Circles Off Episode 162 - Beer Draft & Preparing for a New NFL Betting Season



Welcome to another exciting episode of our podcast, where we celebrate life's simple pleasures and unforgettable moments with the perfect brew in hand. This week, we dive into "Beer Draft & Preparing for a New NFL Betting Season," an episode that blends humor, nostalgia, and camaraderie as we recount our most memorable beer moments.


A Toast to Memorable Beer Moments


From Super Bowl Bets to Summer Sips

We kick off the episode with a humorous story that takes place in an unexpected location: a packed sporting event restroom. This light-hearted anecdote leads into a lively discussion about sports betting, sportsmanship, and the unique community dynamics that come with sports gambling. We reminisce about our marathon Super Bowl props session, reflecting on the challenges of creating engaging long-form content and sharing personal anecdotes about our favorite summer activities and beer preferences.


The Pure Joy of Airport Beers

Inspired by a guest's amusing comment on the pure joy of airport beers, we delve into a spirited draft of the best and worst beer occasions. Blending humor and sentimentality, we explore the various scenarios that make beer moments unforgettable. From nostalgic reflections to critical perspectives, we cover it all. Plus, we share essential tips on responsible sports betting and take a moment to thank our loyal listeners for their unwavering support.


Join the Conversation


We invite you to join us in celebrating the best of beer and outdoor adventures. Whether you're a seasoned beer enthusiast or just enjoy a cold one now and then, this episode has something for everyone. So, pour yourself a drink, sit back, and enjoy the banter, laughs, and heartfelt moments that make life so enjoyable.


Don't forget to share your favorite beer moments with us on social media using the hashtag #BeerAdventuresPodcast. Cheers to memorable beer moments and the adventures that make them special!



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Tune in to "Cheers to Adventures: The Best Beers for Every Occasion" on your favorite podcast platform. We look forward to sharing more laughs, stories, and beer recommendations with you in our upcoming episodes. Thank you for your continued support, and happy sipping!




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Episode Transcript

00:00 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You ever go to a sporting event and you just like watch a guy walk into the, can you know that they're taking a sh**? Because the way that their shoes are oriented you know what I'm saying you could see like the pants by the ankle and they got the beer in there with them. You think I'm gonna come on here and put one of the Aussies in the elite gear, I'd vote for Rob of 25,000. I wouldn't vote for you. 

00:21 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I can basically just cheat and get the same bets that they're getting. 

00:25 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It's weird because you can also pay your bills at the same place where you bet. 

00:30 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
This guy talks a lot of trash. He's talked a lot of trash about me, Rob, a lot of people in the community, but he's refusing to show his face. 

00:36 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You're touting yourself as a pretty good NFL gambler. I thought you were an idiot. Say testing testing, I'm a cuck One. Testing testing, I'm a cuck One. Two, three, four Aussies Going head-to-head with the Aussies that's what I grew up for. And I said get him Kirk. And they call me a mean-spirited name, I don't hang out with them. The Toronto Maple Leafs at 14-1 are staring me dead in the face. I'm already getting you know a lot of early. This could be the best circles off episode we've ever. That's ever been done. Welcome to circles off episode number 162 right here, part of the hammer betting network and presented by pinnacle sportsbook. I'm rob pazola, joined by johnny from bet stamp. After uh, holiday week last week, fourth of july in the us and canada day here in canada. How are things? 

01:21 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
not too bad. We put out an absolute banger last week. Thanks everybody for the support. Thanks for sticking with us. Three hours we did on an episode Is it our longest one to date? 

01:34 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Well, kind of the Super Bowl props extravaganza the first one we did. The first one we did. Yeah, that was long, that was man, yeah, that was a day. 

01:43 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
That was a day In the old basement. That was a day. That was a day that was tough. It got really hot in that room too. Yeah, I've since done longer. I've been yeah, oh, you solo Making them longer and longer every year. I gotta not do that, because then you're just creating a bad expectation, like eventually I'm gonna be doing 24 hours, hours of super bowl props. Yeah, that's sick. Yeah, except for when you have to take a leak mid-show. You got to think of like bumpers to put up on the screen and graphics and stuff like that. Uh, yeah, I guess it could. It could be all right. What'd you do for you? You were, you were away for a while. 

02:15 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
What'd you do? Last it's just buzzing, working, buzzing, enjoying, uh, enjoying the summer, honestly crushing some beers or what no, here and there you know what? 

02:25 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I'm back on the beer train and, uh, I've had some good beers lately. 

02:30 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
In last week's episode, yep, matt trenhale said a top beer is an airport with the boys beer. 

02:37 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
see, like he, um that, you know what. Maybe that comment he made on the episode actually got me back into beer again. So, like I'm type 1 diabetic, so I try to drink with less sugar and it's not that like beer has carbs that convert to sugar. So I drink a lot of seltzers, high noons, white claws, stuff like that, but maybe it was just that one, and bleep those out. 

02:56 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Those aren't sponsors of the show. 

03:00 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
But maybe that one comment he made about the airport beer. Can I actually say something that's actually I didn't want to say it to him because we already had him on for like three hours when he brought that up. I think airport beer is one of the most overrated beers. You know what's actually not overrated? I do know what's not overrated. In fact, one would argue they're maybe even underrated in market right now. Pinnacle Sportsbook check them out. If you're in Canada, find out what the pros have known for the last 25 years Pinnacle's where the best bettors play In all seriousness, I've been adding at Pinnacle for a very long time. I advocate for the sportsbook because they treat bettors fairly. They give you a bet and they don't limit you. The product suite is getting better and better with each passing month. So make sure you check them out. You must be 19 plus not available in the US and, as always, please play responsibly. But yeah, the airport beer overrated. 

03:53 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
So, producer Zach, obviously at the heels of that comment, you had a little segment you wanted to run. Why don't you explain it? 

03:58 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Yeah, I want to. I was thinking that it might be fun, especially in the spirit of coming off of Canada Day, 4th of July. We're in the summer, it's not too much going on, do? Like a best beers draft as well as most or worst beers draft, and not type of beer as in like brand or whatever, but occasion, location. 

04:20 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Such as an airport beer, such as an airport beer. So Zach asked us to prep some. He said to prep three and three. I went a little wild. I could think of some. It was just bringing me back memories. I've got, I think, eight and eight. No, I didn't. You just prepped a three and three. 

04:34 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I have a four and four, I have some honorable mentions, but I'm going to decide last minute Because you have to take, take yourself back and put yourself like in that position of enjoying that beer or not enjoying that beer, and it's it's. It's tough to narrow it down, but I, I did get it. I did get it down there. 

04:52 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
If you hate beer and you're just joined for sports betting, skip ahead to the description part. You don't have to listen to this, but we did. Who's got first pick. 

05:03 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, how are we doing the picks? 

05:04 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Oh, we didn't plan that part we didn't really plan that part. 

05:06 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
All right, zach you're up, give us your best. What happens if we have overlap? 

05:09 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Then you lose your pick. You just got to pivot. Yeah, you can go to another one. I should have put more than four on my list Zach, go ahead, your best beer. 

05:20 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Oh, one, one. Um, the best beer to have is the golf course beer with your buddies. I'm not talking about you go out in a random group. You get paired with some random people, or it's just like you and one guy that you're playing with and and you're going for like to play. I'm talking about it's saturday, the weather's nice, you got your foursome, or maybe you've even got two back-to-back foursomes, two groups of your friends. You get out on the course, you bring your own beers, you wait till you get to the second tee away from the clubhouse, and you open the first beer. 

05:54 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Tell me that that's not the best beer, to be honest, I had that on my list. 

05:59 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Golf course beer. 

06:01 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
No word of a lie, golf course beer was on my list. 

06:06 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
That's undoubtedly one of the top beers. I think a lot of people will resonate with the golf course beer. I don't like to drink on the golf course until after six holes. So I basically figure out how the day is going and because of my home course, the halfway house is actually not a halfway house, it's at the sixth hole. So I kind of determine whether or not I'm going to drink based off of how I played in the early going. But there's some days where I won't drink, so I don't. There's oftentimes I don't enjoy a golf course beer, but it is I listen like you're playing golf casually with buddies. Yeah, cold one on a hot day yeah, I got mine. 

06:38 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Uh, second pick. So this one is at the cottage on the balcony. First beer of the day usually comes around 11 am and it's it's usually a corona with lime. But what a beer. That is man. That first, that first beer of the day at the cottage, that's, that's got to be the top beer it's got to be the top. 

07:01 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You're at 11 am cottage beer. Yes, I have it on my list. I'm not gonna lie on a saturday on a saturday similar one, a little different day. 

07:08 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Starts the day like, yeah, that's, that's the best beer you get in trouble on those days. 

07:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Start at 11 am you gotta go easy pace yourself, but I'd say that's for me a top beer at least okay um, these are maybe a little bit of recency bias for me here, but I'll start with my number one, being fishing beer. I would actually suffice to say sorry, sorry, fishermen out there. I would suffice to say that fishing is not tolerable unless you're actually drinking beer at the same time. There's just way too much downtime. You're out in the open water Usually. I mean, I'm fishing in summer, it's hot, you need something to keep you hydrated. You're out with buddies. I mean, it's the same thing that you guys are talking about. It's like a golf course beer, but it's a change of venue. You're just out on the open water. You know Fishing beer. For me it's so good. Man Just goes down so clean. Never been, never been fishing. Yeah, I don't think you're missing a whole lot. 

08:08 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I haven't either. So no, all right, zach uh, do we want to go snake or just keep going snake beer? 

08:16 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
go ahead, okay snake worst of all time um, okay, uh. 

08:20 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
second for me is uh, it's very simple, it's very relatable to yours, but the campfire beer for me is huge, can't go wrong. Again, a lot of this is made with the group of people that you're with or whatever, but I like to indulge in some salty when I'm by the campfire as well. Some pretzels, some chips. Beer goes really well with that. At night, cold one before you go to bed Campfire beer for me very nice. 

08:48 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
All right, I'll go with the fourth pick. It's barbecuing steaks, beer Standing at the barbecue. Standing at the barbecue and it really actually, if I were to go further, it's actually barbecuing spadooch grill. Yeah, for those that don't know, it's lamb skewers, lamb skewers on there, you can, you know, one hand, have a little bit of you know, eat a little bit, and then you have the beer in the hand. That's the second, that's my second pick, zach. 

09:15 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Mine. I had one that was like similar to you guys. I'm not going to, I'll just say it because I don't think I can use it in my list now because it's too similar. You had like the campfire and the cottage beer. I was going to say like on the dock beer. 

09:27 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
That's a little different Dock beer. I would allow that. 

09:31 - Zack Phillips (Other)
It's a different venue, so that's my next one, if you're allowing it the dock beer by the water, yeah, water contributes. 

09:38 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Oh it's nice. 

09:38 - Zack Phillips (Other)
The water's there, everything's peaceful. Maybe there's some boats puttering by. Cracked a beer. You got another pick. You ever done a pedal boat beer or what? I have not, but that sounds kind of miserable because you're just absolutely humming a workout. Is a kayak beer legal, do we? Is that legal? Okay, last one I'm interested to see the response, for this. One could potentially be controversial. Last one for my draft it's the shower beer what the fuck man? 

10:13 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
shower beer on a shower beer. Of course, anyone who puts shower beer wins the competition. 

10:18 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I'll be honest I had that on my list as well, but I had it. It as hockey change room men's league championship shower beer Dude. If anybody here has ever won a men's league championship and had the beers in the room, that is an all-time. 

10:36 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Do you do the pre-drink shower beer or do you do the long day of work go-home shower beer, Because those are very different things. 

10:45 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I mean you're gonna expose me here both sometimes, but I think I think the one that's like the pre you're about to go out it's maybe you've been out during the day or like you're outside. You're not like out out. You maybe you went out to to go for a walk, or you went out and do some shopping or something. Now you're going out to the bar at night. You're getting in the shower. Crack the beer after you. Just, you just had dinner, you got yourself, you're finalizing everything to get ready. Go to the shower, crack the beer about to go out, hit the town. You feel good after you, feel ready to go, energized and then the beer. Oh, just, there's something about it there's something about it. 

11:22 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I get in that university is just. 

11:24 - Zack Phillips (Other)
That's where it all started. 

11:27 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I got the next one. The older people. They're not going to get this one. It's more for the younger generation. Hear me out If you know, you know. All right, Spike ball beer. 

11:40 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I played spike ball before. I've never had a beer While you're playing. That's the only way, Because you only use your one hand right, that's the only way you play. 

11:47 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Oh, I see what you're saying. 

11:49 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Spike ball beer. Hold the beer in the hand, play a game of spike ball, relax. Spike ball beer is an all-time experience. Yeah, but spike ball you're not playing competitive spike ball. 

11:59 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
No, relax Beach spike ball. 

12:00 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Oh, you want beach spike ball, beach spike ball. 

12:01 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You're not doing somersaults to get to the next ball or anything. 

12:04 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
If you do, you got to hold the beer up, got to put the thumb over the top of the beer, exactly, exactly. So yeah, I'll go with my third pick spike ball beer. It was a little off the board, I didn't expect a spike ball beer. 

12:15 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I got a couple honorable mentions right here. Okay, let You're in Vegas. It's sweltering heat. You're going out at night, grab yourself a beer in the casino. You're waiting in that taxi line. You get to the front of the line and you're like, ah, I got to chug this beer before I get in the cab. And the taxi attendant guy's like no man, open container law, you can drink that in the cab. Vegas cab beer. You can't do it anywhere else. It goes right to the top of the list. It's nice, so you can fit in the pre-drink as well on your way to whatever place you're going. Double fist beers do whatever you want to do, but Vegas Cab Beer very criminally underrated because you just you can't drink it. It's against the law elsewhere. I don't condone this behavior. So Vegas Cab Beer. 

13:06 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Do we want to add? A fourth one is to go back. I got, I'll just say, my honorable, honorable mentions here, so I had here this one from, obviously, from when I was younger. A lot of people resonate here college bar one dollar beer yeah, buck a beer, it's gonna go wrong. 

13:17 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Value the value beer. 

13:18 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, essentially. Uh had another one which was on the beach tossing the football. One hand catches. That's a good beer. And then, here, what else did we have? Open up the fresh case, got your favorite team's hat in the pack. That beer is a good beer. And then this one. I'm not actually sure if this is a good beer or if I should save this for the bad beer, but men's league hockey in the Gatorade bottle on the bench beer you don't know, could be a bad beer too. 

13:57 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
That could go opposite end of the spectrum. I don't like any sort of vigorous activity mixed with beer. Lots of people do that in men's league. I could never do that. I can't go back out and skate. 

14:06 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I'd lean actually towards that being a negative. 

14:09 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah negative beer. Negative beer, all right, uh, I have some honorable mentions. 

14:13 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Um, honorable mention would be the uh, friday long weekend beer, and I'm talking specifically the monday being the day off. Friday off is nice, but it feels kind of like abrupt, like it. The friday off hits you quick thursday, all of a sudden. We're into the weekend. The monday off. You get to the friday and you know this isn't a friday, saturday, and then you're back to work on monday. Sunday is going to be tough. You get that extra day extra day for the weekend. 

Beer, yeah yeah, the long weekend, monday, the friday that's a good one yeah, and then the other one. This one would be the hangover beer. You're hungover, maybe you go for like a brunch, or you just wake up. You're sitting at home or at the cottage, like Johnny says. That's probably the perfect place for it. It has to be cold, though. 

15:01 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, it has to be real cold. I would go as far as saying that beer always has to be cold though. Yeah, it has to be real cold. I would go as far as saying that beer always has to be cold, yeah, but. 

15:07 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I'm just saying that instance like it's just the hangover. You get that one in you, you're feeling good again, you're recovered, right back to it and no issues. You just push the hangover to the next day. 

15:21 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
That's fine you got any others? 

15:23 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Yeah, hangover to the next day, that's fine. You got any others? Yeah, one more would be the leaving work early beer. Grab it at the office with the boys. At the office with the boys. We're going to the Jays game, we're heading out early, or boss says you can get out of here at lunch or just after lunch, or whatever. You go for lunch, have a beer at lunch. That's a good beer, that one feels good, it feels rewarding. Anything else, rob, that's it. 

15:46 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I mean we're covered. All right, we're going to do quick our. Maybe we just read them off. No draft style. 

15:51 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Worst beers, worst beers, let's go. You got it. Let's go draft style, in case there's overlap. 

15:55 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Zach already sewered me with the shower beer All right, Rob, First pick. 

16:01 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I've never done this before. I just want to clear this up because the actual thought of it sickens me so much that I would never do it. 

But there's people that they like stand by the toilet beer has to be you ever go to a sporting event and you just like watch a guy walk into the can you know that they're taking a shit because of the way that their shoes are oriented. You know what I'm saying. You could see like the pants by the ankle and they got the beer in there with them. Like there's just like, there's just shit particles floating through the air and guys drinking a beer. That's not my like. There's a lot of venues where I would drink a beer. Toilet beer is not one of them. I've seen it happen. I'm not going to partake in it. Frankly, it disgusts me. 

16:44 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
All right, I'll go worst beers a shotgunned beer. Oh, shotgunned beer. Yeah, shotgunned beer. I'm not a big fan of the shotgun. Yeah, it's not enjoyable. 

16:55 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I'm not a fan of the shotgun either. 

16:58 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I'll do it because of peer pressure. Yeah, I think everyone does right. I don't think everyone does right. I don't think anyone's ever wanted to shotgun beer. No one enjoys a shotgun beer. 

17:04 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
No, I'm with you on that, that's good. 

17:07 - Zack Phillips (Other)
This one would be the boot beer. 

17:10 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
A shoeie. 

17:12 - Zack Phillips (Other)
No, I'm talking about the glass boots, the big glass boots Built it. 

17:16 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, yeah. 

17:17 - Zack Phillips (Other)
No, I'm just not. That might be personal, maybe it was a bad one in the first round here, but that's. I'm not a fan of it. Usually it's also like it's multiple beers in there, it's not just the one. So then by the time you get to the bottom of the boot it's kind of warm. It's been in there for a while. Uh, I don't know. It's, I'm not a fan. 

17:35 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I'd rather just I thought you're supposed to just chug the beer out of the boot, like not, let it not not. 

17:39 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Yeah, you are supposed to chug it like a glass of beer yeah, you are supposed to chug it, so that's what I'm saying is like if you're you're, you're basically shotgunning like three beers at a time with the boot, or if you're just end up holding on to it a little bit like there's no good way to consume that one. 

17:55 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, in my opinion, gotta turn the boot sideways. So what I hear? 

17:58 - Zack Phillips (Other)
yeah all right, you're up again. Up again would be the workday lunch beer, where you have to go back to work. 

18:06 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
One of the worst beers, the biggest tease ever. Bad beer, no, no good. Yeah. Liquid lunch when you have to go back Depends on what your job is. I'd put that as a good beer. It depends on your job, right? If you actually have to go. Some people are going back to work. In spirit they're there, they're just a body, a presence in spirit. You know like they're there, they're just a body, a presence. But then if you actually have to go back and work after a beer lunch, it's bad. So it really depends on the, on the job. 

18:31 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I would say yeah, uh, I had it when I was landscaping. You go outside, you get, you have lunch. It's hot as hell. All of a sudden, you're just you, you have beers and you go back. No good, yeah, no good, uh. 

18:44 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
So those are mine all right, uh, back to me. So this one probably hits hard a lot of guys on the show here. This would be the lost a bet have to finish your beer such a bad beer because it's usually. It usually comes when you're not, when you're just enjoying your beer playing some sort of game, and you lost a bet. You gotta chug your beer. 

19:04 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
No, no good, never good it never comes under an ideal circumstance never. Yeah, I agree with you there. Um, okay, again, hear me out on this one. Uh, the party keg beer. Okay, keggers, in theory it's a fun idea, it's gonna be great, you're gonna have a keg, or whatever. Whoever hosts the party never properly takes care of the beer. It ends up being piss warm, super foamy. It's just never good, honestly, like when you go to a party and like you're like, oh, this keg was amazing, like it's one thing you wanna do when you're young, but you just like I've grown out of it. So party keg beer hard. 

19:45 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I have on my list the keg stand beer. That's a bad. That's part of it too. Yeah, I'll put that. Do some stupid shit on top of it whenever you're at the party with the keg, so I also had warm beer, so I'm going to cross those two off. Yeah, you had them both there. 

19:58 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It's a combo. I'll use my final selection on mystery beer. You know, when, like someone just comes up to you you've already had like three drinks and like someone's like I got you this beer and you're like what is it Like? It looks like a color you've never seen before. Like I don't know what this is and they're like, don't worry, like just drink it, it's good. I don't ever want to be like surprised, like I. I don't ever want to be like surprised like I'll drink it, but like I don't like going into the beer not knowing what it is taste. Sometimes it's like a sour or something like that. Or mystery beer, not in my playbook at all. You come and buy me a beer, you tell me what you got me. I'll drink it, but I want to know going in. That's just like my number one yeah, I'm with you there. 

20:42 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I would never drink one of those something else I would never do and have never done, but on my list here. I think it's pretty hilarious, but this has got to be a worst beer. Is the uh, baseball game hat two beers on top of the head through the straw beer? I, I can't see that. Happy gilmore caddy. Yeah, exactly, there's. There's just no way, so that I'll toss that as my number three I did have one of those hats before. 

21:04 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
My brother used to drink beer out of the one of those hats. It could not have been good. It probably was not it. I mean it's two things you got to open for one. They don't come out like evenly either. I want the suction on one always is worse than anyways. You're right, I I will agree with you on that um, mine. 

21:20 - Zack Phillips (Other)
The last one is, uh, the pre-going-to-play sporting event beer. You show up, you're going to play men's league soccer, men's league hockey, whatever it is. You have beers before you go out, unless you're doing what Johnny said, where I think it's controversial whether you want to have the beer in the Gatorade or not. It's undeniable that the post-game beer is incredible, but I think if you have the beer prior to going out there, there's a huge, huge risk of like not feeling good all of a sudden. Maybe your head hurts, you're dehydrated out there, you feel uncomfortable, you feel bloated, it there's just no real positives. Like it's fun in the moment. You get out there, go out on the ice, go to do whatever the activity is, and then you feel like shit and you immediately regret it. I don't think that there's any. I don't think there's any positives. 

22:08 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I don't like to mix beer with physical activity. Period. I've seen people drinking beers on like hikes before, like strenuous activity. Never the one time where I will mix beer with I mean you can call it physical activity. But if I'm playing for a buddy softball team and I know I'm playing outfield, I'll crush a beer before the game. It helps calm the nerves too, because I don't play regular baseball and you know the first time that that ball is like ripped at you when you're not playing regularly. You're like you're shit in your pants if you haven't had a beer yet. So that's the one exception. I would say all right, I got a couple honorable mentions here. 

22:41 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I know, know Zach said no brands. But for a worst beer I'm going to say a Molson Canadian 6.0 cold shot, and that's going to be presented without context. Those who know are going to know. And then those of you who are not from Canada, I guess look it up. You don't even need to. After that, I'd say worst beer, a homemade beer. I've never done it myself. I know certain people listening are probably saying oh no, homemade, listen, your homemade beer it's not. It's not a good beer. And end of that. Next up would be a networking beer with a guy you don't want to be around and sometimes it's like and you know if you worked at a big company or something, you go for beers. You don't want to be around this guy. But you, what are you going to do? 

23:24 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
you have to have the that's more about the person than the beer, though, but that's that's one of the worst beers. 

23:29 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
It's a tough one. And then, lastly I'm not too proud to say it uh, a too strong beer there's. 

23:35 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I don't like a too strong beer yeah, I don't know about this one, this, this is because it's a matter of personal preference. I don't want to get into the whole debate of like IPAs versus people's palates are different, so like everyone's like, oh, like IPAs are the best, or like you know, light beer, this and that, and they get into like these insane arguments. It's going to be to your palate. 

23:56 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, that's why I said worst beer for me is just a no-transcript list. 

24:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It's a too strong could be, a too hoppy beer could be. 

24:15 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Okay, I got it, I got you all right, anything else or we're gonna start talking, yeah talk some real stuff. 

24:21 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I I just had, uh, the dizzy bat beer oh, no, no, no you know, what number one worst. 

24:27 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Whoever volunteers to do that stupid thing where they they have to crush the beer and then spin around like 10 times at the bat on their head and finish some sort of stupid obstacle course dude that's another worst beer funnel beer. 

24:40 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, exactly, yeah, dude. How do we forget this? 

24:43 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
anytime you have to take beer in, like in bulk, like uncomfortable amount. Yeah, it's, it's, oh a funnel beer. Terrible man anyways we'll leave it up to the people. We'll leave it up to the people let us know down in the comments below. 

24:55 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Also, if we missed a great beer or a or a terrible beer also, let us know down in the comments below or if you want us to do more of these, which I don't know if people will, but if if you want us to do more of these, which I don't know if people will, but if you do want us to do more, suggest another topic. 

25:07 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I'm into beer now, man. I would, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go home today. I'm gonna crack the best shower beer. 

25:15 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Gonna be so such a great-. I can't wait for your wife to just find the empty can in the shower. No, yes, Rob, Rob there's definitely. 

25:23 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You definitely don't let the wife know that you're doing a shower beer. That's pro tip number one. You just do the shower beer. 

25:29 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
But yeah, anyways, All right. What do we got for sports? Ben here, Rob, I don't know what do we got. 

25:38 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
What do we got for sports? 

25:40 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Honestly, zach, leave this in. 

25:42 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Leave this in brother, leave this in Dog. Days of summer is what we got for sports betting. What are you actually doing right now? 

25:48 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Honestly, we're working on a lot of work Like bet stamp work. 

25:52 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah of course or accelerating? Are you doing anything to accelerate your sports betting? 

25:56 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Barely anything, not much of anything right now. Personally, I don't bet MLB straights. I don't bet MLB straights Like. I don't bet MLB like money lines and stuff like that. I know there's a lot of people who do. People make good money, some people don't. Whatever, I don't do that. So it's a good chance for me to just like take the summer and like work on some other stuff and not. I don't see a need to grind out something when you might or may not have an edge. You're not confident in it. Something when you might or may not have an edge, you're not confident in it. You're going to put a lot of time into it. At this point for me, it's like not getting the roi out of the time, so it's better to take some time off yeah, I did some baseball stuff for about two weeks and then I said this ain't gonna happen anymore, it's it's all. 

26:37 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It's full steam football ahead right now, like it's already started so what are you prepping for right now? 

26:42 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)

26:43 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
NFL. So yeah, I mean like listen, there's a lot of work that goes goes into it. For me, starting, I try to like take some time until June and then July kicks in and a lot of stuff happens. But it always starts for me like and I spend a lot of time reviewing last season and not not just like what happened in the games, but our entire process, like where did we do well, where did we do poorly, when were we able to fill? Do we need to bet earlier this year? Do we need to bet later? Like basically everything. 

That is, a full review of last season from a betting perspective and then just talking through that with my partners in terms of what do we need to change for this upcoming year. I literally do that before I even start doing like the full NFL prep work, because I think like it's important to evaluate the market before you just start putting all your resources into betting it. Like imagine there was some sort of market that somebody spent exhaustive hours like creating a model for, and then they go to bet it during nfl season and they can get like 50 bucks of a play and they try to fill through other partners and they get a couple hundred bucks would have been a complete waste of time. So for me it's more of a a process review before I actually get into anything that's like specific NFL. 

28:05 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
What I would honestly recommend for people and what I I haven't started doing it yet, but I do this before. The season is probably about a month away still is just map out targets for the season on how much you think you want to make and how much you think you can make. And I've always said this on the show you need to in order to make money. It's volume times ROI. So you can even split it out by market and say all right, this year for football I'm going to buy bet stand player props tool. I'm going to get this much down on player props. I'm going to get this much down here. This is going to be my expected roi. That's going to be this earned for me. I'm going to do this tailing this guy's plays or like doing this origination for straights. I'm going to get down this much on these books, whatever, and that's going to be projected, this ROI and then you'll basically have kind of like building blocks for the season of how your season is going to go, and then you'll be able to then pivot during the season after three, four, six weeks being like all right, this block I had projected correctly, this is working well. I might shift more time towards this. This is working. Let me get more down here. This one not working. Let me take away from here. 

But you have to have that roadmap out, otherwise, honestly, you're flying blind. And a lot of people who are betting let's say, nfl you have no idea what you're even expected to make for the year. People say like, oh, whatever, I'm just going to put, I'm going to bet whatever $100 a play and I'm going to put in five plays a week. Like, do you know what your expected earn is on that? Nobody really factors that stuff in, so I would recommend doing that. I'm, like I said, about a month away from actually going through that process, searching through everything and figuring out. 

29:44 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You know what the best course is for this NFL season. Yeah, I mean, I think that's, that's good advice. Like sports betting isn't just purely like sports betting, like obviously you got to click buttons and you got to make wagers and you got to figure out what, what are actually good bets but there's a lot of um, prep work that goes into all of that. And like I don't know for me at this point in my life I think I may have mentioned this on the podcast before but I'm trying to maximize dollars per time spent. It's like an efficiency rating, right. Some people are just purely like to maximize dollars. Totally fine, and you know what. You might work a hundred hours a week. Sure, that's what you want to do, that's your goal. Some people might look to maximize other things or whatever. 

For me it's like an efficiency thing, uh, but nfl is a passion of mine, so I'm willing to put in a lot more work if, if we're willing to get something out of it. 

You just got to be able be sure going into the season you're gonna be able to get something out of it and you know if we, if we go through this, we expect to get this back. 

So that's kind of the early process, but I've already started digging into teams as well. So the first thing is, like you know, I run a math model for NFL which is always a starting point for us of, like this is the number on the game. But we've we've updated the rosters for, you know, each team, including draft picks, offseason changes, any injuries, to start the year and kind of figure out where we're at. And then I eyeball it and I kind of go through things that stand out to me as, like this doesn't make a lot of sense. Now we have to dig into why this is happening and that's kind of how we refine the model on a yearly basis is just trying to understand, um, what's happening. The the toughest thing I think for um myself personally I can't speak on behalf of everyone, but is accounting for, like changes in team from from like do you already know all the players that have switched teams and all the rosters? 

yeah, so like, um, like on a personal level, I try to keep up with nfl as much much as humanly possible. There's a lot of moving parts. 

31:50 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I checked back a couple weeks back after free agency and I saw a lot of trades and signings and I was like, oh, this guy's on this team now. And I was really only looking at offensive players. I don't track defense too much, but I'm sure there's a lot of changes. 

So honestly, as big as the change you have to account for all the players that are moving teams, like do you know currently what, like the commanders team is off the top of my head? No, you don't know. Like the commanders players are. Well, I can, I can name a lot of the command you know, like, do you know the key roles, like qb, running back receivers? Yeah, all right, so you, you know, you, you've already like studied up yeah, in season. 

32:29 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Daniels Austin Eckler yeah, terry. Mclaurin Jahan Dotson, luke McCaffrey, yeah okay, you're good in season. 

32:35 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
For me, it's like I know all of these off heart. Yeah, when I was looking back, if you were to quiz me before I looked like two weeks ago, I'd be like I have no idea. I didn't even know. Keenan Allen went to the Bears. 

32:48 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Right, because some people, once the NFL season ends, they don't pick up until their fantasy drafts start coming around. If you? 

32:53 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
didn't check Twitter that one day that Keenan Allen went to the Bears. There's no mention of that. After that it's like it's done. 

33:00 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Most important for me obviously changes in player personnel matter. I'm not going to be an idiot and be like oh, it doesn't matter that all these guys are, it obviously matters. However, to me, I think like, maybe what people miss in a lot of the off-season stuff is the changes in coaching staff, honestly, not just head coach, offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator how they're going to play for, like, think about the betting implications of one team. This is a gross exaggeration, but one team running 20 more plays a game because they're going to play a hurry-up offense. 

Yeah, massive, and it won't be picked up on, you think, until it takes a while for that data to assemble and for people to trust it over the course of the season. 

Think about, even on a defensive side of the ball, if a team in previous years played a lot of too high safety and is now playing only one high safety and playing a lot of players closer to the line of scrimmage probably gonna be a little bit more deep shots against that team. 

Uh, changes in a scheme where you get a defensive coordinator that comes over who is a defensive coordinator that loves to blitz the quarterback instead of play back and like all of that to me matters just as much as the changes in personnel, and I think that's that's where I spend the majority of my time, because it was just a model like I can just run a model using player personnel of each team and say this team against this team, I would expect them to win, but that's not the way football plays out. It's the. The coaching staff has such a large impact on how they're gonna play. Um, last week adam churnoff put out like um you know I thought we're so happy I'm not an originator right now yeah, I know I, I there's something about it that, like is just um natural to me. 

Like I like numbers. You do like you've always liked it exactly, I've grown up I like, I like you know me in in my personal life of like I play board strategy, board games and stuff like that. There's something to figuring out puzzles, in a sense, that I enjoy. But Chernoff put out a tweet last week about um I think it was the Indianapolis Colts this upcoming year, and there's like a lot of information in there about what they're doing in the offseason. But one thing was about how Shane Steichen coaches when his team is leading versus when they're trailing, which is like something that I was betting in live markets last year You've talked about this in the past before with the Titans when they had Derek Henry and Vrabel was the head coach, and how they just like they lean on henry second half. 

If they're winning the game, they're just going to run the ball, and that's true, and it's not to say that it's not factored into, like the betting algorithms, but it there's probably still like a little bit more meat on the bone there, so to speak, and that's the kind of stuff that, like interests me, um, and where I spend a lot of my time in the offseason. It's not figuring out where the players have gone, it's how they fit into whatever that team is building there, if that makes sense I, uh, I couldn't agree more like a lot of the changes here. 

36:02 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I personally, though, I don't. I don't look at into this stuff this early. Like for me, I'd almost rather like just look into this before week one, see where the markets are moving, like basically, see other people's work on what's been done, and then try to like make an opinion after like week one or two. But it's, it is uh, but we're very different styles of betters. 

36:22 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)

36:23 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
You're actually. You actually need to make the number right, Like you need to make the number and make it pretty accurately from the ground up, in order to be successful. 

36:30 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, and for me, I want to have things ready. I'll call them finalized, even though they're not. They're going to change. But to me the goal is always to have things finalized by the start of preseason. Because now, whether or not I'm not immune to bias right now, whether or not I'm not like immune to bias, right, you'll watch preseason sometimes and some player might just like look really good, and now you have to figure out well, does he look really good because he's playing a bunch of backups on the other team? Does he look really good because he's actually took it, taking a step forward this year? So, like, I like to have things kind of finalized to a spot where I'm comfortable with by the start of preseason. Then I'll use the preseason to make some adjustments to that. 

But I mean, if I'm being honest with myself, which I am right now, I honestly usually suck to start the NFL year anyway. So maybe there's actually an inherent flaw in my process somewhere along the way that I have to figure out, somewhere along the way that I have to figure out, because, whether it's people are able to bet into, like the week one market for months and months and months, maybe it gets more efficient early. I don't know what it is. Maybe there is something in my process in the off season that just doesn't work. I have to take it a little bit easier in the first weeks of the season. Maybe it's just small sample size, honestly, but all of that is like part of a larger puzzle of things that are constantly going on in my head. So, yeah, going forwards now. I mean I'm vacationing this summer. We have bet bash as well in early august, but I I want to be in as like strong position as I can be by the start of nfl season in fully understanding how these teams are going to operate. 

38:04 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
So have you have you figured out yet, outside of just modeling and teams? So have you figured out yet, outside of just modeling and teams? Have you figured out what your process is going to be for this NFL season from a just pure betting, getting down perspective? Like I'm going to bet straights, I'm trying to move this much volume this year. I'm trying to bet this much per bet. I want to get down this time of the week. Have you decided that already? 

38:25 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
So it's not finalized, because some of our betting will involve utilizing partners and they can't quote us numbers yet. Like sometimes you, you know, a group will move for us and they'll be like we can get you $10,000 on Monday, just random day, right, we don't have that information available to us yet, but like we're going to go into the season knowing that. So it's like here are all of our outs, here's where we can bet, when we can bet into them, or the optimal time to bet into them, here's how much we can get on all those. And then we kind of prioritize those from top to bottom and try to spread the wealth, so to speak, so that we're like you build up one huge figure with someone and then, God forbid, they go bust and you just like you tied up all your profits of one person. You don't want to deal with that situation, but yeah, like that's. 

39:15 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Well, have you already decided, though, like we're betting straights this year and we're going to focus on more money lines, or more totals, more spreads, and have you at least decided like okay, this is what our ideal bet size would be? 

39:31 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Okay. So there's a consistency from year to year that doesn't need to be discussed per se with my partners. It's just like we know we're gonna bet NFL sides and totals, we know when we're gonna bet those, roughly what times of the week, and that stays the same. Then there's always like the secondary conversation of should we actually devote more time this year to nfl second halves and everybody be available to bet second halves because we had some success doing that? Are we going to do more props this year? And some people may be in on it, some people maybe not, and then that's when like it one. The interesting thing about me operating in like a group setting is that we don't always just bet. We bet some things together, but everybody as an individual will go off and do their own thing as well where they feel like there's a little bit more bang for their buck there. 

40:18 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
So are you planning on doing props this season? Yeah, I did props last season, but so what's the plan for that? 

40:25 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
So I have my own props origination. I'll call it like a hybrid of bottom up and top down. I very much respect the market for NFL. Everything I'm not doing like super high volume on props, let's put it that way. But wherever I strongly feel like I have an edge, I'll bet those out early in the week and then over the course of the rest of the week if the market opposes. I'm probably not like going super hard on stuff like that. There's guys like Hitman as an example, where okay, market bounces against him and he's like vehemently believes in in his handicap boom, he's gonna hit it again. I'm not, uh. So it's like earlier week bottom up good closing line value. Some would argue that that's probably actually going to hurt you if you're doing. 

41:20 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
That depends where you're getting down. Are you going to use the best and player props tool? 

41:23 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
yes, I did for. I did for when we were in beta for last year. 

41:28 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, I think for this year my biggest change for NFL is this will be my first year going just only using Player Props Tool. There's no Just based on the results I've had in the past couple of years. Like the tool wins and the origination stuff wins and honestly it actually wins at a lesser rate than the tool and uh is so much more work. 

So you mentioned like that's a dollar per hour kind of thing, yeah, uh, if you're looking for like low dollar per hour or I guess high dollar per hour would be, yeah, but not too much time and highest amount of money, like, like origination for me at least, does not make sense. And when I look at a lot of the people out there in the space right now, I know there is some sort of like you know Matt Trenhale talked about it last week some sort of like me versus you style thing. Like, you know, you want to win and you want that glory for winning, which I do get. And I think when you originate something and you do win and you're like, let's say, you even got opposition on it, it does feel great. But in today's market for NFL specifically I'm mentioning this for like, there is not really a need for origination for 99.9% of people in the market right now. 

The number one easiest way to beat NFL is just going to be to essentially get an odd screen for player props and grind that through the season. The number two way to beat NFL is likely going to be to pick up off market prices on the on the full games at some books that you can. Those will be the easiest ways and they also require the least amount of time, and then the hardest way to beat it which subsequently does have somewhat the most upside would be what rob is doing with his partners. But keep in mind this is like years of experience and data and it is not guaranteed that rob's gonna have a winning season, whereas you know, if he does have a winning season, he crushes it like he's gonna make make a lot more money, definitely, but there's far from a guarantee that Rob will have a winning season, whereas if you take essentially what I'm doing on the player props- I'd say significantly higher chance I'm going to have a winning season. 

43:43 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I would agree with everything that you said there. Listen, just from my perspective, and I agree with everything you said. Like, if you're looking for the path of least resistance, don't originate. Like don't there's so many challenges that come with it. Like I modeled sports for I want to say two and a half years before I even trusted the outcomes of the model enough to bet them for one. So there's like years of not betting and that was because I had lost a lot of money before that. But then you like build that out and within like a year, new metrics become available and you're like shit. Like now I got to it's constant adaptation. 

Right, and my personality traits lend themselves to being a good originator because I'm a good problem solver. That's always been like the best skill I have. For some people out there, they just would be. And this is like I'm just being a realist, right, it's not. I'm better that people have different skill sets, right? If you don't like solving problems, you're not going to like trying to figure out what the win probability of two teams in an NFL game is when you have so much data to work with and you have squads of 50 plus players on each side, like that's going to be an inherent challenge. So I would agree with you. For me it's just, I'm like it's almost I do it by, like it's a hobby, more so of a means to making income, if that makes sense. 

45:11 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, I agree, I think what and I may even get flamed for this but what a lot of people who are originators or who kind of are against the whole top-down thing don't understand is the top-down kind of style. It requires like a bunch of originating just on different things. So you may not be reading, you may not be building a bottom up number from the market and be like, yeah, this game should be three and a half or this player should be 68 and a half yards, but you are still solving and essentially originating opinions on so many different problems like whether this is that, whether this is good, whether this is good, what's going to happen here. And oftentimes you are in like a guessing game where you need to run like a super quick analysis on something so that the skills required are not extremely different. The effort certainly is is a lot more in the bottom up origination, um and. 

But I do think like a really good originator would also be a really good. You know top down better and vice versa. Fyi, like a really good person reading the market would also be a good originator. Just sometimes the like, the physical skills, may not be there. So like, ok, this guy, you don't really necessarily need to code to be a good top down better, although it would significantly help if you could run analysis and code. So it's all. It's all variable, but the skills required are very similar, yep. 

46:36 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I don't disagree. Yeah, I mean so that that's it Like for me now it's just it's football mode until all the way up until football, and just trying to maximize the use of my time. Like one thing for me that's really important, especially running a business and doing content on top of it, is like I've already started to block off times of the week during NFL season of like I need to be doing this at this time and like my calendar is I don't have a lot of free time, but I think it's like that's a huge. Like I love building out a routine during free time, but I think it's like that's a huge like I love building out a routine during NFL season and like every single week during that season I know I'm doing this at at X time or Y time or Z time and, um, that's like all part of the off season. Like so it's. 

It's not just it's not just like, oh, I'm going to, you know I'm going to dig into all these teams and all these players, like that's part of it. But there's like so much logistics around everything else because, yeah, you, you have to. You have to be able to come up with a number on a game. In my case, that is going to win, maybe not on Sunday at close, but earlier in the week. And then it's not just about that number Now. There's like a lot of execution that comes into play, and you know it's a different game than just making the number. 

Of course, listen, if you got like a thousand dollar bed size, it'd be super easy, of course, and that's not to diminish again to each their own, but then it's not even a problem. You don't have to worry about these things. But at some point you scale and you get to a level and a lot of people desire to get to that level and and that's what it takes to to maintain it year after year. So I'm not as passionate about sports betting as I once was in terms of like. I don't want to be the best NFL better in the world, but it's a hobby, it's something I'm interested in. I try to improve every year and try to make decent money on it every year, and I'll keep doing that as long as I'm doing that. 

48:34 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, I want to say also, we're going to do another episode later in the summer where we actually break down more specifics on NFL betting, how to prep for the season, and we're going to give actionable advice. We have the BetStand Player Props tool, which has been absolutely unbelievable for NFL and NBA season, thanks to anybody who was working with us on that. We have some people that are in. We filled all the spots that we have for now, unfortunately, but we are going to be opening up another round ahead of the NFL season, so that's something where we're looking to. Basically it is like a sales product, obviously, but we're selling that product and we're going to have a limited amount of spots. We're going to do another episode where we actually break that down and show people how it works. So if you want to reach out now and, um, like essentially get on a wait list, that's fine. If not, we'll wait for the other episode. So you can see it, and we were also considering between rob and I for this season, like finding other ways to help betters more in the, the smaller scale. 

So we, we hear you guys and we know there's a lot of people in our audience as well, as you know on social media, who are not necessarily guys who are going to be betting like a thousand dollars and they're just maybe entering into the game, want to figure out how to make their first couple grand, their first five grand, ten grand. So we're looking at ways to do that. We hear you. Hopefully we have something by football season where we can help out in a little more clear direction, currently working on that. We'll see. And then, in addition to that, we are also working on the merch for Circles Off. It's actually happening in the background right now. So everybody who's listening right now, fear not, we're going to help you win an NFL this season. If you're a super sharp bettor, you're a ridge inning, you're already at the top of the game and you don't want to do props, then you probably got it covered. 

50:28 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
We'll have some decent guests on, though that you might still learn something from. 

50:31 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, this is going to be our best year yet. I know this is more of like low-effort summer content, as they say, it's July content now, yeah, low-effort July content. But seriously, guys, we appreciate everyone listening, liking, subscribing on the show and show whatnot. We want to put out the best content as possible. Last week's obviously wasn't was a nice banger. 

We're gonna try to lean in this year to like really high level and like hardcore, um, like sharp content, uh, even across the entire network. You know, there, there's no, there's no better thing, there's no thing that like rob and I are more passionate about than like trying to find edges and like actually winning betting and um, I know a lot of you listening right now and others are going to discover this podcast later feel the same way about it. So, uh, we're, we're really going to try this year and like changing up a few things so they give you guys the absolute best content possible when it comes to like finding edges, plays, how to actually win, actionable advice, none of this like hey picks, picks, bullshit. There might be a few of that, a few of those, like you know, because all this sunday morning show that's not going to go away, otherwise we'd probably be, you know, murdered over here, but we're really going to try to lean in. This will be an awesome year. What awesome year? What do you think, rob? 

51:47 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, totally agree with everything. We just consume so much in the space At least I do, zach does, our other producers Alex Moreto, here at the Hammer and there's so much that we could do to accelerate betting education in the space, and this podcast has been one avenue to do it. But we're going to hone in on, like, some specific topics that listen. They may not be for you, they may be for you, but I promise if you watch that content, then you're actually going to learn something and get something out of that content. It's no different than listen. 

I consume a lot of my. I got my golf game down to like a 15 handicap. Now I'm playing well, not bad. I watch a lot of YouTube in the space. There's certain channels that I like there might be a video on, like how to fix your reverse pivot and like that's not a problem for me, I'm going to skip it, I'm going to watch it, but maybe the next video is like hitting too many fat shots. Maybe you want to watch this and maybe I will watch that. So we're going to try to, you know, produce a wide offering of different content in the space, and also we got some entertaining stuff planned as well. We're not just robotic here over at the Hammer. We do want to have some fun with some things which are going to be coming your way. That's why we did a beer draft. 

Beer draft. All right, appreciate everyone tuning in today's episode. Smash that like button down below. We haven't done a Q&A mailbag in a long time. I'm not saying that we're gonna do one, but if there's specific topics that you want to see, put them down in the comments down below. Maybe they turn into a q a, maybe they just turn into individual episode topics, maybe they turn into some other content, but we always do value the feedback, so let us know down in the comments below. Also, best and worst beers make sure you post it. Make sure you smash that like button. Make sure you sub the circles off. Make sure you check out Pinnacle Sportsbook. Appreciate all who tuned in. We'll catch you next week, peace. 


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