow him on Twitter at A Straffon S-T-R-A-F-F-O-N. If you're just looking for industry news, I think it's the best account. He does a really good job of summarizing everything that's going on in the industry. If that's of interest to you, there's no better follower than alfonso. I don't know what else to say. 

01:22:43 - Joey Knish (Guest)
really nice guy, but just one easy spot to get all your gambling industry news I, and it's not like span, it's not like 30 posts a day, it's like just like kind of like, uh, you know, curated gambling, industry specific news, maybe a couple posts a day, maybe not even. And I agree, I mean he like he always links the article to it. So yeah, I, I mean I don't, I'm not sure he's getting. I'm excited for it, but I appreciate that he does it. So I agree, I think he's a good follow just to get you know, you kind of your, what's happening in the industry all right, uh, that's my list. 

01:23:16 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Some disagreements from knish. We will post that list in its entirety to circle top down, approaching the others I actually, uh, you know what let's, I scrapped him last minute, but he's your guy. Give, give a, give some. 

01:23:33 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I give some rationale like I know this guy, okay, like I, I know, I like he lives like an hour away from me, okay, so the fact he scrapped him last minute, you know what? I'll put him back just go. 

01:23:46 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I went through the criteria at the beginning. Right, it's not nothing, it's not anything personal, but this guy was just like right on the edge of and I like bumped him in. So you follow him anyways at top down approach on twitter. Apparently, a friend of Kanishi knows him. 

01:24:03 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I know he lives he's a Michigan guy and so I know him real well and does some stuff with forecasters now, so helps them out if you're interested in that realm. But scrapped last minute. I will never let him forget that. 

01:24:23 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Last minute job there. But sure, give him a follow. I mean, we've mentioned it now you might as well, and I think it's a good account to follow. He just, he was just couldn't quite make make that line. You know he's yeah, that's the story of his life, that's it, man that's there, you go. That's why he's top down betting instead of bottom up right amen amen uh sports. 

Amen Sports specific follows. Like I mentioned, we will tweet out at CirclesOffHQ on Twitter. So whether you're looking for NFL, college football, nba and again, this is my opinion, so come at me. If you disagree, I'm totally fine with it. I can accept it. Put it down in the comments below as well if you disagree. But we're going from best follows to worst. Uncle K, you have the floor. I think I'll probably. I imagine I'll know most of these. 

01:25:10 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, and I got a couple, a couple handful. Again, we're not going to the standard. You know tout crap on that. The first one I got is a Toronto boy, a good old Toronto boy, a Canadian guy, and it's old pisky positivo, who makes me want to blow my brains into smithereens though with his tweets who drive me. I have him on mute now. I never followed him, but I've had to put him on mute because somehow his tweets were getting on my for you page too often. 

He had one that took the cake where it was like why should you be a sports better? And it was a steak dinners like go like, oh, you, you, you go, you fly private like you go. Everyone I know who's sports betting is like some type of like a nerd or troll or like a you know guy like me who's like you know, suddenly like looking in front of an on screen and he's talking about it like it's oceans. 11 also, I just you know those people who are like way too positive. There needs to. There's. There's a lunatic fringe right there's. 

80 80 percent of people fall in that and there's the 10 that are way too negative and the 10 that are way too positive. He's in the lunatic fringe of the two. Positive life is not that great friends like that. That don't get me wrong. I'm not. I'm not like I enjoy living, but everything is not sunshine and rainbows a greatest day all the time. So, yeah, his twitter um whiskey positivo, uh, I hope you leave, oh, at some point, because uh, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm out on pisky, uh, as, uh, as a follow I didn't know where you were going when you said from toronto, so pisky's been on circles off before. 

01:26:56 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I think his backstory is extremely interesting. It was one of my favorite episodes um to do in our old studio as well. I'm I'm gonna say this as someone um who knows pisky. I like the guy a lot. I do follow him on twitter. I understand your point of view. I get it. He always is happy and smiling. I don't I've never seen someone, but in real life he's like that. I've never someone live, but it actually does make me a little bit upset that someone can be that happy permanently, right, right. 

01:27:28 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Wait, how did this guy get all the happy genes, except for a couple of times? How can he live that way? 

01:27:35 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
He gets banned from sports books here and there and that makes him unhappy. But like you know, pisky, don't go in firing Bulgarian soccer as your first three bets. Not a great idea. Listen to Mr Limited, listen to that episode, he'll give you some advice on that. But okay, disagreement. But I'm sure more people, or a lot of people, will agree with you on your take, as he seemed to have gotten. I've seen the comments recently. His mentions are probably not very good right now. 

01:28:06 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, he's starting to catch some heat. The next one here. I'm going to put this guy in what I would call the AMOC category, except he doesn't work for the Athletic or put out any debt. His tweets are just like and we both know this, this guy, smart guy, uh, has an edge betting, but his twitter it is just like watching the grass grow of. Like it's alex bartlett bartlett, I think it's at bartlett 157 in a group chat. 

He's the guy who I just had the the paiders, caitlin Clark, conversation with. He's tweeting to this maybe group of three people on the entire earth that want to hear about some women's game not even like the pro of the last week It'd be like six months ago and he'll be tweeting about I can't believe this player from South Dakota has a 4.2 EPM score in the fourth quarter. Can you believe that Of like a women's college basketball team? Who is this for? Who are you talking to? Maybe he's just tweeting it because he couldn't find someone on earth that wanted to hear this. So, bartlett, he's wrong about Paige Buckers being the better prospect than Kaitlyn Clark, which I had to straighten him out on this week, and his Twitter, absolutely brutal has about 3K followers, about 2.8 too many for the content you get on there. So yeah, bartlett, like the guy, personally don't like his Twitter. 

01:29:37 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Okay, at Bartlett157 is the account, I will say I'm very partial to this guy. I've never met him I've actually never kind of like interacted with him outside of Twitter but I'm very partial to this person because he was a huge advocate for what I was doing for years. So I think he's messaged me on the side before about how he learned a lot about betting from just watching my content and like being able to weed out a bunch of other garbage. So I'm not gonna echo what you're saying about Bartlett. I do see the tweets, I see what you're talking about, in fact. All right, I'll just say what I'm gonna say now. I didn't even realize I was following him. So that's, that's how little impact his tweets have had on me over the years, and he tweets a lot, so it's not like you know I I know what you're getting at here, but yeah, good guy. 

01:30:33 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Guy I will like I'm in a group chat with, I like talking to him, I send some bets, so like smart guy, just yeah. Or a horrible tweeter. Some people don't, some people don't have the you know the great, we don't good stuff got it all right. 

01:30:45 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Who's next on the uncle k uh anti twitter list, or what? 

01:30:49 - Joey Knish (Guest)
now we're hitting it hot and heavy. This guy, for a large portion of his career, would have been on the essentials list, would have been in the top 10 of the essentials and have gone from essentials to now on the Joey K list. And you know what happened. He decided to stop betting and buy a soccer team in England and get bullied off Twitter by the lunatics in the fan base. And it's Preston Johnson, the sports cheetah fan base, and it's preston johnson, the sports gina, who we both know, we both like, was a tremendous follow. 

The majority of his existence on twitter made his account in april 2012. I'm looking at it right now. Yeah, probably for 10 years would have been in the essentials category. Then he cashed in on the nft craze and decided to buy a soccer team and decided to get those fans very mad at him, where anything he tweets now you get some wanker from Crawley who's like working at the Crawley gas station following has Cheetah on alert and if he tweets anything about how he's not improving the team, he's in his comments saying I'll never sell the team. Wag hashtag, wag me out. We want you out. So I I hate to see the downfall of this guy's account. I know financially. You know everything he's doing well outside of this. You know, lost some weight, got over uh. You know, had to be beat, dance all that. But his twitter account has unfortunately uh suffered the fate of of of the league two fandom of uh, a town of lunatics uh, I hate to say it, I love preston, great guy. 

01:32:34 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I have to agree with you. This is this. This. This account has gone off. I mean it's it's no longer a gambling Twitter account, right, although I will say, had I not been following Preston and saw the video of him serving up pies at the halftime of a Crawley game, that was maybe one of my favorite Twitter moments of all time. The guy is in attendance at the game serving up whatever meat pies I don't know what the hell they're eating over there in the UK at the half and just the entire fan base is like have you seen where we are in the standings? Like enough with the pies, fix the team. Like what is this? This is why we're losing. That was one of my favorite of all time, but since then I don't know what else to say. 

01:33:27 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I have to agree this is, this is honestly, and I think they went in with the best of intentions. I actually had the privilege to even see some of the plans that they had in terms of like a PowerPoint and stuff and what they were going, and it in terms of like a PowerPoint and stuff and what they were going, and the initial season just went so poorly and off the rails and got the fan base so mad. I think the Wagme count is not tweeted since like August of last year. Like it's going on like eight or nine months now. They haven't put out anything. 

They had some order get screwed up too with like the merch and stuff that was, and so, like I really do think they went in with the greatest of intent. It just went really, really poorly year one and it basically made it so as you're saying anything that would get posted by him, wagney, a couple of the other people that were involved with the team. It was like piranhas getting like a where they would just jump in and be like why are we not top of the table? So yeah, basically got chained off Twitter by the townies. 

01:34:42 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Who hasn't been there before? I watch Welcome to Wrexham because I'm a big Rob McElhaney fan from Always Sunny in Philadelphia. So Wrexham moved up to League 2. Crawley Town's in League 2. They're mid-table, they're seventh, it's not like they're having a bad. This is kind of a bounce-back year for Crawley Town. 

01:35:00 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Right, they got it back together. But it's almost like the damage but like was done on the front end where, like I don't, it's almost I don't know it feels like irreparable, uh, like in terms of what they were trying to do from a content standpoint and a fan engagement standpoint, this kind of it feels like it. It just went south and I don't know if they can, they can revive it. 

01:35:22 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Well, I mean, you know, you know, wrexham is bringing in Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhaney, and Crawley Town's bringing in Preston Johnson and Logan Matthews. It's a little bit of a difference there, you know. 

01:35:34 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, I know why couldn't we have the other famous celebrity owner, that teams are actually doing well, so yeah, but I agree that teams are actually doing well, so yeah, but I agree they're having kind of a bounce back year, but you wouldn't know by the internet persona. But I will say he was one of the best. I mean he would tweet like live stuff, a war In his heyday. He was one of the best, for sure. I agree. 

01:35:59 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Honestly, if we did this episode, maybe pre-COVID, he would have been on the essentials list. He would have been essentials, but now he's on the shit list and it is what it is. You got any more on the shit list here for us, uncle K. 

01:36:12 - Joey Knish (Guest)
That was the three big ones I had. That I wanted out of the box. You know what? 

01:36:17 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
No Fez for you. I'm surprised. I thought you would bury Fez, but I also thought you were going to bury him on that live watch along where he was sweating Houston Moneyline and you just sat there like fucking with your hands crawling you didn't want to offend the guy, powers was destroying him. 

01:36:32 - Joey Knish (Guest)
He doesn't shut like he. Just he talks at such a high volume. I had never actually talked to Fez one-on-one before and I can see why it's like disorientating because he doesn't shut. It was just like constantly and he wasn't watching, like it was like the game didn't exist, like he wasn't even watching the game. I was like thrown off because I'm sweating this longwood which is going terribly. He didn't care about any of that. He had like no interest in this. 

01:36:56 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Well, that's because he was. He was actively managing the game. Obviously he wasn't watching. 

01:37:00 - Zack Phillips (Other)
he was actively managing the game, obviously he wasn't watching he was actively managing. 

01:37:02 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
No, honestly, I gained so much respect for Brad Powers on that day. He went to like goat status for me with that entire. He was very cordial for a lot of it, but he called him out on some stuff. It was actually just. It was a really entertaining listen all around. I have nothing against Fez, by the way, for the people who do, but I thought it was just very funny to listen to. 

01:37:23 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Actually, fez's Twitter doesn't really bother me. It also gives me like he actually I'll give him the stuff for tweeting out you said never tweet out the fact that he tweets out those like huge money lines before the game. Hey, like it's given me some great content to listen to. 

01:37:40 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Oh, I had one more I just want to jump in really quick. 

I disagree with you on the twitter account I mentioned to the so when I was like his twitter when I was on at bet bash last year, on the panel with ravel or whatever, fezik was next to me and I said it right to his face. Like every now and then you tweet out something where I'm like did this, like is guy have an aneurysm when he tweeted this out? I don don't understand. In the NFL, I often say, like you know an NFL team, pay me to stand on the sidelines, I'll tell you when to go for it, I'll basically just tell you when your coach is being an idiot. Probably nine times out of ten, ten times out of ten, probably. 

I feel like I could do the same for Fezzik. Like if he clicked tweet and the tweets got filtered to me, I would go back to him and be like buddy, you don't want to put this out, you don't want to put Purdue minus 8,000 out into the world. Like there's no upside for you on this one and there's probably. There's at least one of those per week at least. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's my thoughts, but anyways, the floor is yours right now. 

01:38:47 - Joey Knish (Guest)
The last one was a gift to you, because I think we've discussed this a couple before. It would be the at playmaker David guy. Oh, who I think you've got, who just is like the worst, like it's just the worst trolling imaginable. Like it's just not fun, like that's like the the boat boys got boat boat. 

01:39:12 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I don't get that by the way. 

01:39:13 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Yeah, balls, but the whole zach zach. 

01:39:15 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Can you fill me in on what that is please? 

01:39:17 - Zack Phillips (Other)
no, I like the zilber thing. People that I yeah. Yeah, it's thebert thing, yeah, it's something to do with that. 

01:39:23 - Joey Knish (Guest)
They're running the same shit Like dude. It stopped being funny like 18 months ago and they're still running the same bit and using it like on a daily basis. It's like come on, it's a painstaking like. This is the worst level of it's like I mentioned, like Sizzle earlier, where it's like dude, you're still retweeting like Jason what's his name? From there. It's like dude, you've been doing the same, you've been running the same bit for a decade. Come on, give me something fresh here. He's one of those guys where it's like the most mindless level trolling. That just not makes my brain want to break Because it's like dude. This isn't funny and this bit is so played out. 

01:40:09 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
This account confuses me quite a bit. I know who this is. There's no, I mean, people would be able to find out, because he has four-time World Series of Poker champion At Playmaker. David is his Twitter account. I know who this is. I know what he's done over his career. The real, really weird thing is to me, some days this guy tweets at me like I'm his worst enemy and some days he just like responds to tweets like he's my friend, but he doesn't follow me on twitter. So, like what is this guy like actively looking at my tweets every day? But I don't understand it. I'm with you, man. The act is played out whenever I see the. I just might as well mute that word. Boys, yeah, boz, with the exclamation points. I don't know what's going on there. I've never been in on that joke, nor do I care about it, honestly. But uh, yeah, I mean, if I were in your shoes, kanish, I probably would have put that account on my list as well. So, um, I'm glad you said it yeah, that one. 

01:41:05 - Joey Knish (Guest)
It's just like this. I mean, I I'm all for a zilbo troll, but like it's like the same thing, like come, come on, give me, give me something a little fresh there to to go with that then. 

01:41:15 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So, uh, yeah, I knew you would like that one, um I like a good troll account and I don't even care if the troll account comes after me. I like Norm Benning as an example. Guy rips me all the time. 

01:41:27 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I actually know Norm like I know a top-down pro. I remember one day you saying to me you don't know all these people that troll me all the time. 

01:41:40 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I don't know, I don't want to get into it. The troll accounts on Twitter are too much. It's funny because then you find out like oh yeah, I worked with this guy for like three years on stuff. 

01:41:48 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I don't know. 

01:41:50 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
He made like six figures of just tailing my bets, but he's going to read me out on. Anyways, I don't want to get into too much of that, but all right, I think that's pretty solid for lists. We All right, I think that's pretty solid for lists. We got the stuff to follow and then the stuff not to follow, maybe actively block or mute, whatever you want to do with yourself. Kanish, did you come prepared today with a plus EV or minus EV? That isn't some like soup and sandwich combo at your like local deli or whatever. I don't remember what you did last time. It was like some sort of it was a tropical smoothie. 

I got two dms from people that were like bro, though you nailed it like those are amazing. 

01:42:32 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Like the, the I'm things that never happened for a thousand on uh jeopardy, right here, I get them all the time. I probably go to tropical smoothie four times a week. I'm still. I'm still gained. 

01:42:39 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I'm still reaping the EV from those Are they plus EV, because you get them four times a week? 

01:42:45 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Well, I mean, maybe I've lost my edge a little bit, but I'm still grinding out the bolts here, all right. 

01:42:54 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
So I'm going to take it. 

01:42:55 - Joey Knish (Guest)
They know me on a first-name basis at that. Tropical Smoothie too, that doesn't surprise me. 

01:42:59 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
You are pretty loud. I mean, do you have to give your name when you order, like a Starbucks type of thing? Yeah, yeah, so of course they know your name If you're going there. 

01:43:08 - Joey Knish (Guest)
And even even when I door dash, they like send me, they write me a nice note that says like hey, hey, hope you're having a good night. Uh, so yeah, tropical smoothie, uh, plus ev move the week for sure. Still still still good, still good, good to whatever those tropical smoothies, they still have them, but I have another one. Oh, you did, you did come prepared with another, I did come, I did come prepared. 

01:43:30 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I'll let you guys, but you actually know that this is a segment now on the show yeah, you've barely listened to a bunch of shows in the past, but you never make it to the end. 

01:43:36 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Apparently we're not, you know, yeah I feel like, uh, you know, maybe I do. Yeah, yeah, just fast forwarding through the Plus EV. Anytime Johnny's talking Plus EV move of the week, I must hit the fast forward button. So yeah, but I came prepared this week. All right, let's hear it. But you got, yeah, Do you guys? All everybody got one. 

01:43:54 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Well, I mean, I go with whatever. I got something to go over. Zach, do you have something? No, okay, zach's out on plus EV, minus EV this week. He's been bored by this whole episode. He's been yawning. I can see, whenever you talk Kanish, zach's just yawning in the corner. 

01:44:11 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I know, yeah, he's been sticking Jason on us on Hit the Books too. 

01:44:18 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
How's that been? By the way, I mean I know, listen, I tried. 

01:44:23 - Joey Knish (Guest)
How's that? How's that been, by the way? I mean, I know, listen. I mean I tried to get this guy uh, what was it? 80 or? Carly was trying, I was trying to hook him up for a while and now you know that. And now that's. This is how he pays me back, he's. 

01:44:30 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
You know, I got to deal with jason on mondays right now he's got his shirt over his face like he's really embarrassed right now. I don't know. I don't know what's happening here. 

01:44:38 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I have zero clue uh, one of Zach's old flames jumped on one of the live hit the button was like commenting on it. Like, hi, zach, on one of the comments. 

01:44:51 - Zack Phillips (Other)
No, no, no, Let me clarify. No, let me clarify. Let me clarify he's a slander. No, that was not and that was not anything. 

01:44:59 - Joey Knish (Guest)
That was the plus. No, that's not. She's not watching the books with me and Powers. 

01:45:05 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
It's true, if she's come, if this is true and she's in the chat for a show that you're just producing. 

01:45:11 - Joey Knish (Guest)
She was in the chat and said hi Zach. 

01:45:14 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Okay, look, let me put some respect on my name here. She DM'd me and I was like, and then I posted a story about us doing something and had the link to us doing the show. The mini putt with me and knish. Ah, and she went to that got it. Let's just bury it and move on, please. 

01:45:34 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Thanks, by the way we're, we're the hammer, we're much smaller than barstool. Uh, that's like the understatement of the millennium. You know barstool massive, massive brand. I get a message from world putting league guy today that says barstool got nico for an interview with big cat. Nico is the uh, the foot putter. Remember the foot putter on world putting league? Barstool's all in on putting. Now, all of a sudden, I showed you that. Yeah, I saw that they were reacting to it. But they got an interview, they made a hype video for him. Wow, yeah, this putting thing is blowing up. And when it does? I just want to say that I was in on the putting on the ground. We have a World Putting. 

League ball right there in the studio, in on the ground. We we have a world putting league ball right there on this in the studio in on the ground floor. 

01:46:30 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Uncle kate, you were a part of that man. Those uh, those live watch alongs of you just roasting, honestly, and it was uh, I'm surprised it like, because, in terms of a live betting and a short event, it was like how, during covet, I got really into watching the Sims of not Sims of Pro, but like pornography Me and. 

Joey Isaacs. It'd be like one o'clock. It'd be like, oh, it's time to watch Heat Lakers, and it was not even too. Not even too. It was like the computer playing each other but you could bet it. It was over in like an hour and like the putting league is like man, I can like bat each hole. Like it's a quick, fast, like I'm in state it's giving me like crap. I. I mean, I think, I think it's got potential uh, during covid, when those were happening. 

01:47:14 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Um, I reached out to a contact of mine at a sportsbook that I used to consult for, which was going to go reset the board to zero. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to four weeks. But I reached out to a contact there and I'm like, how are you guys making the live lines on, uh, how are you making the lines on these Madden simulations? Like, what are you guys doing? Or whatever. He's like yeah, we just uh, we got like a couple X-Boxes going. These are the settings we use. We simulate them. I'm like, oh okay, do you know what I did? I got like six Xboxes hooked up with different people, same settings. There was a huge edge on that Because if you ran more simulations than the odds makers themselves were running, but then, like that didn't last long. 

01:48:02 - Joey Knish (Guest)
It didn't last last, but there was a huge edge. 

01:48:04 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
And now those sims for for a minute also, you watch enough of those madden games and you'd see the craziest shit happen. Yeah, yeah, like I. I saw a player run backwards for 99 yards and took a safety. It was messed up. It was like the game glitched. People were losing it. In the chat they're like this, if the fix is in or whatever, and, like, I'm sure, the traders, they're like what the hell is going on? We're going to get like a million messages about those were the days, man, covid, covid, those were the days you got. 

you got up. So your plus EV was what I don't know. 

01:48:40 - Joey Knish (Guest)
You lost me. I'm going to go. This is going to be very Joey CPA. Joey did the taxes here. This is going to sound very basic and this might be trickly. 

I don't know the Canadian system as well, but if you don't have some portion of your current rates, the amount of money and, not to humble brag, the amount of money I made to do absolutely nothing last year you should not have any money that's not earning 3% or 4% right now. It's literally the way the system is set. Get yourself a high-yield system. I saw even today a tweet from somebody like Vanguard or something. Has a 4%, zero fees, zero transaction limits Like you can right now if you, in very simple search, have your like even checking account earning three or 4% to do absolutely nothing. 

So if you haven't done that, don't be like the oh, I've always banked with this and do the like. Go somewhere. It's all FDIC insured Like you can get right now. You should be at least earning a match with inflation on your money to do absolutely nothing. Whether you got a thousand bucks or whether you got uh, you know 10 million. That it's just like free money that's being given away right now that not enough people are either aware of or taking advantage of, um, because they don't want to, you know, change their banking habits yep, totally agree with that. 

01:50:02 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
That that's a great one, especially this time of year tax season but any time of year really, there's no reason to be sitting on money that's earning you zero, unless you're going to use that money right away and you don't want to tie it up for a long period of time. But 100% agree, joey CPA, with the plus EV tip there For me. I was at the Rogers Center for J's Home Opener on Monday. They have this thing in the Rogers Center now which is called Grab and Go. It's not exclusive to Toronto. They've apparently been putting these in across stadiums all across North America. It's the first time that I've seen it. 

If you go to a ballpark, football game, whatever sporting event, and you know that there's a grab and go at the stadium itself, you're an idiot. If you don't use it. All you do is you walk into the liquor area, you scan your credit card. Just all you do is scan your credit card as you walk in. You just pick up the beer out of the fridge and you walk out and you get auto-billed for the beer. There's people waiting for lines that are like around the stadium. They're waiting 30 minutes to get two beers. Just walk in the grab and go and I'm just there and it's the easiest, most seamless process. I walk out and there's people that are just lined up around the corner. The secret's going to get out. But the grab and goes at sporting events. Whoever invented that? That guy should be put in the Sports Betting Hall of Fame. I don't know what Spanky's putting in at Bet Bash this year, but that guy put him in because he's saving a lot of time for the sports fans out there. 

01:51:40 - Joey Knish (Guest)
I'll even add to yours. Where I was at the Wings game Sunday, they had mobile ordering very similar thing but where you could just do it like how you mobile order at a typical place and go pick it up, but for the concession line where instead of waiting in the line, you mobile order on your phone from the seat and then it tells you when it's ready and you just grab it off the counter. So instead of you know missing half the period, uh, you know we're, so you're like you can just go boom, mobile order pick it up. So I agree, grab and go or mobile, or it's like the scenario where you would want that. It's like at a sporting event of where I don't want to you know miss the game or have to go. You know that 30 person line where these suckers. So no, I'm totally with you. 

01:52:26 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Minus EV, though going to a Red Wings game, yeah well depends. I mean they might be in the playoffs now. 

01:52:32 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
You know what? If they end up getting a spot, I'll come down to Detroit for a playoff game with you. 

01:52:37 - Joey Knish (Guest)
We'll watch a Red Wings. Yeah, I'm in red, love it yeah they did. 

01:52:39 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
I mean that game. Was it the sabers game that you went to? It was okay, yeah, I bet the over in that game. There was like four goals in the first 10 minutes of the game and they never scored again yeah, yeah, the wings. 

01:52:49 - Joey Knish (Guest)
They literally, like they played, scored three goals in the first seven minutes, then went into like shut it down like a left wing lock defensive shell for the next 45 minutes to not try and give up a goal on that. Also number yes, I don't. If you guys are going to know, for the Wings this was. There was two jerseys in my section, oh, and it was old number 24. And I guarantee I was going to start there, bob Probert. 

01:53:20 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Bob Probert. Do you guys know? Oh, of course man, One of the greatest enforcers in NHL history. 

01:53:26 - Joey Knish (Guest)
Two, not one but two. Mind you, he died like 15 years ago now, big drug and alcohol problem type of guy Still in this city. People loved him. Not one, but two Bob Probert jerseys. In my section people that were unrelated that had, uh, you know, old, old number 24, uh, bob probert on there well, that would have been good in episode number 124, but we're on 149 yeah, yeah, yeah, if you add, yeah, if you doubled it minus that, take one episode off, it would have been, uh, would have been perfect. 

But that's the only jersey number now I I have any recollection of, so bob probert, absolute legend, as is uncle k, thank you. 

01:54:10 - Rob Pizzola (Host)
Thank you, joey kanish, for joining us here on circles off this week. For everyone who enjoyed this episode. Thank you, by the way, for everyone who got us over the 6 000 followers, hump or subscribers here on youtube. But don't stop there. If you're not subbed here, you enjoy the content. Make sure you smash that subscription button below, make sure you like the video as well, and obviously we're here for your comments as well. Youtube loves comments. If you're listening in audio form, please rate and review five stars. Johnny will be back from his stubbed toe next week. This has been Circles Off, episode number 149, right here, part of the Hammer Betting Network and presented by Pinnacle Sportsbook. 


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