Circles Off Episode 64 - Gambling Twitters WORST Tweets



Welcome back to another enthralling episode of Circles Off! This week, we journey through the dynamic landscapes of NFL preseason betting, the highs and lows of sports journalism, and the whimsical world of betting Twitter.


Discovering the Hidden Value in NFL Preseason Betting


This sets the stage for a robust discussion on the profitability of NFL preseason betting. Contrary to popular belief, betting on these games isn't just for the so-called "degenerates." In fact, the hosts argue that larger line movements and timely news can create lucrative opportunities. They also tackle the overly optimistic reports from training camp beat writers, questioning why negative critiques are so rare.


The Highs and Lows of Sports Journalism and Athlete Relations


Shifting gears, the conversation moves to the high-stakes world of sports journalism. The hosts reflect on the delicate balance journalists must maintain between professionalism and asking tough questions. They revisit iconic confrontations like those between John Tortorella and reporter Brooksy, as well as a hilariously audacious moment from a Conor McGregor press conference. The episode underscores the importance of hard-hitting journalism, even when it risks straining relationships with athletes and coaches.


Inside Betting Twitter: Humor, Trends, and Controversies


Next, the episode delves into the quirky world of betting Twitter. The hosts share their experiences with office traditions like "piñata picks" for golf tournaments, where camaraderie and high stakes create a unique office culture. They also discuss "Tweets that Trigger Us," adding a dose of humor to their analytical discussions. From overcooked steaks to misguided betting strategies, this segment is as entertaining as it is insightful.


Navigating Training Camp Hype and Real Player Evaluations


The hosts also tackle the overly positive reports from training camps, questioning why beat writers shy away from negative player critiques. They highlight the importance of accurate reporting, especially when it comes to evaluating players' performances during the preseason.


Office Betting Games and Twitter's Wild Side


The episode also explores the camaraderie built through office betting games and the dynamic nature of Twitter communities. From humorous interactions to subtle, indirect tweets, the hosts paint a vivid picture of the evolving landscape of gambling Twitter.


From NHL Nostalgia to Betting Profits and Sports Media Showdowns


The episode concludes with a deep dive into various betting trends and market reactions. From price sensitivity to the challenges of betting favorites, the hosts provide a comprehensive overview of the intricacies of sports betting. They also recount intriguing stories involving MLB players and Twitter personalities, blending personal anecdotes with professional insights.




This episode of Circles Off is a rollercoaster ride through the worlds of NFL preseason betting, sports journalism, and betting Twitter. With a blend of personal anecdotes, professional insights, and a healthy dose of humor, the hosts offer a rich and entertaining listening experience. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or just curious about the dynamics of sports media, this episode has something for everyone. Don't miss out!




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Episode Transcript

00:07 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
welcome to circles off episode number 64 at a run of a couple weeks in a row where I knew a player with that jersey number, I unfortunately cannot think of a number 64 I have one. 

00:21 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Okay, it's a half year jersey number, potentially one of the biggest busts in NHL history, some would argue the biggest bust at first overall in the NHL. I still half season on the Edmonton Oilers, nail yeah, number 64 before he switched to number 10. And in fact, throw me that Jersey, zach. Open that door right there. Do we have a Yakupov jersey here? Just? 

00:48 - Zack Phillips (Other)
you see it in there or no? Just give me two seconds, all right I did a quick google search. 

00:54 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Uh, google images search toss that mikhail grandland. 

00:58 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Wow, we actually do have a yakima mikhail grandland is a 64 nail yakupov number 64. 

01:05 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I'm gonna put this on. Why do you own that for the episode? 

01:08 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
why do you actually own that? I'm looking, uh, someone with the miami dolphins on the offensive line. I mean, these are, these are what we're dealing with here. Once it gets into the higher numbers is a little bit more difficult, I think, or like these mid 60s, but yeah, we don't. Uh, it is a sweet jersey, though I've always liked the Oilers colors episode 64 Niall Yakupov. 

01:33 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Niall Yakupov, what a jersey. Man picked this thing up on boxing day one year dirt cheap. Don't even know why I got this, but I believe it was literally too cheap to not buy it. That's what it was. 

01:50 - Zack Phillips (Other)
It's kind of funny. You guys started doing this because I used to do a podcast, like a while ago, and at the beginning of each episode we would dedicate that episode to a player that wore that number. We did it like all the way through. We got to 99 and then that was it. Where do you think we got this idea from? 

02:06 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
it's not about the akapov, edmonton oilers tag still on rob. What's going on this week? 

02:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
uh, I'm getting into football season now, because now we start to have the nfl training camps, um, which is actually you know, uh, it's. It's good that we're going to do tweets that trigger us, for this week we haven't done one since, um, the episode that aired at the beginning of June. So it's going on two full months now without some tweets that trigger us. But I've seen a bunch this week too many to choose from about the whole concept of like. Only the true degenerates, only D-gens, bet the NFL preseason. These are the ones that get me the most. Always happens during spring training baseball People are like oh, you're absolutely insane, you're nuts if you bet spring training, you're nuts if you bet NFL preseason. And it's like the lines move way more than the regular season. The edge is much larger Now. Granted, you can't get as much money down, obviously, but people seem to not understand the concept of like line movement, and the larger the line move, the more opportunity that can be had in that market it drives me crazy. 

03:14 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, fair enough, I mean. Another example of this is like just you can bet, you can. You don't have to make money on the most glorious stuff. Just again, whatever money is made, that's the the real winner. If you're making a lot of money, it's good, so the money is the same. If it's made on nfl regular season or pre-season, and 100 bucks is 100 bucks, thousand bucks is a thousand bucks yeah, it doesn't make a difference. 

03:37 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
But like when we're talking about pre-season, like there's such a major news advantage too, like you get stuff like if you just read, I'm not listen. Not everyone in the world has time to read every single news source that's out there, follow every single beat writer and so on and so forth. But when you start to get word that no players on the first team offense are going to play for so-and-so team, that now creates an edge on the other team, where you don't even have to have some sort of mathematical model, you just need to be able to process information in real time and go bet it out quickly. It's one of the most simple things to do. You know we talked about this around spring training for baseball. But where else are you going to find sports where you get like a double a team, a minor league team, that's basically dressing against the full major league roster? It just doesn't happen all that often. So I always get. I'm always dumbfounded because it's usually. It's usually someone that doesn't bet on sports doesn't understand betting. They just put people into a class of being a degenerate because they're betting preseason sports when in reality there's a lot of money to be made there. So I think that's a lesson to people out there that you know, don't discriminate just because of what people are betting. There's edge to be had everywhere. But NFL preseason always gets me going because uh, another thing which I tweeted about today which I always notice I try to follow beat writers in lots of sports because there's obviously like an advantage these people are around the teams every day. You might gain some, you know, valuable information. But during pre-season it's not only for the nfl, for every sport. 

I don don't know why no beat writers can say something bad about a player. It's always like this guy looks amazing. What an offseason, best shape of his life. He's out here fully. Just tell it how it is, man. Are they scared that they're not going to have coverage to the team anymore? 

The funniest one was some guy. I don't even know who it is, I don't care to name who it was, doesn't matter it was. It was a whole thing about how daniel jones looked great. The responses to that tweet were all like hey, man, I was also like watching today daniel jones through like five interceptions directly to defensive back. I've never seen a quarterback play worse. It was just a whole long list of guys that are like I don't know what you were watching, type of thing, and that kind of stuff is like I wish we could just get to a situation or a point where, like I didn't have to dig through about a million things to find out how a player actually performed or how a player is actually looking. I get it like some people just don't want to ruffle feathers. Then just don't tweet, man, don't straight up lie to me about how a player looked, because you know you're trying to generate some buzz yeah, absolutely, absolutely brutal. 

06:19 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Like they never say this guy's like they'll, they'll do only the stuff that, when they say he looks bad, is like this guy came in a camp overweight yeah, because that's just like a quantifiable thing that gets released. And then they just say that, but they don't actually ever say like this guy looked absolute trash, dropped six balls, and like he's probably going to be cut tomorrow. 

06:39 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Well, too, we talked about it on charge to the game this week on the Monday show. We talked about it on Charge it to the Game this week on the Monday show. There was a picture that went out and all the media captions on it was like George Pickens is going to be unstoppable. George Pickens is special, blah, blah, blah and it's him basically diving backwards making this catch above his head back. Well, someone replied to the picture with the video of that catch. He dropped the pass. 

07:07 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Okay, that happens all the year with rookies right sky more is is like the huge buzz right now with the chiefs going to be the tyreek hill replacement. I'm not saying he's gonna have a bad season or whatever, but I think the guy would probably be a good player. But, like, already talking about him, like he's tyreek hill based off, like a couple days in practice where I watch some videos, the guy is literally catching screen passes where no one is even like it's just catching a screen pass and running the ball down the field in open space. Like I get it. You get a lot of like the rejuvenation stories Saquon Barkley looks amazing, christian McCaffrey, so on and so forth. 

It's like, ok, fine, but I'm like a realistist. Like just give me what I want to be delivered real information, stuff that I I hate the amount of fluff nowadays in reporting. That's what drives me crazy. I I respect the guy. Like post game at the podium that just gives the coach the tough question like why did you punt on that fourth and one at the 37-yard line? And then the coach will be like, oh, you know this. And the guy will go right back in. He'll be like yeah, but you know, modern analytics tell us it was a bad move. Like I, like those guys that press, they're looking for the truth. They're not there just to big up their career and take a stepping stone and get in good with guys and so on and so forth. 

08:24 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I want the truth, but it's like, it's like life though now. Then those guys are just now in a bad spot. They don't want to have them, like they're all. This guy again. Like I don't want to answer his questions, like the press conferences are not entertaining, like they're all just now, like cookie cutter answers. 

08:39 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
But that's why I ask some hard-hitting questions. 

Well, so that that's that's where the balance comes into play. Right, because I agree with you, I don't find any of the. I don't want to say any of them, but the vast majority of press conferences are not entertaining because people ask questions that they already know the answer to. To me, that's like reporting 101 if you're going to ask someone a question that you already know the answer to, don't't ask it. There are some exceptions, obviously, like if you're, for example, we're running a podcast and there might be something I know the answer to, but I know 99% of the audience isn't going to or might find interesting, I will ask the question, but for the most part, like, don't ask questions where you know you know exactly what the guy's going to answer, like what good is that? You can put it in your article or whatever. So no dig man, find out like that's what the fans want to know. 

You lose a game on like a bad coaching decision and nobody says anything to the coach after the game. What the hell are these people in the room doing? Someone's got to ask that and I get it. Okay, it's gonna make it tougher for them going forwards. I'm not saying you have to go grill the coach every single game. But like you can ask it in a manner where it's like hey, man, you know some people would construe this as a bad decision. Can you walk us through your thought process on it doesn't have to be in a way where you're just trying to bury the guy and and they. 

09:56 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
The worst part about those questions now is like any of the ones where, um, someone does ask something, that's like a little bit more. You sometimes you now hear the coach be like, oh, like this guy, oh, what is he talking about? Like you don't know the game, and it's like he just asked if you, why'd you, uh, not go for it on fourth down, when you basically conceded the game by, by punting, and they just get all, all cheese. It is what it is. 

10:17 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I'll bring it back to a hockey reference, though. There I will always remember the rangers Brooksy Tortorella and John Tortorella, right when, like credit to the guy, he asked some tough questions. Maybe some of them were distasteful or a little bit spiteful as the relationship deteriorated. Get what I'm saying Brooksy, yeah, but Tortorella-. 

Get that through your head. Get that through your head, brooksy. That's what reporting is supposed to be like. That clip will live on forever because that guy did his job. It wasn't one where he just like, went up there and served up a you know, lobbed one up for for tortorella to hit out of the park. So always respect guys like that. We need more of it. We need more of it in preseason. 

10:59 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I want the real takes biggest respect to, uh, during the conor mcgregor versus jose aldo press tour, when or, sorry, versus eddie alvarez press tour, when a guy went up in a in a dress shirt and a tie to ask a question, looking all professional, and then he basically just started swearing and shit talking at eddie alvarez. But in the funniest possible way, we'll cut it in to play that clip. Holy man, if you guys haven't seen that, one of the best clips ever within a, within a press conference. He's like starts with a professional question. He's like hey, hey, uh, my questions for eddie alvarez, like you say, conor mcgregor as doesn't have a gas tank and he's like gonna run out of gas. 

He's like, but yet in your professional career you've only been to the fifth round twice. And he starts getting fired up. He's like and you lost both of them. He's like. He's like why are you talking shit about the greatest? And he's like going nuts. And then, uh, basically mcgregor steps in and starts it was a great a great, let me play it, sure, if you have it up uh, this question is for eddie alvarez. 

12:01 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You've been mentioning that conor mcgregor is not a championship fighter. He only has two to three rounds. Yet in your professional career, you've only went to the fifth round twice and lost one of them. What the fuck are you talking about? 

12:13 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
What the fuck are you talking about? That's the chair. 

12:16 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
That's the chair, that's the fucking chair right there. Fuck you, eddie Can we leave, it Leave. My question was clearly you've only been to the fifth round twice in your professional career and lost one of them. You're complaining that he has no gas, His question is why are you talking shit? 

12:36 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
That's his question. Why the fuck you up there talking shit? Say it like it is. You're blessed. You're blessed that I chose you All time mannor is actually pretty funny. 

Conor mcgregor is an all-time chirp artist, but then when he comes in there and he just interrupts him, he's like his question is why are you talking shit? It's so, it's so perfect, man. But yeah, that guy that asked that question dressed up all professionally, man, that was all like. That was all time. I was watching that interview live years ago and then since then I've seen that clip so many times, man, I wish it was okay. 

13:09 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Obviously that's unprofessional yeah, yeah, listen there's, there's a level, there's that's hilarious, by the way. It's absolutely hysterical. But like no reporter who's trying to earn a living is going to come to press conferences, and just you know break something out like that, but you can ask hard questions. That's the point, right, you can ask hard and you can deliver like. 

13:30 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
That guy was actually a. That was a fan question, but the the reason why it was so funny was because when he went up there, he didn't act like most of the fans are dressed in like fight gear and they walk up. This guy literally had a tie and a shirt on and he walked up and and said, like my question is for Eddie Alvarez, when you do like, when you're doing that, it seems like it's it sounded very professional. 

It was going to be professional, and then he just ripped, and then he just ripped into him. 

13:52 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I think the problem, though, becomes with the media, people to the coaches and stuff is that you start to mix in opinion. Right, and it's. It's steve simmons going up there, or somebody and then he gets in that personal and then it becomes a personal one-on-one and then the coach gets mad at them and then it affects future questions where maybe they don't bring the personal side of it into it. But then the coach is like, ah, screw this guy the. 

14:17 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
the challenge is you never know how how anything is going to be construed or misconstrued nowadays, right like I. Like I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan. If I was a beat writer for the Dallas Cowboys, I would. I would probably just try to tell it how it is. Now I don't know. I'm not in these situations where I don't deal with these players on a day-to-day basis. I don't know how they're going to react If that's going to change the. You know their uh willingness to talk to me, so on and so forth. So I get that. But me as a person, that's how I would do my job. 

But watch training camp. Tell me who doesn't look good out there. Tell me, this guy looks slow, this guy looks like. People know its opinion, right, obviously you can get the guys like, oh, who are you? Who are you to judge football, whatever. But people want real news. Like I'm following beat writers especially. Their goal is not to just big up everyone on the team and put the team up on a pedestal or player up on a pedestal. It's to deliver news. That's what they're supposed to do and even if it's their own opinion, they should just preface it with that. It's like it's my opinion that this guy hasn't looked great in training camp so far. What's the problem with? 

that I got to make sports reporting more fun. There's that. So those are the two things that have really gotten to me this week. And then it is first week of NFL preseason Hall of Fame game coming up. We're getting to college football swing. 

So we get the Twitter war every year, which you're not a huge Twitter guy like I am, but I I consume all this stuff. I try not to get as involved with it. But you get this week where the, the majority of the twitter touts people are selling picks, start to release plays, whether that's for pre-season games, week one nfl, week one college football. Then you get the guys who slam. Those guys are like I'll never understand why someone would release this edge this early. 

Like, wait, try to get more money down huge back and forth people yelling at each other all the time. I never really know where I stand on that one, because you know everybody's trying to earn and and I get it in in all their in these different facets. Um, it's frustrating for me whenever, like I would like something and I get it in in all their in these different facets. Um, it's frustrating for me whenever, like I would like something and somebody gives it out a month in advance when, yeah, maybe limits are are fine, but like the market hasn't really matured yet. But I do get the other side of it, like everybody's in that position as well. So that's always something that fascinates me over the course of the first week of um August leading into football season is just the gambling Twitter community tearing each other apart, per usual. 

16:55 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, well, if that doesn't that, that always happens now, but then it's basically a full time thing. That's 24 seven. 

17:01 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It's true and it's always. I mean, I'm not here to name names or whatever they don't. 

17:05 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
They don't tear each other apart. It's just like everyone's always like on a specific, on a specific side, and then like they don't. 

17:11 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You just you're on that side, you're on the side of, like you know, screw the screw, the steam chasers yeah just keep going on that but you know what gets me about it as well is, um, these guys don't even talk to each other. They just make like backhanded, like these cryptic tweets about someone else. That's what makes me die of gambling. Twitter evolves over every sort of like listen, like. I'm involved in crypto twitter at one point dfs twitter. These are these different communities that they tend to evolve. 

But for some reason or another, back in the day, people used to go to war on gambling Twitter, just all out assault on one another, back and forth huge feuds. That kind of still happens now, but it's way more discreet. Like people just tweet shit behind other people's backs, like you know exactly who they're talking about, but they don't tag them, they don't talk to them directly. Then that person finds out and they don't tweet back. They do the exact same thing. They just do like a backhanded thing where you know people are who are not in the loop, are just trying to decipher. Very interesting community. I always love to um to discuss the interaction between humans because it fascinates me are? 

18:24 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Are we going to do tweets that trigger me, or are we going to talk about the old piñata pics? 

18:28 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Let's do that too. Actually, you forgot about that. I'm glad you brought that up. The most minus EV bets I definitely make over the course of every week. I'll even promote the sportsbook. I don't care because they offer it. 

18:42 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
But at least sign up through Betstamp so we can get some. So we can at least support the product. If you're going to sign up at this sports book, message us on Twitter. 

18:50 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
We do Betstamp as a company. We do office days Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Wednesday is the day before each golf tournament every week. We like to throw down as an office. We like the community, you know the camaraderie being on the same side. We at first tried to like do our own picks. We would have tailed one guy in the office, so tailed me sometimes. But we still do that. We still do that, but as a community, but as a community. So we discovered I don know a couple months ago. We've known this exists. Essentially, what this is is you get a random golfer in the field at 125 to one, so we collectively pool money in the office to do pinata picks every week and we know these are, we know for the most part there's just a negative hold built in that 100% have on the back end. 

I'm not an idiot, pretty high I know exactly what they're doing like. Over the long run they're they're expected to take a certain amount of hold on on each one of these bets. But we still try very hard to create a plus ev position. And we do stupid things sometimes, like we recommend after we get a plus ev position, but we want to keep like pressing and keep keep getting more golfers, we try to bet it into someone else's account instead. So, because we're convinced that you know, maybe we won't get two plus ev positions in a row on the same account, but we did ours for this week and we built up, uh, some plus ev positions what's the? 

20:27 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
what's the damage this week? 

20:29 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
uh, no, we. So we got denny mccarthy, who's like the, the 10th shortest odds in the field at 125 to 1. He was our last pull, so let's let me preface this by saying first pull zach. Do you remember who the first one was? 

20:42 - Zack Phillips (Other)
yeah, it was scott stallings. 

20:45 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Scott stallings I'm not in on this, by the way. I I usually am super busy in the morning when, and wednesday morning when, these guys run it, but boy does it seem fun. And usually there's like eruptions if they get someone big, like yeah johnny's not in on this. 

20:57 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
He, he's, he's above this, but he'll spin a roulette wheel in the office against me for money 100 and I'll even give them the host edge. 

21:04 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
It's not that I want to be in on this, I've just. I'm usually in meetings and wednesday mornings when you guys are running this oh, I'll tell you this it's the best. 

21:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It's a. 

21:12 - Zack Phillips (Other)
We're all standing around a phone waiting for zach to hit the thing we all like I just hold my phone out in the middle of the circle and then press it and it takes like five, ten seconds. Sometimes it loads up and then it just comes up with the golfer's name and a check mark beside them, and then you get the 125 there was there was one you guys 

21:30 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
got morikawa. 

21:31 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I was when you guys got morikawa back to back weeks, he missed the cut both weeks. 

21:37 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Well, when, when you guys got morikawa, the office erupted like this was the? 

21:41 - Zack Phillips (Other)
they were like huddling up, jumping around and it was first go, like it was first pinata, and we got him and went nuts and then called it and then he missed the cut. 

21:49 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I think sports interaction is plus one dime on us. Um, so far, if I had to guess, however, we had uh. So the scott stallings we got today, which was he's roughly I don't know 55 to 150 to one, something in that range to win the tournament. So already we're plus ev. We could stop there at stallings because we got him at 125 to one price. He's really 50 55. But of course we're like standing around like a bunch of losers. We're like, no, there's no way, we're only gonna have one golfer for this week. Let's go. 

22:21 - Zack Phillips (Other)
We fired god's list got some shit. Yeah the next person I'm gonna talk to go ahead sorry, just the next person, that we got jim herman 175 to one? I believe not terrible at that point. And then we go again and we get austin smotherman. He was like 275 to one, yeah, and that's with the hold so he's low, like their likelihood, so at this point we're down back. 

22:45 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, we're like our. Our portfolio looked good. It's bad. We're gonna press one more classic like gambling chase type of stuff. Denny mccarthy yeah, what's he, what is he? Uh, 28 to one, something like wow yeah it was wow. 

23:02 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
So all in on the total portfolio, you're up this week Slightly, slightly. Maybe Slightly plus EV. There's got to be like probably a 30% hold on that Maybe more. 

23:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You know what the worst part about it is. Obviously, when you're betting outrights huge variance, right Like we know that you could build up a great portfolio every week and lose every tournament of the year. A great portfolio every week and lose every tournament of the year. That's just the way it is. But we, for the most part, have built up some very good portfolios of just randomness well, the one tournament too. 

23:31 - Zack Phillips (Other)
We had sung jm. He pulls out the night before then the next wait did that void or but it goes, so this is. This is the run. We went on though, with guys though, so we had sung. Jim pulls out a tournament night before. Next week, morikawa misses the cut. Next week, morikawa misses the cut do you think? 

23:52 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
do you think sports interaction knows? 

23:54 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
like vegas knows, yeah, I mean, for we might start went up to start fading the piñata. These guys write it on the whiteboard every day too, so I'll just I'll just come in and see the whiteboard and like, oh, that's who they got to, just bet them at their no price yeah although the one time that there was a running office joke about betting someone no, do you remember this max homer, max homer and he won that tournament it was actually. 

24:15 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It's actually insane. So here's another thing um, we, we work with different sports books. Bet stamp does to get some odds, better prices, let's say, and we can put in some recommendations. We're like yeah, you know, we want better odds on this guy. 

24:32 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Like a Betstamp special bet. If you follow us on social media, you'll see that we were able to do this. We're going to make it. It's coming in a big way for September and we're going to do this all over. 

24:40 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
If you're in ontario especially, you're going to be getting some great value we call these bet stamp bangers, where we work with the sportsbook to get the best price in market on whatever we want to bet. 

And we were trying to come up with something for a golf for one week and someone in the office recommended let's get a bet stamp banger on max homa not to win the tournament minus three thousand, something like that, and we're we're like, imagine he actually wins this week and Max Olmo won that week. I can't believe that's the name he picked. Like I cannot believe that that still happened. Wait, did he win. 

25:12 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Which one was? 

25:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
the tournament. He won, he won the tournament. We were going nuts when we came in the following week. 

25:17 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
No, no, I remember. 

25:25 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I was saying dog, or was it one of the well fargo right plays? 

25:27 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
in it. I think uh, I think it was the wells fargo. I'm gonna look it up. I'm taught, I'm gonna I'm gonna directly talk to the sports book about turning the pinata picks into an actual segment that we're gonna, that we're gonna run weekly in the office. We got to get better. We got to get better than the whole big. Oh no, we can promote it, but it's got to be something better than it's a great idea. 

25:43 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I've done it for like the World Cup before. I'm not going to lie, it's not my first time doing pinata pics. Sometimes you just want to. 

25:51 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, low money, I guess, Like if you're going to only put a couple bucks, but yeah, it's a lotto ticket. 

25:56 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Yeah, I got like a couple banger World Cup ones before, didn't win it's just fun to have it as the everyone in the office is like riding the one thing no, I agree, you're riding scott stallings this weekend. We're all hyped up over I agree, we're gonna be doing. 

26:12 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
We're gonna be doing a lot more, uh, come september especially, and we'll see if we can even get some nfl pinatas or something they do. Them like some of those ones are just frustrating, like they'll do nfl pinata, but it's like number of points scored by, like the rams in sunday night football and then you get a thing and you get like four points like, oh, come on right, so you're like your number and it's like 58. 

You're like, oh, I'm on my mode like this, and then I put on 58 yeah, they're not great bets. 

26:40 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Like, I'm not trying to sell anyone anything. By the way, zero paid promotion in this episode of circles off. Let me throw that out there. This is just a real conversation right now, but I do like the idea. Like, sometimes you get in the recreational mode of like, let me go for a sweat on a long shot. It's like the parlay betters, right If you are. 

26:58 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
If you are going to sign up at sports interaction cause you do want to bet these, and please just message us or we'll we'll link. If you can, uh, use our code and just support the app helps keep it free. Everything we put out is free. Podcast is free, no sponsors. Everything with the app is free all the odds, comparison, tracking, syncing that's coming the marketplace, verification everything is free, unlike our main competition, grp wins. If, uh, you guys are on twitter, then you Twitter, then you might know what that is, you know what else is free? 

27:27 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
What Tweets that trigger? 

27:28 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
us. Everything is free, but message us and please support us. It goes a long way in keeping the lights on here. All right Tweets that trigger us. 

27:38 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I don't know what we're yelling about. I've never seen you mad. 

27:42 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I get peeved. Why are you in such a bad mood? 

27:44 - Zack Phillips (Other)
what do you care? It's only game. 

27:47 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Why you have to be mad okay, this week I gotta tell you a story okay as we start this, people um at home who are listening, watching on youtube. 

Please hit the subscribe button if you are watching on youtube tweets that trigger us. The way we usually do this, we go through Twitter. People use the hashtag, some people DM us directly. We store all these tweets in one place. We haven't done this in a couple months. Some people are going to be like wow, there's only four tweets in this week's tweets that trigger us. Four of the ones that were tagged got deleted, bro. Yeah, people deleted the original tweet and we didn't screenshot. No, because I'm an idiot and I just kept all the links. So I'm clicking these and they're deleted. 

28:34 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Yeah, it's on me as well. I just like I've never. I just assumed they wouldn't get deleted, like I assume. Yeah, they'll still be there wow, we got a screenshot. 

28:42 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
One of them was just the most overcooked steak ever. It was a picture of a steak that someone tagged, which was so funny. It was such an overcooked steak that it actually triggered nothing to do with gambling. 

28:58 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Nothing to do with gambling. Which why? 

29:01 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
did he delete that? I don't I. Maybe he got so much like. He probably got roasted. So much for that. Listen, if you like your steak, well done to each their own. I get it. This wasn't even well. This was beyond well done, like, and it was one of those tweets where it's like, oh, like, sitting down for amazing dinner, like one of those where they were. They thought they were posting like a hero picture and it was just an overcooked steak. Yes, uh, I will say we do also get a lot of duplicates. These ones were the most duplicated ones. Um, so we'll get into them. Let's go zach. All right, number one dinger, tuesday tip. I should say this is from promo guy. Promo guy am I? I don't know if that's mississippi, michigan michigan. 

29:39 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, oh, I know this guy am I? 

29:42 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
am I ripping one of your friends or something? I don't know him that well. This is not even ripping the person itself. Again, this is just going back to the tweet and why it's aggravating. If your bankroll isn't large enough to follow along which is totally fine crazy high variance on this promo consider betting your dinger picks dinger being a home run to record two plus total bases. Instead of a home run, bet a unit or so and avoid the FOMO. So this guy's giving out picks on who's going to Homer on any given day. Okay, which he's right. They're high variance picks. Typically, you're betting plus 300, plus 400, some on the best players, sometimes much higher up. The challenge is when you're telling somebody much higher up. The challenge is when you're telling somebody oh, if you can't bet them to homer, just go out and place this other bet. It's not apples to apples like, it's the assumption that somebody is going to I'm sorry. 

30:36 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I'm sorry, guys. Zach just sent me from behind the counter the pick of the overcooked steak oh he found it. He found it. Guys, put this up right now, um, I've edited it after. 

30:46 - Zack Phillips (Other)
If you can't, if you can't see it I can just put the steak in the larry, put the steak. 

30:50 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Just put the steak, forget about the tweet, man this is the steak. 

30:53 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, this is the one. How did you get this zach? You actually took a picture of it yeah, I, I, I don't know. 

30:58 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I just like went through and was able to find this made that I can't find the original like tweet. I don't know why? 

31:04 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
yeah, it's deleted. 

31:05 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
The original tweet is deleted the original tweet is deleted, but it still kept the photo. It's all we need, man. This is literally. 

31:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
This is actually like I don't even know what is this the thing is he ate so much of it already, but yeah, I made that for dinner today. Like you, this guy was chewing for over over under 60.5 minutes of chew on this steak he's got the strongest jaw ever. 

31:33 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Honestly, I, I completely couldn't hold myself in. I hate, like I hate interrupting people, like I listen to so many podcasts and I, I. It's such a bad experience when someone interrupts the other guest, but I couldn't not, man. This is the funniest thing ever. I'm glad he found it. 

31:48 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I'm glad he found it, because I was really upset for a while about not being able to see this and, yes, the original tweet. See this. It's gone. It's not there anymore, but it was like. I think it was like a bunch of smiley faces made great steak today or something like that. 

32:06 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I couldn't remember specifically His thing is like legitimately has fur in the inside. 

32:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
To each their own. Like I said, there's people out there that will like a nice, well-done, overcooked steak. 

32:21 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
All right, sorry, back to the thing. Apologies to all the listeners for me interrupting there no problem. 

32:27 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I just want to get it across that, like, those are very different bets. If you tell someone, oh, don't go out and place this bet on someone to make a home run, but just go bet them to make a double, those are very, very different things depending on the player. Like there's, for example, someone who has absolutely no speed as a player, right they, you're betting them to hit a home run because if it clears the wall it's gone. It doesn't matter how fast they run the bases. Now, if you're telling them to just go bet a double instead, it's much less likely that they're going to do that. 

Now, sometimes that's directly priced into odds, but it's no different than me saying to you oh like, now, sometimes that's directly priced into odds, but it's no different than me saying to you oh like, I think this person's going to single today. But you know, if you don't want to bet the single or if you want to sprinkle a little bit more, bet them to hit a triple as well. Those are very different things. The distribution for each player is going to be very different, dependent on a number of different things. So I think that's just really bad advice for someone like either you have the bankroll that can sustain that variance and you're willing to lose in the long run. Don't just advocate for a different bet on anything like that. Someone makes right. 

33:36 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Well. So here I think, by the way, just to give this guy some credit what he is trying to say does kind of make sense, in a sense of if your bankroll isn't large enough, you probably shouldn't be betting homer bets, which are typically going to be bets that are like you know, call it a guy to hit a home run might be plus 500. So he's saying, hit him like over one and a half total bases, because that line might be something along the lines like plus 100, so you're not going to lose that bet as much. That is what he's trying to say. Obviously, the it's very incorrect in terms of the recommendation, right, but the overall arching premises, if your bankroll is not big enough. 

Don't be dunking plus a thousand, totally betting them, for he's saying bet like. 

34:14 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
But yeah, let me. Let me apply it to the context of another sport. Right, let's say, for example you say I think josh allen is going to have, you know, lots of opportunities to score a touchdown on the ground today, but bet his rushing yards over instead, exactly or bet him to throw. 

or, you know, if you don't want, if you don't want to take something with crazy high variance, just bet him to throw two plus touchdowns instead. It's very different. That's a very, very different bet that you're recommending. It's not as extreme as the example here, but each of these needs to be evaluated independently of the other. Number two Zach God, this steak is hilarious, by the way. 

34:57 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I forgot what it looked like. We're just trying to now like just push people to the YouTube to get extra views, but like it just actually just come to the YouTube to get extra views. But like this is it just actually just come to the youtube real quick, put the time stamp, go take a look at the steak and then go back to audio. 

35:09 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It is hilarious I would actually be very interested if people could try to find me pictures of steaks that are worse than this, like the cook is even worse than this. 

35:22 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Please tweet it at Rob and circles off. 

35:25 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I would challenge somebody to do that. Could post the link in the YouTube comments too, if you're online. 

This is absolutely terrible. This was a banger, a doozy of a thread right here, because it's three comments from three different people, all of which made me laugh separately. Ricky says you'll never make money in this business laying a favorite at minus 175. I'll give the world a winner right now for free. White Sox first five minus half with five hammers. Big fan of the hammer emoji, I must say especially five hamm, five hammers. However, we've talked about this as nauseam. You you'll never make money laying a favorite at minus 175 like these. These are, these are. This is just like bad commentary in general. Um, what I particularly also loved about the first tweet is that he talks about never delaying, like big prices, then gives the white socks for five innings minus half without a price attached to it at all. It's just go bet the first five, price doesn't matter. You know, in the same tweet, the price does matter, but the price doesn't matter. 

36:38 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Then we got gfb who responds yeah, he's just basically saying I don't ever bet a favorite at minus 175. Bet the white socks first. Five minus 0.5. Obviously it's less than minus 175 I know that I would assume yeah, but but yeah, he doesn't even give the price. 

36:53 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, like he's, he's, he's talking about price sensitivity for one, and then it goes out and gives a bet without a price attached to it. All right, some random response which I just wanted to include here because it has nothing to do with anything. But it's bro, I'm plus 20 units doing parlays this past month. Went five for five yesterday. Brewers, money line Braves, money line cards, money line Tigers, money line giants, minus one and a half. All these things are big favorites. So he's kind of trying to lay lay shame to this other guy, saying, like what are you talking about, big favorites? So he's kind of trying to lay lay shame to this other guy saying, like what are you talking about? 

I'm I'm parlaying these yeah, I'm 20 units, 175 and plus 20 units. I love when people also choose, just like the arbitrary endpoints. Eh, I'm, I'm plus 20 units this past month. Okay, what do you? What are you this year? Like, what are you? 

37:40 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
and he also says I'm plus 20 units doing parlays this past right, he may even be down on straights this month. 

37:46 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
We have no idea, but the arbitrary endpoints always get me. And then the final guy going five for five, all favorites, isn't nothing impressive, fam. I mean it's not necessarily, but it is it is, it definitely is yeah, of course you're you what like? Again, this is all just probability, right? That parlay that that guy made was not like a minus 200 parlay. It ended up paying out a decent amount. It is hard to go five for five. Even when you are betting favorites, it is, it's difficult to do so hilarious that, no, that is. 

Uh, that is very funny this is a great thread, uh, thank you very much. 

38:26 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Going five for five all favorites isn't nothing impressive, fam, it's more. It's better than going not five for five yeah it's pretty impressive. Still, of course, win a lot of money. 

38:35 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Listen I'm not saying it, we're not suggesting it's impossible here, but it's not. It's tough to go ask how many people on any given night are betting five game parlays and they can use favorites and they're going five for five regularly. It's not happening. It is impressive, hilarious. I love that. Three different people. On to the next one Zach. Oh man, there's so much going on here. Oh, there's a lot here. There's a lot here. Okay, so this is. I'm going to summarize this one because I saw this. This is the night of the NHL draft. All right, this always gets me going. Massive swing is highly unusual, with no news. So we're talking about the first overall pick here, the odds moving pretty heavily before the draft. So I can't wait but hold up. 

39:22 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
He says in a big, sudden swing. Betting sites have in the last 10 minutes made slavkovsky the favorite to be chosen. First is the nhl draft, he's pointing that out. 

39:32 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
He's saying massive swing is highly unusual with no news. Perhaps someone has seen the jersey or there is a leak. Fair enough, I think that's good commentary. He's pointing out the swing and the odds. He's. You know he's not a seasoned better guy, but he actually is. 

39:48 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
he's doing okay there. That's fair to say. 

39:50 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Right. So now he's going to get a couple responses. One is going to say someone knows who the Habs are taking. Another is going to point out that this happened with the NBA draft, with even bigger money. This one is the one that gets me, though Breaks my heart. 

Not Dumb to post odds for something that some people have full control of the outcome. Why not tell your friends so they can make easy money? Okay, so let's start there. Actually, we can unpack this all with the final comment from Jack Todd 46, who says exactly there is a colossal gambling scandal coming that is going to rearrange everything in sports. I can assure you that there's nothing that's going to stem from the NBA and NHL drafts markets. That is going to be considered colossal and is going to rearrange everything in sports. Let's just start there with. That's not going to happen. 

However, every sports book has the option of whether or not they're going to offer draft props. You pick it. They also have the option of how much they're going to take on draft props. This is one of the inherent challenges. If I know who's going to go first, overall, it is still going to be very difficult for me to get down life-changing money on that player. In fact it's borderline impossible, even if I exhaust all the avenues I have. This is me, as a pro sports, better. If I reach out to everyone in my circle and say this person's going first overall, let's get them, and we, collectively, we got to do splitting and so on and so forth, I'll make some good money. It'd be easy money or whatever, but I am by no means going to put a sports book out of business there is so much. 

41:42 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
You would also make most of your money spread across all different sportsbooks, exactly Different accounts, so you're going to make no one single sportsbook will be responsible for probably even more than 10% of your winnings. 

41:54 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Agreed 100%. Second thing to take into account here is that there's tons of recreational money that's going to go into betting the draft as well. People who have absolutely no information. They think that they know better than. Oh, this is dumb that this guy is moving first. There's no way the Habs are going to take whoever first overall. There's no way paulo bancero is going first overall and they're going to continue to bet into a market because they don't know any better. So like breaks my heart. 

Not is one of the funniest breaks my heart not not dumb to post odds for something that some people have full control of the outcome the the amount of exposure from the sports book is so small it's really tiny in the grand scheme of things and there's so much recreational money to offset it, and it's such a high hold market for the sports book that if it was dumb for the sports book to post it, then they won't post it. That's pretty much what's going to happen going forwards. 

43:03 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
But hold up though, because a lot of times they do post it just because like. So here's what I say Like for something like the NHL draft. If somebody's looking to bet on the NHL draft and their sports book that they have doesn't post it and they really wanted a bet for tonight, that may be a reason to change sports books. So I do think oftentimes a sports book may post it 100% residual effects, Just to not lose customers to other books. 

So all in it's still positive for them. But they may even expect to take a slight loss on it. But they're not going out of business off that Like they're losing, like in the single digit thousands, maybe maximum. 

43:43 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
So one. There's marketing efforts that are tied to this, so they can obviously promote whenever they have odds up for stuff like that. The other point I would make is I used to consult for sports books. I mentioned this a lot of times when I talk about sports book because I do have some experience with this. But a lot of times the sportsbook does not want you to lose every single bet you make. 

That is a horrible experience for the player. It's very hard for you them to retain the player. Like Johnny said, there are markets where they don't actually care if the players win, because it's actually a good thing when the players are occasionally winning. They would much rather you play like for four or five years and slowly bleed money than to lose all your money right away and never play with them again. That's just common sense and that's like they don't want a poor experience to happen. So there's all sorts of these residual effects, like I mentioned. But I found the thread hilarious. I always find it hilarious when it's just regular sports people talking about gambling markets as if they know exactly how that gambling market works. 

44:47 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
But what's, what's crazy about you're saying with the sports books? How, like, they don't want everyone to lose every single bet, like, obviously, like, because they. It's like, if you, if you just deposit your like 200 bucks and lose it all at once, then like, what's the fun of gambling? Like, the fun, as we've mentioned multiple times, is not actually gambling. The fun is winning a bet. Right, so you got to be able to at least at a minimum, you know, like win a better two, um, and that's why they offer bonuses. Right, like, they want you to start in front of the eight ball, so that um, or sorry, yeah, in front of the eight ball, so you don't have to worry about like, oh, I put in, I lost, I'm already down. They start you with like a 200 bonus or a thousand dollar bonus so that you can actually have that winning feeling and sensation like I'm already up, right, so agreed. Definitely you're right on the sense where, like you know, they know what they're doing, it's not. 

45:33 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It's not a gambling scandal it was uh july 7th that this threat happened. I'm still waiting for the colossal gambling scandal that's going to rearrange everything in sports. 

45:42 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
That was either that OHL guy in Kanish or oh, remember that. 

45:48 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I don't want to bring that up again because I think the OHL was doing an investigation or something into that. I have no idea, but that was an interesting one. 

45:56 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, I mean it was very obvious to see what happened if you just know anything about gambling. But um, there was that one and then what else would be a scandal, I don't know. Back in the day, jared cosart of the pitcher on the dolphins, when he was dming guys for picks oh man, that sorry, the dolphins, the pitch on the marlin was it was j. 

46:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
What was his? Jared? Cosart, jared, was that his name? Yeah, the picture. 

46:18 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I, I the pitcher, I streamed him one time in fantasy he went two innings back. When he played fantasy baseball he went like two innings, like six earned, dropped him. I don't think he was ever started again in fantasy baseball. 

46:29 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I remember that so clearly because at the time that he was DMing, one of my close friends, dan Check, shoved on Twitter. Was it a different account he was running a different account he was running a different account. 

He was back in the day. Whatever, I mean, let bygones be got bygones, type of thing, yeah, but for everyone on gambling Twitter, listen listening. I'm sure they'll be happy that I called you out on that. Yeah, and whatever I mean I. I'm sure he listens to this podcast as well, but whatever, we can get into that another day. However, I remember that very clearly because he then distributed that everywhere, like he posted it publicly. Cosart deleted his account. Why does that name not sound right to me jared cosart? 

47:09 - Zack Phillips (Other)
jared cosart played. He was 24 years old, yeah from the miami marlins okay and after an mlb investigation to the gambling habits miami marlins, miami marlins pitcher jared cosart, the 24 year old hurler, was cleared of betting on baseball yeah, he had. 

47:24 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
He had reached out directly to uh friends for baseball picks, I think it was exactly. But like that, wait for baseball picks or for other sports, I think it was other sports. Listen, I don't want to speak. All I remember that night twitter, gambling, twitter blew up. 

47:41 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Let's see if check shovel will come on the broadcast, on the podcast, and then you know what he does have a bunch of good stories. 

47:46 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yes, from back in the day he was betting on other sports sorry, he was always in the um. He was always in the middle of this shit. At that time, I think his twitter account was ghost face killer. 

47:57 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, wait, does is that public knowledge or no? Well, it is now. It is now Okay. It is now. That was he did. Jared Kosar used to DM ghostfacekilla and he was emailing him. He was sorry he was DMing him on Twitter for gambling picks and then it just did he just out him one day. 

48:16 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
He literally outed him like mid-conversation why he just posted all the images publicly. 

48:20 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Why did he do that? 

48:21 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Kosar deleted his account completely Like suspended, deleted, but also, why was Jared Kosar DMing? This guy who's not even it's just not even famous. 

48:30 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Like he's going to respond to a burner, yeah, why is he DMing him from his verified Twitter account? 

48:41 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Where it says like florida marlin starting pitcher. I don't, he's a 24 at the time, didn't know any, bet obviously very dumb thing to do but let's, let's see if he'll come on, and but he, I'm sure he has some good. I want to do an episode one day. I'm just speaking out loud here. That is like people sharing their best stories, just like multiple people on it. Yeah, like how we did the super bowl prop special type of thing cut up one of those someone's gonna steal this idea now. 

Should have never said it out loud, but I think that'd be good, and that was definitely now that I remember I forgot that happened. That's why I was so excited about hearing it. But all right, one more. All right at bet lab analytics. These, these ones make me laugh a little bit as well. Um, yankees total six and a half. That's kind of nuts. I'm gonna research all the outcomes when yankees were involved in games totaled seven or less, and also the six and a half, specifically to get inside the bookmakers minds on that. I'll be right back that's hilarious man, it's a. 

It's a great tweet, but sadly, a lot of my friends do stuff like this. Is he joking, though, or no? No, this is dead serious. Okay, this is a dead. He, I think, posted a thread afterwards of like oh, when the total was this you know, this is the yankees record, so on and so if we date back even further like guys. 

I mean, I don't know why people like I actually have to say this out loud, especially with the yankees, like the yankees team this year is very good. They're a very good baseball team. Previous years worth data of the yankees is not telling you anything of value about this year's team Period. Also different team but it's a different league. Like how many of those years were juiced ball? How many were dead ball? Like it's I? You're not comparing apples to apples. 

50:36 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Forget about that. Like, like, even if it's the same year, like there's a different picture, probably, right? 

50:42 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
It doesn't matter, none of this matters. There is nothing that is valuable about saying, okay, the total in this game is six and a half. I don't really see this all that often. I'm going to look back to previous years, see when their totals were also six and a half, and then make a decision according to that info. Who cares, it doesn't matter, none of it matters. Like, just think about it logically why you would ever place a bet based off that info. You never would. 

But what I particularly love, love, I'll be right back. That's the. I'll be right back is great. But I also love to get inside the bookmakers minds on that, as if the bookmakers know something. They know that they're posting a six and a half here and that people are going to bet it one way or another. It's going to get inside their minds that this whole tweet is so well crafted that I, I, I. Honestly, this is like a hall of fame type of tweet. It's, it's like a hidden gem and it just ends without me, right back, like he would post that, like we're all anxiously waiting and he's gonna like are people now glued to this thread for? 

52:08 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
five minutes. I have a lot of followers, you know uh no, I don't know who this is. 

52:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I have no idea. I'll find it no clue I'm checking it now. 

52:18 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
That's like almost 3,000. 

52:21 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Okay, Not bad. It reminds me of a few people that I've known over time. The historical stuff. 

52:30 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Anyways, guys, I have a little more info on this Jared Kosard situation. 

52:36 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I thought you were going to provide more info on the steak and the temperature it was cooked at. All right, what do we got on Kosard? 

52:39 - Zack Phillips (Other)
So I'll briefly go through it. Essentially, what happened was he just Outed him on Twitter with these screenshots Blurred out all of his own personal messages, just left CoSart's messages. So it kind of starts with CoSart saying no prob, I bet large, all caps, shh, lol, looking for some help anywhere I can. Saw a retweet on your underplay and hammered it. Bro. So many people on baylor and virginia almost want to opposite just for shits thoughts on over baylor. I like it a lot, so he's just, for the most part, he's looking for just advice here yeah, and then for a tout. 

53:12 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Basically yeah, he is looking for a tone and then basically, the screenshots. 

53:17 - Zack Phillips (Other)
get these screenshots that I just read to you get released and he comes out and says you guys are going to love this Around. Two weeks ago, my Twitter account was accessed by someone else. 

They began to send incriminating DMs to a number of accounts to make it appear that I am addicted to gambling and have bet on baseball. I did not realize that this was happening until last evening. There will be more screenshots. I have not, nor will I ever, bet on the game of baseball. He was cleared of betting on baseball, they said. The mlb concluded he didn't. But then, wednesday at 12 34 am, ghost fade killer tweeted, made an mlb player delete his twitter account lulz. 

53:59 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, oh man, I do remember that I was in a whatsapp chat with ghost fade killer at that time he was kind of letting us know what was going on in real time. It was a pretty pretty epic moment. There's more I can't share on air. I wish I could stories, I should say, because it would out people that I, I don't, I don't want to out without their permission. We could, we could potentially have some sort of story time that twitter story time. 

54:26 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
There's been a lot over the course of the years yeah, the guy who deleted his thing when, uh, both day went ding dong oh jimmy, where I haven't talked to jimmy since that day. 

54:39 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I have on whatsapp, but he he held true to that. David bote murdered me. What an account if david bote? What is it? Ding dongs yeah I will. I'll never tweet again. And then he didn't tweet again. Honestly, credit to that guy it takes wait. Tell the story better for those people listening Don't even I honestly think this is probably like the fifth time we've told this story. 

55:04 - Zack Phillips (Other)
Did we? Okay, cut it out. 

55:05 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
No, no, it's okay, it doesn't matter For those who are listening now, for the first time, there's this one guy who's like. He literally tweeted that he's watching a live Cubs game. I will never tweet again. David bote hit a home run on that at bat and the guy who had like a decent size following tweeted every day about sports betting like was prominently involved in gambling. Twitter never tweeted again. We're going. We're talking like five years ago now. Right, I don't. 

55:35 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I don't think we told it because did you hear it before, zach? No, yeah, I don't think. Maybe it was with our previous, maybe maybe back in the day, but no, I don't. I don't think we told it, cause did you hear? 

55:39 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
it before Zach? 

55:40 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
No, yeah, I don't think maybe it was with our previous, maybe maybe back in the day, but no, I don't. I don't think we told it. Yeah, he never. He legitimately never tweeted again and he still. You could still access his account. 

55:48 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
That's all. 

55:49 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
It's just that's what I want to know. Does he obviously had a? 

56:05 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
massive bet on the cubs and needed it. Of course, he used this one time. Yeah, he hit his one time. I I the first time I thought it was the opposite, but I I've come to realize that I think it's it's he used his one time no, no I thought it was like like I'm I'm down bad, like I can't deal with this home run right now, I'll be gone, type of thing. 

56:20 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
But no, I think you know, I was actually on the opposite side of that game. I had, uh, the nationals, and it was a jonathan papelbon blown save on a boat, david bote, grand slam. I'll remember that day as well, just because I I lost. I was on the other side of that and I was subject to a blown save, but it made it a little bit better at least that I saw that off the twitter and I realized, you know, it is what it is. 

56:41 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
That's a fun thing jonathan papelbon is one of the most interesting characters ever. I used to have blue jay season tickets. 

56:48 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
What was that guy's name on twitter? 

56:51 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
uh, oh, it's not coming to me now. Thrill barton, thrill barton real barton will barton. 

But, um, I had season tickets for the jays, first row behind the bullpen, and we used to go see as many red sox and yankees games as possible. Obviously jonathan papelbon he's the only guy that would heckle the fans back and actually like give them the finger. He was the. He was actually the best. If you're into a game and you're ripping someone else in another bullpen and the guy just puts up his glove and gives you the middle finger in the middle of the glove and starts giving it back to you, I have mad respect for players like that. He also, for some reason or another don't know what's going on would always reorganize the Gatorade and water bottles in the bullpen from smallest to largest. I don't know why I picked up on that. Always used to drive him bananas. This true if somebody put like a water bottle down. 

57:48 - Zack Phillips (Other)
That didn't fit the pattern he would go and move it, didn't he fight bryce harper in the in the? 

57:52 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
yeah, he did, he did guys, unfortunately I know we're talking about papal bond I I'm sadly mistaken. It was a ryan madsen blown save oh, hold up the game. 

58:01 - Zack Phillips (Other)
I found his twitter. By the way, he he's liked tweets, so he's still active. He goes on there, but he's never tweeted again. So that day was 2018, uh, 08, 12 yep um so, almost almost four years. It was three, nothing nationals going into the bottom of the ninth, and then it was a pinch hit, bases loaded david bote grand slam and he renamed the account to david bote, murdered me right deceased, and he puts the date and he goes cause of death, homicide assailant david bote weapon baseball bat please almost 5 000 likes on the tweet that that that is a one of the most epic gambling twitter moments. 

58:40 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I mean, I wonder he's gotta have a burner though let's be real, okay, but prior to that though, oh man, this is funny man, this, if you dig. So that was at 10 59. He tweeted that. At 10 53 he tweeted schwarber big boy ding dong here. And then he quoted and said please, and then he went with the if David Bote ding dongs here, I will never tweet again for the rest of my life. And he did and he never wow, at least under this account. 

59:07 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I've met this guy before. I've went out to dinner drinks with him in Boston at a Sloan. 

59:15 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Do you have his number? I do, okay, text him and see if he will come on the pod. Just to recap, that day. That's a good thing to do. Oh man, that would be sick All right, we've gone on way too long here, all right. 

59:26 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
For those watching on YouTube. Please subscribe. Hit the like button. Commentary we're looking for a commentary on badly cooked steaks. I'm also going get this person on that cooked that steak. I need to know more about that person. At least have some interaction with them so that I can know more as we get on. For the rest of August we'll have a little bit more football preview coming up. Some guests. 

59:49 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
It's going to be provided absolutely zero betting knowledge today to anyone here, so I'm sorry for wasting your time but I hope you still enjoyed the rest of the episode. 

59:56 - Zack Phillips (Other)
If you're in Canada, sports interaction pin. 


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