Circles Off Episode 66 - How To Read An Odds Screen for Betting on Sports



Welcome to the latest episode of Circles Off, where we dive deep into the fascinating world of sports and betting strategies. Episode 66, titled "How To Read An Odds Screen for Betting on Sports," takes listeners on a comprehensive journey from the legacy of a legendary hockey number to the intricate details of maximizing profits through effective betting techniques.


Honoring Dink and His Impact on Sports Betting


In a heartfelt segment, we remember Alan Denkinson, affectionately known as Dink. Dink was a beloved figure in the sports betting community, known for his influence, warmth, and unforgettable personality. The hosts share personal anecdotes and cherished memories, celebrating Dink's life and the joy he brought to everyone who knew him. This tribute also includes tales of memorable adventures in Las Vegas, highlighting Dink's enduring legacy.


Las Vegas Adventures and Betting Insights


Shifting gears, the episode recounts recent escapades in Las Vegas, providing a vivid picture of the fun and camaraderie shared among friends and fellow bettors. From engaging experiences at the VSiN studios to amusing musings about names like 'Gil,' the hosts bring the vibrant atmosphere of Las Vegas to life.


Mastering the Art of Sports Betting


The episode then transitions into a detailed discussion on mastering sports betting strategies. One intriguing strategy highlighted involves managing two entries in the Circa Millions contest with a unique approach of playing for both success and failure, resulting in remarkable outcomes. This segment underscores the genius behind such strategic plays and their potential for success in betting contests.


Comparing the Latest Odd Screens


A comprehensive comparison of various odd screens—Don Best, BetStamp, Unabated, and Spank Odds—sheds light on the evolving tools shaping the future of sports betting. The hosts discuss the advantages and nuances of each platform, providing listeners with valuable insights into choosing the right tools for their betting needs.


Effective Use of Odd Screens


The episode goes in-depth on the essentials of using odd screens for sports betting, covering topics such as setting up and organizing screens, the importance of tracking and verifying bets, and the distinction between delayed and real-time feeds. Listeners learn how to leverage these tools to enhance their betting strategy and make informed decisions.


Maximizing Profits with Effective Betting Techniques


In the latter part of the episode, the focus shifts to maximizing profits through meticulous record-keeping and tracking. The hosts emphasize the significance of monitoring discrepancies between sharp and recreational sportsbooks and how this can lead to profitable betting opportunities. They also discuss the importance of recognizing patterns in sports betting and the value of descriptive tags and notes in transforming betting into a more strategic endeavor.


The Importance of Tracking Sports Bets


The final chapters highlight the critical importance of verifying and syncing sportsbook data to ensure accurate bet grading. The hosts stress that while technological errors can lead to financial losses, diligent tracking and verification can prevent such issues. This segment provides essential advice for bettors looking to improve their financial outcomes and betting strategies.




Whether you're a seasoned bettor or just starting out, Episode 66 of Circles Off is packed with valuable information and insights to help you navigate the world of sports betting. From honoring the legacy of legends to mastering advanced betting techniques, this episode offers a comprehensive guide to enhancing your sports betting journey.


Don't miss out on this enriching episode—tune in now and elevate your sports betting game!


Feel free to share your thoughts on this episode in the comments below, and don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more insightful discussions and expert advice on sports betting. Happy betting!




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Episode Transcript

00:07 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
welcome to circles off episode number 66. Obviously mario lemieux can only say that one. Can we think of another 66? 66 is a bunch of nfl players yeah I know an offensive lineman all linemen david de castro is a 66 fair enough? 

00:28 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
no, I feel like we just got to give honor to super mario yeah, I mean. 

00:32 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I mean he's the most obvious that comes to mind and it's very hard to think of anything out, you know, outside of him, but I'm sure there's been dozens of good offensive linemen in the nfl that wore 66 or other. 

00:42 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Any other 66 is in the nhl. They didn't retire the number league-wide. 

00:47 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I'm not sure, but like it's yeah it's like a disrespectful one where you wouldn't, you wouldn't dare wear a 66. I think I'd be floored if there's another 66 in the nhl, like, absolutely floored if that's the case. 

01:00 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Oh my god, you know who wore number 66? I haven't, josh who josh ho sang? Oh, josh ho sang yes, first article boy maria lemieux is okay with josh ho sang wearing number 66. There's just a bunch of writers saying, there's just a bunch of written articles saying, like you don't wear number 66, what is ho sang yeah? 

01:22 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
that's a true disrespect. True disrespect it is what it is. 

It is what it is. This episode of Circles Off is sponsored by the Power Rank Sports Betting Newsletter. It's valuable, concise and entertaining. Dr Ed Fang, who we've had on the program before, makes this his three goals with every correspondence that he has Mostly covers the NFL and college football. Ed is a friend of mine. He's a data scientist. A lot of his opinions have informed my decision-making and my betting in the past. You can check out his stuff and his newsletter at thepowerrankcom. Johnny, we'll get into some NFL topic here. 

02:01 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
We've got to address that. We did sell out. We took a sponsor. However, it's Eded fang. Check out his stuff. Yeah, it's a sponsor for this show. It's brought to you by ed fang's newsletter. 

02:12 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
But also, we wouldn't take a sponsor, something we didn't believe in, so go check it out we talked about this with ed fang when we had him on before, but he did some work into turnover worthy plays back in the day and predicting quarterback backs interceptions going forwards. It was an article I think during Carson Wentz's rookie year which talked about the amount of turnover worthy plays he had and how he would kind of come back down to earth. That was an eye opener for me. I'm a member of Ed's newsletter. I think there's a lot of valuable stuff in there and I like to promote stuff that I feel is valuable to sports bettors. We are going to get into an educational topic on this episode which can pertain to NFL and college football, which is how to read an odd screen. It's a question that's come up quite a bit nowadays with the amount of different odd screens in the space Before we do. I don't want to make this a super heavy episode, but it's not news to a lot of people who are listening to this. It might be news to some. 

A good friend of mine passed away a couple nights ago, alan Denkinson Dinky. We've had him on circles off during the Super Bowl to give out a Super Bowl prop bet before. I just wanted to offer my condolences to anyone that that has affected. Dink was just a true legend, but a great person. I met him in roughly 2015 or so, when he had me on the EOG radio hour, ion Gaming. We developed a very good friendship. We talked pretty much every day about hockey during hockey season, back and forth, and he's remained a friend of mine ever since Used to come pick me up on strip in Vegas in his red Kia, take me to his favorite Italian restaurant where we would chat about games. 

He would check scores about 45 minutes of the time during dinner. It was impossible for him not to check scores for more than five seconds. Anyone who knew dinky knew that, but I would, you know, consider this, um, you know, a celebration of his life. He lived a great life. You can see the legacy that he's going to leave behind as a very popular person, someone who is known for the respect that he gave to other people and just for his overall personality. So rest in peace. Dink um great person. I know, johnny, you've had the the honor of chatting with him as well. Uh, maybe he doesn't hit um hit with you as much as it does with me, but uh, guy is an absolute legend. 

Condolences, for sure to dink and uh to all of his loved ones as well um now, dink was out in vegas last time I saw him was out in vegas was great. Um got a chance to catch up with him. Um, this wasn't sudden or anything like that, so at least I've been able to process this, this for a while. Um, but nevertheless it does sting losing a friend. He's double my age. Feels like a brother to me. Um, that's it, we'll move on. Um don't want to make this, you know, like I said, a huge, heavy hitting episode. I am coming off a we're in Vegas. 

You were in Vegas a great, fun week in Vegas with um. A lot of people, um, that I had met through dink as mutual contacts, a lot of people that I had met through Dink as mutual contacts, a lot of people that I'm just meeting for the first time. Coming back from Circa Millions sign-up weekend, I got to say Circa is not paying me to say this. I'll be very clear about this. If I were to ever move to Vegas, I would just move into the Circa, like I would stay at the Circa Hotel permanently. I absolutely love that spot. There is so much to do there. The food is great, the sports book is great. You see people regularly rolling in through that sports book. They treat me like royalty as well. Shout out to Jeff Benson, who is a class act overall, always opening, asking me at least if I'd like to sit in the VIP area area. I don't usually take them up on that offer. I like to be, you know, with the people slumming it up, sweating out the games, like in in more of a crowd. 

06:12 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Man of the people. I'm a man of the people, man of the people. 

06:14 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Uh, also, my last memory of being in the vip area at circa was watching the leafs lose game seven, um, where I just kind of sat there silently for half an hour after the fact. So a great weekend, aside from Adam Chernoff being the alt, like he might work for Circa as the cooler at the casino. I don't know if you guys have ever seen that movie, the Cooler, but I'm just sitting down having like a great blackjack session. All of a sudden Chernoff walks over, grabs a seat. I have never gone on such a bad run of blackjack in my life until Chernoff sat down To the point where the dealers at Circa were honestly mocking me. They were like oh, I've never seen someone like one dealer said I've never seen someone this bad at this game. He knew I would take it well, but yeah, that was a bit of a bloodbath that night. 

Overall, though, very good event. I did see Chernoff, along with Chris Bennett, who is a former guest on the show, brian Urlacher, sean King, do a football panel. It was pretty interesting. Got to meet Eric Eager, former guest of the show from Pro Football Focus, in person Absolutely exactly what I expected. Is that a good? 

07:32 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
thing, I don't know. You tell me. No, I'm assuming it was a good thing. I see. 

07:37 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Eric Eager walking in from Stadium Swim in his sleeveless shirt and bathing suit, sitting down at a blackjack table. Obviously, I've had a few at that time, but great dude, overall it's just a fantastic weekend. I love networking events. I know you do too. Oh yeah, we got to set something up soon Like Bet Bash 3 has to happen soon In Canada, sure, anywhere. 

08:06 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I don't care, has to happen soon in Canada, sure, anywhere, I don't care, I'll go. Nah, nah, we'll do it. Yeah, obviously, networking is massive. Get to meet people. Like we live in this community where it's crazy. Like a lot of friends I've made over the past, like call it, five years, have actually been from like just Twitter, which is hilarious. I don't, I don't even have a Twitter under my own name, and that's actually how, like Rob and I met, for example, like it's crazy, but you, you meet actual people and then you're like, ah, this guy, this guy or girl, seems like a good person and then it sometimes could be like two years, three, five years before you even ever meet him in person. And by the time you have, you're like I feel like I know everything about this guy. 

08:40 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I've talked to him on here, message back and forth, done this podcast together, I've listened to a thousand pieces of content he's did, but then you never actually just grab the drink at the bar and it's oftentimes it's pretty funny Actually when we did the circa millions, um, like preview, uh, and the strategy show where we had Derek Stevens on, uh, we talked about how they had like the quarterly boob not the quarterly but the booby prize overall, where if you come last place you win a certain amount of money. So not my first time meeting him, but like second. I have to point out I'm horrible with names, like I'm really really bad with names. So, apologies to whoever I'm talking about, I should remember your name. I've met you multiple times. You even bought me a drink great dude. 

But I ran into this guy again who won the booby in the circa millions two years ago and I was talking to him about it. I'm like, how, like, how soon did you pivot to to trying to come in last place? He's like I had two entries I in the in week one I went one and four with one entry, I went oh and five with the other. So I decided the one and four entry I was going to try to to win and the oh and five I was going to try to lose. So it's like each week I was making picks that were opposite of the other and so on and so forth. Um, and then like, obviously you're going to take really bad lines relative to what the market is when you're in the own five. 

But he went the whole year of like not you know, he had opposite outcomes in a lot of his things. He ended up cashing with one entry like an actual cash, with like a 63 percent record, and then it finishes dead last with the other uh. Amazing story. I often wondered how, how quickly people like I've heard I heard joe pita on um, on gil alexander's podcast or uh or show on vcin talk about how he like intentionally went oh and 15 to start a year before. I don't know how much I buy that, I'm just gonna call it out for what it is. But this guy was very adamant, like yeah, I was oh and five. Like you're not gonna win the circa millions with an oh and five week. You could theoretically, but it's, it's gonna be very difficult one with a one in four weeks. 

Yeah, same, almost well, he cashed, he cashed yeah but he's just like yeah, I just decided I was gonna pivot right away fair enough. 

10:57 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, you, you kind of have to like, if you're oh and five and you're like, well, you can take legitimately like bad lines, like off-market lines in a bad way, yeah, so there is, there is something you could do to like try to lose. It's not like you're, it's not like people can't be like, well, of course you're trying to lose like it's bullshit. No, like you could, you could try to lose, like you could definitely put in bad numbers that have moved against the line and take the wrong side right. 

11:20 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
So when, when circa releases their line set, they're going to release static lines, right? So if they release a game that's minus four, and by the time you have to submit your picks that game is now minus seven, you can pick the opposite of that game. Take a horrible price, uh, and put yourself in a position to lose. So there's definitely strategy. It's why I do love that contest, um. But yeah, blast in vegas. Um, did a couple things in the vcin studios one with jonathan von tobel I hope I pronounce his name right on sunday. Again, horrible with names. I'm gonna butcher names. I forget people's names. It is what it is, uh. And then gil alexander. My first time uh doing his show was in studio at the south point on the morning that I flew out, so I kind of had to wake up early, hightail it to the south point, which is quite a ways from circa what is gill's first name? 

12:12 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
just gill I I I believe. I don't know if it's an I don't know if it's an alias or not. 

12:17 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I honestly don't know if that's his real name or not, I don't know, but I think this is gill. I mean, gil is short form for gilbert, right, like, is there another gil, gilberto, you know? Like they're gillian, gillian, yeah, but is gillian like a male? Okay, I, I don't, you know, I don't know if it's a common male name. Is he canceled or no? No, I, I'm saying like, I I think of, well, not gil, I think of, like jillian. 

12:43 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, fair enough. 

12:44 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Like Jillian Anderson from the X-Files, who I had a thing for for many, many years. 

12:49 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Okay, are we going to get into the odd screen? Yeah, let's get into it. Enough garbage that we're just spewing out here for the past two or five minutes. 

12:57 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
This is. We do tailor a lot of topics on this show around, like seasonality, but also requests, and we do have a lot of odd screens in the space now. Obviously, traditionally in the past you would have had your don best um, which is kind of losing popularity don is real name, or is it donald? 

no, I'm just kidding donnie, donnie brooke donald um, yes, and now we have obviously the bet stamp odd screen. We have unabated. We have spank odds, which just launched in beta, which I've been testing out over the course of this week. So it is a pretty topical conversation nowadays and there is no one like perfect way to use an odd screen. But we can kind of break it down for you and I can break it down for you in the in the way that I like to typically set up an odd screen and use it. But overall, for those that don't know, an odd screen is going to display odds from numerous sports books, usually in some sort of table format on desktop, and what you're going to use it for is basically to process info in real time or process data in real time, see what every single book is at. It's a tool to inform decision-making when it comes to sports betting. 

Not everyone's going to use it in the same way. Some are going to be glued to an odd screen for the entire day, for the entirety of their day, because it's very valuable that they're in tune with things in real time. Some will check in here and there whenever they're going to place a bet in order to find a book that's offering the best price. But all these different odd screens have things that are pros or cons or, let's say, advantages or disadvantages relative to other odd screens. There are way more out there. A lot of them are on delay, so it's a very important distinction when someone is going to use an odd screen to know whether they are on a delay or not. Usually the ones on delay are just monetizing via affiliate traffic. That's like the vast majority of sites that are out there that have delayed odds. There's other websites who have closer to real time feeds. They usually come at a subscription cost. They they usually come at a subscription cost. They don't always come at a subscription cost In some cases, like Betstamp, free. 

But what you're immediately going to want to do is configure your screen, no matter where you're betting at. So we might do this differently, but I like to create a sharp versus recreational view on my screen. So for me, the biggest distinction that I like to make when I'm setting up an odd screen is what are the books that are taking heavy bets on a game that could be offshore regulated, whatever? And then what are the books that are not taking heavy bets on a game that could be offshore regulated, whatever. And then, what are the books that are not taking heavy bets on a game? And I like to separate because typically when I'm using an odd screen, I want those sharper books to be. I don't want to say I want them to be. They're closer to the source of the truth than the rest. For sure, agreed, right, agreed, right, yeah, for sure. 

So to me there's a number of different ways I've seen people set this up, and this is a matter of personal preference. You go left to right, I go left to right. What's your first book? My first book depends on the, but usually it's BetChris or the PPH version, the agent credit account, which is 411. That's almost always my first book, because usually they're taking the biggest limits on any game 100. That's where it starts for me. 

Now, like some people like to configure like an opener column on some books so that they can see, oh, like how the line has moved so far, whatever, personally I find it to be useless, largely useless, I actually agree, but there's some scenarios in which you'd want to use the opener, so like if if you are going to use the opener on your screen, I would highly suggest you do this with the book that opens at the highest limits, like set your your opener to be the book that open, taking the biggest bet yeah, but you don't even really need the opener for stuff Like for the same day games maybe, but for the NFL it doesn't really matter what the game opened at. 

To be honest, for me at least, I agree with you because, having consulted for books and seeing how NFL traders open the games, they almost don't even care what the number is because there's such little exposure on the book's end at the start that it doesn't even really matter what the opener is, it's just some random guy's opinion. He's like, yeah, we're going to send it out, like we've. We talked to Chris Bennett weeks ago circa big sports book where he also talked about the fact. Like yeah, you know, we just send the number out there. It's like no sophisticated process because there's no liability. It's not like they're taking 100k bet out of the game, out of the gate, taking a small bet, and eventually enough bets are going to come in at a small amount that they're going to say, hey, like we're going to move the line right, like it doesn't, the opener is largely irrelevant yeah, you got to go for the books that like don't limit players first those are going to be the ones that are the sharpest numbers. 

18:07 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
So you're looking at like like I would. I would personally go like typically like chris penny. Bet online circa nevada yes as the four. Yes, not that bet online doesn't like restrict or limit, but it's like a much lesser scale and for the most part, still take a pop on the major markets, although obviously certain sites, the certain parts of the site, will definitely limit. Um, so yeah, if you go those four, then now that's like a reference point. I think. 

18:31 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
If most people would say yeah, so that's a good way to put it you go descending by limits, essentially either that or just like whatever you feel comfortable with or whatever you have access to as well. 

18:41 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
like some people don't have access to certain accounts and like it's kind of a waste of time to have them on your screen unless they are like if they're a sharp book, you wanna use them for reference, yeah, but if it's not a sharp book and you don't have access to it, I don't find any value to leave that on the screen. 

18:57 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
So I completely agree there. So I guess, now that I think about it, I am organizing descending by limits for the most part, and I will always have those sharp books up even if I didn't have access. Like if another sharp book came up let's just say randomly, okay, Asian market UK or something like that, taking a massive bet and I can't access it, I would still include it in my screen no matter what, because I want to know when that moves and that's going to create opportunity at the other books. Essentially, probably. 

19:30 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Probably, but yeah it depends on what sport and everything like that obviously. 

19:33 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Now there's other people that I've seen that like to organize their screen by margin as well, like low margin to high margin, so they'll put their low VIG books on the left-hand side. I personally have never really understood the use for that, but I've seen it happen a ton. I guess it's people that are extremely price sensitive that really just want that in their visibility at all times. But I mean, when you're using like a large monitor or something like that, you can really get a lot of visibility on all the books, yeah, so I wanna talk about how I would set it up from the start. 

20:04 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I'll use BetStamp for an example. I think it's an amazing odd screen. It's free to use. You know, no risk there. 

What I would do is I would start by um, obviously, when you select your region for bet stamp. That's going to be important, given that certain books are not available in certain regions, right? So if you're in Ontario, um, I'll give an example like super book or wind, that, like those books are not available here. Um, they're not necessarily the squarest books, they're not necessarily the sharpest books. You probably don't need those on your odd screen just going to muddy it up. Me personally, I'm a very like uh, I want it to be as clean as possible. I want to make sure, like everything on there I'm either using for something or I have an account there where I could potentially bet that. So what I would do to start, though, um, is you don't know which books you can and can't have accounts with unless you actually look. So what I would say is what you're going to want to do is open it, open Betstamp, set your region to Ontario, for example, and then leave all of the books on your odd screen. Just leave them all on there. Even if you don't have accounts with some, with some of them, leave them on. What you're going to want to do then is, as you're starting to bet for one day and you see what plays you want, check which accounts have the best available on them and if they don't if you don't have an account there go actually sign up at that account, because then it's highly likely you're going to use it in the future, right? So if something comes up and like, okay, best price is currently available at um you know I don't love referencing books let's say, like, best price is available at sports interaction. Just sign up for an account at sports interaction. You can bet that best price there. But then also chances are you're going to have a couple more scenarios in the future where it's the best price. 

So don't like, don't just set up your odd screen and say here are the books I have. Leave every book on there, yes, and then just leave it for like a week, see which ones you would have potentially used, open those ones and then, if you're done there, like I've had this for a week, I've never used this book. It's never come up on best available for any of the sports I bet, then obviously just remove that from the odd screen and make it clean. So that's what I would do. Another thing you can do, so that's even a plug for us Um, like, our odd screen is a hundred percent free to use. We never going to charge you guys for it. Um, so what we do ask is um, at the top of the odd screen you can link out directly by clicking on the logo of the book and it's an affiliate code to that sports book and then we would get a commission. Uh, for that we, we just get a flat fee, a certain dollar amount, doesn't matter if you're winning, losing whatever, we just get a flat fee from the sports book. So again, it is a plug, but it's a fair game. Like support, support the screen, support everything. 

We. We are launching a futures comparison tool and we've got the best player props comparison tool on the market. We pull the player props from every single book. Barely anybody does this. No one in canada has this. Uh, no one has as many books as we do. Obviously, that's a lot of maintenance work. We've got two full-time people working on like the scripts and stuff like that. It helps us obviously keep the lights on. We do make money off it. We're open with you guys, but hit the links through us. It gives you zero downside to do so and obviously helps us improve that product and continue to build out features like futures and stuff like that. But plug over this episode brought to you by Ed Fang as well as brought to you by BetStamps Oddscreen. Sign up, please help us out. But my point remains is like don't just put the books when you're picking up your books to set up, don't just put the ones that you have accounts with. Leave more than that on, because you might see some more stuff. 

23:30 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Whether or not I had a vested interest in promoting bet stamp or not, I would be advising the exact same thing regardless. I think that's like the biggest mistake people make immediately out of the gate is they try to set up the for for 99 of people. This is a real thing where they just try to set it up based off of their current setup. I have these four books. I'm going to set up my odd screen to cater to these four books and you leave so much on the table Like there's an opportunity cost in doing that because you're never going to see the lines from the other books and there could be one way off market that's way better price where you should be betting at that book and you'll never see it. So, like this is just, you know, for a seasoned, better who's been betting for like a long time and they, you know they, they have it down to a science. Okay, set it up however you want. For someone who's, who's just starting out using an odd screen, that's definitely huge. But uh, I mean the biggest way to capitalize and this does not involve being a hawk and 24 seven at your computer. You can literally tune. You know, you can go for a round of golf in the morning, come home and then just pull up an odd screen and still be able to capitalize here is paying attention to the differences between the sharp and recreational sports books, by far the easiest way to capitalize. Now, betstamp and other sites as well do have a best available column right on the left-hand side of the screen. If you just look at a best available column right on the left hand side of the screen, if you just look at that best available column and you see a sports book that is not a sharp book and you compare it to the sharp books and now say this number does not come close to matching those. That's where you're going to find really good bets without having to do pretty much any work. Literally, you can spend two minutes a day. 

We talked about this in the NFL strategy episode as well, where I talked about. There's going to be people who spend two hours a day working on handicapping the NFL. You can literally let other people do the work for you, because there are going to be people in market who bet and there's going to be sportsbooks that don't move the prices quick enough. It's fine to pick off the lines. It leads to potential issues down the road. However, if you can find a spot where a sharp and recreational sports book are stuck on vastly different prices for a longer period of time, you have a great bet on your hands. 

Pretty much every time, we have people in this office that bet exclusively that way, that have gone from, let's just say, people that I would book in one instant, to people who win at betting. It is your single biggest chance of success and this is one of the most effective ways to use an odd screen. Now, I'm not suggesting that you have to only do that or that's your only way of betting. You can use an odd screen to simply say I like this side in the game. I want to monitor where the line movements are going. I want to see what different books are at. I want to see where I should place my bet. There's lots of ways you can do it, but for those out there that just want a simple way to get plus ev bets, it's the simplest way yeah, I think. 

26:45 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I mean I I always say the the thing with betting is like it should be some sort of fun. Unless you're actually trying to do it like to make real money and actually like supplement your income, then really like you should use the odd shopping as a way to like have additional fun. So it's like, yeah, maybe I don't want to find around and bet on random stuff and random plays all the time, whatever, but if you like, if you're a blue jays fan, you're heading to the game tonight, like go to the blue jays game and then like find a bet based on that. Agreed, so it's like a mix of both that and recreational stuff. 

Like you, you don't have to just use the odd screen and like grind out plays like that. But if you use it in conjunction, like okay, I really like the. I I need to play on the jays game, because I'm going to the jays game, I need five bets on the game. Right, then go to the odd screen and then do that. If you don't care what you're betting, if you, if you don't care, if you have betting, if you, if you don't care, if you have Vlad Guerrero Homer or Boba Shett Homer or Alejandro Kirk Homer, then you can actually start having some value. If you're dead set on only one play, not going to have as much value. 

27:40 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Agreed. Listen, the reason I suggest it this way is you've you've said this before and I think it's a great point to hit home on which is like sports bet. People often say sports betting it's it's entertainment value. Right, it's not a lot of entertainment value when you're regularly losing as a sports bet no one ever had fun losing. 

27:58 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
And if you're gonna say to yourself right now, you're gonna be like nah, johnny, that's not true. Like I, I watched this game and I lost money and you didn't have fun. 

28:05 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Stop it, stop lying those nfl sundays where you go like two and seven and you're sitting on your your couch before sunday night football and you're like, oh, what an awful. 

Like, yeah, you watched nfl it wasn't a fun experience with when all those games went against you. So, um the reason, like you, I've seen people firsthand start to get like involved in new sports. It's fun when you're, when you're placing good bets and you know that you good, you have good value on those bets. You place a bet at minus three and it closes minus four. You feel good about your bet going in. You might watch a WNBA game. You might watch a soccer game that you never would have watched before. You might watch any sort of sport that you traditionally wouldn't have watched, because you've now made a good bet that makes it so much more entertaining. That's my prerogative on it. Made a good bet that makes it so much more entertaining Like that that's my prerogative on it, right, like I'll bet on anything, and then it makes it more entertaining to watch as long as I feel like I have a good bet. So I think that's very important. 

Now there's there's more nuances in the. The odd screen space, um, like monitoring line movement and how you can tell something is like how influential a move is. Some of you who watch this may have seen the right angle. Sports release shows that adam churnoff does which the market just like absolutely lights up. Like you see the spank odds live screen boom, boom, boom. Color changes everywhere. That's an extremely influential line move. 

29:32 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Let's give a difference here. So our odd screen at BetStamp is more, I wouldn't say for recreational use, I'd say it's for a different type of better. So you're not going to look at BetStamp and then see like BetChris is moving down, down, down, down, down down. I got to go quick. You're not going to flag the line, moves off that. And the reason is like by design, our audience slightly delay. 

Some books are real-time, direct plug-in. Some are like five second, ten second delay, um, but also it's web-based. Anything that's web-based is just from like a development perspective. Anything that's web-based is never going to be actually real-time because you need to submit like a web call and I'm not a developer, anything like that but it's not going to actually be directly like directly there. So that's why you look at our friend spanky who recently launched his odd service. Like it's not web-based, you have to download it as pretty much a microsoft access file that's a javascript, like a java thing, yep, so he doesn't actually by the way, you're going to want to have your volume on mute when you do open up that program for the first time once, is it not safe for work? 


30:38 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
won't spoil it for anyone, but if you have your wife in the room or or anyone really, you might want to have the volume on mute. I've learned that the hard way you can continue nice um, so yeah, his program's not web-based, right? 

30:52 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
so he's actually like getting direct calls, like he's calling every, every second, like it's going to be live to the second, and he's obviously got direct plugins there. So it's a different type of odd screen, something like spankies. Spank odds is what it's called, by the way, just launched, available for free. Go check it out. Toss a big plug here. I've used it myself as well. It's not. It's for a different type of better. I'll be very clear if you're a recreational guy and you're used to the bed stamp on screen, you're probably not going to like it. It's very much less user friendly but very much more powerful for doing the specific thing that rob's about to describe right and well, listen, I mean if you're, if you're have a don best subscription, for example yeah, then you got move over and you can get a free odd service that does the exact same thing. 

31:35 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
You're going to want to use the free odd service. 

31:36 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I think, spank, you'd be offended if you said it did the exact same thing. 

31:39 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Well, listen. 

31:40 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I-. It's got a lot more features and it's definitely a lot better, because Don Best has way too many outages. 

31:47 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Yeah, listen, there's features, features that I really like about Spank Odds, particularly being able to customize, like your true line or your consensus line, based off of weighting different books. So rather than just having you know four books that you're consistently looking at, you can kind of do a weighting system. I think that's pretty cool. There's definitely unique features there, but overall that is a type of odd screen where you're going to see how influential a line move is. So if something starts to light up across the board, it's being heavily bet everywhere all at once. That's how you know that you need to get in on that immediately, right away. If you don't do that, while everything's lighting up, you're gone and you're probably going to miss it, like you know, a fair amount of the time. Other times you'll just see you know one game light, one sports book light up. They move their number. 

Now you can do some determination on whether or not you want to follow that. You might see a second book light up. Okay, two of them were sharp. Maybe there's a sharp play coming at another book. I should get down on it. Elsewhere, at the recreational spots, maybe three recreational books lit up. Maybe I don't want to chase that or whatever, but you're processing information in real time is what it comes down to, or as close to real time as possible. The one thing, though, that people always ask me about is and we did a would have been like when our first 10 episodes maybe, when we talked about when the screen gets faked, I don't know remember when we talked about that head fake, why? 

33:19 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
were you gonna ask? 

33:20 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
people always like ah, I'm getting burned on these numbers. I, you know, I'm following, I'm following this big line move. I end up getting a bad number. The most important thing, or it's, it's sort of I don't want to say most important thing. It's something that you pick up over time, but it's paying attention to patterns. This is for a more seasoned, better that has definitely looking at a screen for more often over the course of the day. 

But if you're betting let's say random example, mlb every single day, and you were to notice a pattern of, at this time every single day, three games get bet and then an hour later the line moves the other way, there's a decent chance that there's a group out there betting into lower limits to move the line in the direction that they want, coming back on the other side at higher limits. So I would say that you just kind of learn this through experience as you're watching a screen. But you'll start to notice specific patterns. Oh, at this time every single day, we start to see numbers move. Oh, is it a European group that's possibly betting it? Is it, you know? So on and so forth. Are we seeing it move back the other way? So you'll learn how to get out in front of numbers or recognize whether a move across the market is real or not, probably by getting burned a few times, but just by picking up on certain patterns. 

That's a more advanced concept. Always happy to answer that stuff via dms if everyone wants to ask me any specific questions out there and it probably doesn't pertain to 98 of people listening, so I will, you know, not talk about it any further than that, but I think it's extremely important. If you're going to put the time in to to trading sports being a sports better. You got your setup, you got your screens open and whatever. You have to pay attention to patterns. You'll start to pick up on a lot of these things, naturally. But make note when you see four games move at once over the course of the day, do they move at the same time the next day? Does it ever get hit back like market? Timing is extremely important. It's very, very important in this, in this betting space. 

35:25 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
So just that's one thing to pay attention people have asked me a lot recently, like how do you actually read the screen? Like how do you find the patterns? Like you just go off memory and stuff like that, or like you just see it come in a certain way every day, and I would say like biggest, biggest thing here is everyone's memory is different, obviously, right, you have people who actually have like straight oh, this, I know, came in last week at four and the same thing's coming in for this golf tournament right now. This must be this, it must be this. I'm gonna hit this right. And there's people who can do that. 

Personally, I can't um, the almost a hundred percent of the stuff I've found in betting in terms of like how I, how I learned, like how did I learn betting when I was younger? Up to now and still learning very much was through analysis of my own bets. So good point when I, every single thing you do, you have to track your bet and then you have to track the clothes on that and then you have to track how you're doing. So. Then, at any given time after you bet MLB for a month, you can then go back and be like Every time I bet in the morning at this book. I get buried, boom every time. I bet at night at this other book, 30% ROI. So now you have those facts to come and now, when you watch the screen, now you're like it's a different game. It's a different game. Okay, morning is the wrong side. So if I'm getting buried at this book now it doesn't always work like that because there's a vig involved but if I'm getting buried at this book talking negative 50 percent ROI for two months, morning plays buried at this book, bad clv, whatever. Now I know when I'm betting best number I shouldn't be betting. I should be betting reverse should be opposite team, other books picking off other prices. 

So that's how you actually learn. You don't. You could learn. Some people do learn via just like actual memory of watching numbers. But I would argue you know probably 90 to 99 of the people who would actually do this don't have that photogenic of a memory or that intense of a thing where they can be like yup, yup, yup, yup Got all this. So, um, track your bets and like write down notes and stuff like that, and then next week go back, refer to your notes, refer to your bets and then in conjunction, now you're like okay, I got all this info. Now let me look for these things, and then you'll find them. You can't just find them. You don't really just find it on your own. 

37:42 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
This is a great point that you make. Using tags that are descriptive of why you made a bet are huge and this is extremely helpful for me. So, like morning play, injury news, faded steam, stuff, like that You'll go because, like you know, fading steam is a great example, right. A lot of times people will be like, oh, this number moved too far. Now I'm going to play back on the other side. Okay, well, track how often you're successful in doing that. Like that's extremely important to know whether or not it did move too far or not. Or if that's just like an opinion that could be invalidated. And like, if you're constantly losing fading steam, then stop. If you're constantly winning, continue. If you're constantly losing betting in the morning, then stop. You know, if you're getting bad numbers, stop. 

So I think using tags to determine the time, that like why you made a bet and you can get as granular as you want. It can be as simple as, like morning game time, afternoon. It could be a reasoning as to why you played something. It could be a number of things, but I think that that is when, personally, for me, was like I don't want to say it was a breakthrough moment, but it's definitely modified the way that I bet Because you learn from that experience, right? I made 120 bets in hockey this year playing against this team and I had a negative 10% ROI Like maybe I should let those go next time and say that there's someone extremely sharp on the opposite side of the game and their opinion they might be seeing something that I'm not. 

39:23 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
It's fine to say that, like for sure, and it's also just bet type. Doesn't have to be just hockey. It could even be like I am getting absolutely crushed on mlb totals overs. Yep, what's wrong this year? What's happening? I gotta cool off on that. I'm getting crushed on like even even specific to like the timing of your bet, as Rob mentioned. Like that's a big, big deal. If you're betting consistently every day, like you might find that like every bet you make at like 7 pm that you're making on one certain sportsbook is like you're just playing into the most sharpest, efficient market and you're just losing the hold. 

Yep, got to stop that If you want, if you want to improve and be more productive. 

39:58 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
If you're tracking seriously for NFL, I would track your results on every day of the week, because what we know over the course of a week for NFL is that limits progressively get higher. They start small. They increase on a daily basis. Friday, after injury reports come out, there's going to be a rush into market. They're going to increase a little bit more. Saturday is going to be a rush into market. They're going to increase a little bit more. Saturday you're going to increase. Sunday's going to increase. 

Track your record over the course of week. You'll probably notice that you do better betting earlier on in the week. But there's going to be a lot of people who will notice that if they're betting on saturday and sunday, they're not finding a whole lot of success, or maybe they are. Whatever the case may be, but that's like a very good indicator for you of of bet timing for a weekly league. That's not daily, like major league baseball or NBA or so on and so forth. So there's so many things that you can do and it's really not, you know, it's really not as much work as people think it is. 

40:51 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Well, go to actually. So how do you track? How do you actually track? Go to bet stamp. I'm 100% certain is the easiest way you're going to track your bets. I already tracked my bets like this and then turn that tool into bet stamp. I'm not telling you guys like, hey, use this product like this is exactly what you need to do if you want to win. Track them on bet stamp. 

Here's why number one 20 of the 25 things you need to you need to track are already now done for you, so you don't have to track close nine value you don't have to track are already now done for you, so you don't have to track close line value. You don't have to track what book, what time, all the stuff you bet on, like that's done now. So like time of bet done, what book done, closing line value done, what team, what side, home dog, home favorite, all that stuff. Everything is done Over under. You can bucket it Like, if you're that bet on a monday, that would now be done for you. 

The analysis tool is currently about like 65 done to one, to where we want to get it and where we're going to get it in the next couple of months. So right now you could obviously like. There's ways that we're going to be launching where you can just do this all on site or where you can export your bets and do this analysis. But whenever you track it it's obviously a timestamp to it. So then you'll be able to say here's all the bets I bet in the morning, here's my MLB record morning. Whatever, build it in to your betting, I bet, I track, I bet, I track, I bet I track. It's a little bit annoying. It's an extra step that's gonna make you so much money. It's gonna make you more money than almost anything else you can do betting, because you're actually gonna get. You're gonna see. It's not even about making more it. It's like you will cut out the stuff that is wrong right way quicker and cutting out something that's wrong, it's just as good as making more. 

It's just as good like saving, like not losing 2000 is the same as making 2000, agreed. So that's what I'd say in terms of tracking it. The only thing I'd add that you always have to manually put in we're never going to be able to automate this for you at betstamp is put in a tag. We allow unlimited tags and you can sort by tag. So add a tag, for I would say, let's say, you're tailing someone's plays, tail Pazola's plays. Add a tag Pazola. Add a tag this guy. Add a tag injury news, all that stuff. Add it and then now you can then go back and sort by that record. So currently you'll be able to slice it like a thousand ways. We don't allow for you to check the time right now, time of bet. We don't have, like this, the intricate slicers to like bucket by total so like, let's say, it was an nfl game. We don't currently have the function where you could bucket like 40 total of 47, 48, 49 into one. 

We will have that soon, by maybe end of season around there. We're going to have that data. So by putting it in now you will, it'll be the same data. Now you'll be able to slice it even further. You'll be able to see your record on like when I bet on the anaheim ducks. This is my record when I bet against the anaheim ducks. This is my record because now that it's in a system like, now that it's in a tool like bet stamp, game by game, all of that data now links from the web. If you're doing this on your own excel sheet, the time it's going to take you to put in all of the data that we have access to pulling in one in a split second is going to be near impossible. You're gonna have to put home team anaheim road team new jersey up closing price, this opening price, this not only that. 

44:17 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I'll tell you this from experience. For those who've seen me in the past, do talk about record keeping. Uh, in some of the media that I've done you'll, it's going to be equally a pain in the ass to set up all the formulas to calculate everything for you in excel plus, you have to manually grade it as well. 

44:35 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
That's the most annoying part for me. You have to manually grade, which, by the absolutely sucks. 

44:41 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
When you're losing, Like you don't want to manually grade, you do not. I'm telling you from experience when you're losing bets, you're going to put off grading for a couple of days and then it's going to extend and you're going to be like, ah, I don't, is it even valuable for me to? You're going to convince yourself that it's not worth it because nobody wants to grade when they lose, so just let our platform do it for you. It's way easier. You'll get true results. Like honestly, I value my time. I'm sure most people value their time. It's a huge time saver. 

45:15 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
Yeah, honestly, I think we're good to close off there. We are else in the episode couple more things we can close. 

45:21 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Hit the music I like to. I like when it plays in the background a little bit zach I. 

45:24 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
I have an amazing piece of advice. I literally have the best piece of advice I just thought of right now forgot with the music in the background. 

45:30 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
No, no, no regular. 

45:31 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
This is a serious one. Okay, stop trusting the sports books to grade the plays correctly. There's automated systems. There's always going to be mistakes. 

Now, it's not that they're doing it intentionally. Sometimes a play messes up. You don't get the correct grading. Okay, if you don't track out of luck, you may not realize that over the course of everything I've bet, you track that in your own system and then you make sure in the morning or the or the week, whenever you have a schedule, you make sure your account lines up 100%. You need to do this right, because now they might grade a player, prop this guy. You bet this guy over 46 and a half receiving yards. They might grade that as a loser. That's now a double swing. You literally lost. 

Let's say you bet a hundred bucks on a $200 swing, 210 swing, whatever it might be. If it's a thousand dollar bet, you might have like a 2,100, $2,200 swing on that play where you own. That's your money, you want it, it's done right. So you have to now go and message a sports book and say, hey, there's an incorrect grading on this play. And then 99% of the time they're going to review it and say, yup, incorrect grading on this play and they will fix it for you. And once they fix it, they should fix everyone else's. 

But for some plays they don't fix them. So if you don't catch that, you will literally lose money. Thousands of dollars I personally have had to overturn I can't even say in amounts, I don't want to say amounts but a very, very, very large amount of money would have been wasted out of my own pocket. My own money that was one fair and square would have been wasted due to technological sportsbook errors. So please track, sync, sync up. Whenever your thing is, just sync it up and be like yep, this is correct, this is how much I should have won. This bet was graded correctly, otherwise you're honestly screwing yourself thank you everyone for supporting no comment on that I completely agree with you. 

47:16 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
I like I. It actually rattles me a little bit because I can get into a rant of like the people who think that the sports books are just out to screw them, like a lot of them is just like automated grading data errors, where they grade something impossible no, sometimes like oh, this guy, this player didn't get a snap, so I or this player didn't. 

47:34 - Johnny Capo (Co-host)
This player pinch hit and it didn't sink in the at bat because he or maybe he came into the game as, like, a pinch hitter or as a substitute and they graded something incorrectly. Like you got to make sure that that's not affecting you I agree. 

47:46 - Rob Pizzola (Co-host)
Uh, over 1k subscribers on our youtube now our circles off youtube. Thank you everyone for the support. I like to think it's because of this beautiful banner we have at the top of our youtube where it looks like we're having an absolute blast me and you. Producer Zach, put that up there, but appreciate the support, subscribe and hit that bell notification button. Also, we're taking requests for guests and for topics on our BetStamp Discord as well, so join the Discord. We have a Circles Off channel within there. If you want to see a topic covered, that's where we got the odd screen one. If you want to see a topic covered, that's where we got the odd screen one. If you want to see a guest on the show that we haven't had, drop it in there. We do value the feedback. After 66 episodes, it's tough to come up with topics sometimes. So if you want to hear something, we'll gladly get to it. We'll make this an educational podcast and a lot of people can learn stuff from it. 


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